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(Revised November 9, 2005)



 243.204 Administration.
 243.204-70 Certification of requests for equitable adjustment.
 243.205 Contract clauses.
 243.205-70 Pricing of contract modifications.
 243.205-71 Requests for equitable adjustment.

243.204  Administration

Follow the procedures at PGI 243.204 (Pop-up Window or PGI Viewer Mode) for review and definitization of change orders.


243.204-70 Certification of requests for equitable adjustment.


      (a)  A request for equitable adjustment to contract terms that exceeds the simplified acquisition threshold may not be paid unless the contractor certifies the request in accordance with the clause at 252.243-7002.


      (b)  To determine if the dollar threshold for requiring certification is met, add together the absolute value of each cost increase and each cost decrease.  See PGI 243.204-70(b) for an example (Pop-up Window or PGI Viewer Mode) .


      (c)  The certification required by 10 U.S.C. 2410(a), as implemented in the clause at 252.243-7002, is different from the certification required by the Contract Disputes Act of 1978 (41 U.S.C. 605(c)).  If the contractor has certified a request for equitable adjustment in accordance with 10 U.S.C. 2410(a), and desires to convert the request to a claim under the Contract Disputes Act, the contractor shall certify the claim in accordance with FAR Subpart 33.2.


243.205  Contract clauses.


243.205-70  Pricing of contract modifications.

Use the clause at 252.243-7001, Pricing of Contract Modifications, in solicitations and contracts when anticipating and using a fixed price type contract.


243.205-71  Requests for equitable adjustment.

Use the clause at 252.243-7002, Requests for Equitable Adjustment, in solicitations and contracts estimated to exceed the simplified acquisition threshold.




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