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Ride on the Middeck Main Content
NASA Center: Johnson Space Center
Image # : S07-02-020
Date : 06/24/1992


Ride on the Middeck

Full Description

On Challenger's middeck, Mission Specialist (MS) Sally Ride, wearing light blue flight coveralls and communications headset, floats alongside the middeck airlock hatch.


STS-7 Challenger Sally Ride Middeck Airlock

Subject Category

Astronauts, Space Shuttle, Women,

Reference Numbers

  • Center: JSC
  • Center Number: S07-02-020
  • GRIN DataBase Number: GPN-2000-001081

Source Information

  • Creator/Photographer: Unknown
  • Original Source: DIGITAL

Image Information ( Copyright Notification )

Thumbnail .jpg 60 90 15
Small .jpg 425 640 308
Medium .jpg 996 1500 1,708
Large .jpg 1 3000 6,360

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Updated October 31, 2002
• History Questions: NASA History Office
• Responsible NASA Official: Steve Garber
• Author: Michael Hahn.  Editor: Dwayne A. Day
• Curator & Technical Questions: Erin Needham
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