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News Room Headline
Corps ramps up emergency operations, flood teams in advance of today’s wet weather

Contact: Nola Leyde 206-764-6896

SEATTLE The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has ramped up it emergency operations for this weekend’s storm at the Washington coast and for the heavy wet weather that will arrive this evening in Western Washington.

The Corps has sent an emergency management team to Shoalwater Bay in response to a request for assistance from the Shoalwater Tribe. Other flood teams have been alerted and begun preparations to deploy in response to the storm that will bring wet weather to all of Western Washington. Currently, flood teams are preparing to deploy to the Olympic Peninsula and Skagit Valley. All Western Washington river basins are being monitored.

The Seattle District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has also activated its Emergency Operations Center to coordinate all Corps activities. The Seattle District Reservoir Control Center (RCC) went into 24-hour operation today.

According to Paul Komoroske, chief of Emergency Management at the Corps’ office in downtown Seattle, "The Corps has a seasoned team of emergency responders that assist in floods and natural disasters. The purpose is to prevent loss of life and minimize property damage associated with severe weather."

The Corps provides engineering services to respond to national and natural disasters to minimize damages and help in recovery efforts. Public Law 84-99 enables the Corps to assist state and local authorities in flood fight activities and cost share in the repair of flood protection structures.

The National Weather Service issues severe weather, flood watches and warnings and should be consulted for that information.

For more information on the Corps, and up-to-date river forecasts, go to and click on Rivers and Reservoirs or call the RCC at (206) 764-6702. Information on Emergency Management is also available at (206) 764-3406.