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2008 Stratospheric Ozone Protection Awards

About the Stratospheric Ozone Protection Award


Asada Corporation

Under Asada Corporation’s leadership, more than 10,000 air conditioning and refrigeration industry professionals in Japan, China, Thailand, and Mongolia studied the importance and necessity of proper refrigerant recovery and recycling to protect the ozone layer and prevent global warming. In 2005, Asada led the Japanese Refrigerant Recovery Equipment Product Committee as a vice-chairman and in 2006 was an active member of the Recovery Promotion Committee and Expert Committee. Due to these achievements in different aspects, Asada plays a major role in the reduction of emissions of ozone-depleting substances in Japan. In 1995, Asada launched the first refrigerant recovery equipment with an oil-free compressor in Japan. Because of the many and varied needs to properly and effectively recover refrigerant, Asada has introduced 15 kinds of refrigerant recovery equipment for almost all types of refrigerants on the market. Asada developed recovery equipment with different capacities and sizes and weights suitable for small and large volume users. Making the appropriate equipment available to many more users has encouraged and enabled them to recover refrigerant more efficiently and to reduce their operation time and the amount of emissions. Currently, Asada is the top distributor of refrigerant recovery equipment with a market share of 54% of the Japanese HVAC market. Asada is also instrumental in promoting reclaiming and has introduced 6 kinds of refrigerant reclaiming equipment. Due to its recognized contribution to refrigerant recovery, Asada has been granted a supporting subsidy to help with the development of refrigerant decomposition equipment.

Australian Fumigation Accreditation Scheme, Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service

Mr. David Cox and the Australian Quarantine & Inspection Service developed the Australian Fumigation Accreditation Scheme (AFAS) to minimize methyl bromide use by actively seeking alternatives and encouraging recycling technologies. Recognizing that ineffective methyl bromide fumigations performed for quarantine purposes resulted in increased quarantine risk and unnecessary use of methyl bromide for re-treatment, they developed the AFAS to assist fumigators in meeting Australia’s quarantine requirements, and minimise the need for re-treatments. The AFAS consists of: a training and accreditation system for fumigators and regulatory officers; a registration system for fumigation providers; acceptance of fumigation certificates with monitoring, communication and feedback on performance; and a management system run by overseas quarantine agencies to ensure continued training, accreditation and compliance of registered fumigation providers. In this way AFAS provides capacity building assistance for monitoring, registering and auditing fumigation providers. AFAS enhances the technical expertise of overseas fumigation providers and regulatory officers, facilitates export trade and minimizes methyl bromide use. Over the period 2004-2007 AFAS reduced the number of re-fumigations of cargoes originating in two countries by 47 and 40 percent respectively, eliminating 95 tonnes of methyl bromide emissions. The amount saved will increase as more countries implement the AFAS. The AFAS will have global reach. It is operating in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and India, and in 2008 will reach China, Papua New Guinea and the Philippines.

Fiji National Ozone Unit

The Fiji National Ozone Unit (NOU), under the leadership of Mr. Shakil Kumar, successfully phased-out ozone depleting substances. The Fiji NOU is a leading example of effective Montreal Protocol implementation through its strong efforts in establishing proactive regulation, enforcement of these regulations, support to industry, and a strong public awareness campaign. The success of the chlorofluorocarbon phaseout in Fiji relies on strong implementation and enforcement of its regulation. Regular inspections and audits assist the refrigeration and air-conditioning industry in complying with the ODS legislation. Fiji’s enforcement efforts have led to the successful prosecution of a company that violated the ODS legislation. Fiji established its ODS Act in 1998 and its ODS Regulation in 2000 make it one of the first Article 5 Parties to achieve advanced CFC phaseout. Fiji has also collected and disposed of unwanted halon through support from Australia, and has returned to compliance in methyl bromide use ahead of the agreed phaseout plan. Following its exemplary record in addressing CFC phaseout, the Fiji NOU is now turning its focus on hydrochlorofluorocarbon control. In 2007 Fiji became one of the first Article 5 Parties to impose import quota on HCFC-22. In addition, the NOU has licensed over 500 technicians and 190 companies to ensure the proper handling of HCFC and other ODS. Fiji will be starting its HCFC survey in 2008 which will serve as the basis to formulate its HCFC phaseout program.

Kingdom of Bahrain National Ozone Unit

Bahrain signed the Vienna convention and Montreal Protocol on April 27, 1990, becoming the first Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) country to do so. Bahrain issued the first legislation in the GCC countries related to the control of importing, using, licensing and quota system of ODS in 1999. The Bahrain National Ozone Unit (NOU) implemented many ozone projects to minimize imports and use of ODS with the cooperation of implementing agencies, and will phase out CFC consumption by 2010. Bahrain also participated in the preparation of the Unified Legislation on ODS of the GCC, which received the Ozone Layer Protection Award in 2007. Bahrain’s NOU was awarded the Outstanding National Ozone Unit Award in December 2000 from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in appreciation of its outstanding efforts to implement the Montreal Protocol, and received the Montreal Protocol Certificate of Recognition from UNEP in September 2007 for its contributions to the global effort to protect the ozone layer. The Bahrain NOU is now updating the adoption of Ministerial Order No. 1 of 1999 with respect to control of ODS to harmonize the Order with the latest adjustment of the Montreal Protocol regarding HCFCs. To gain citizen support, the NOU participates in public awareness campaigns raising awareness of ozone layer destruction and the importance of the ODS phaseout. To achieve international support, Bahrain’s NOU participates and contributes in all Regional Office for West Asia (ROWA) meetings as well as Meetings of the Parties (MOP) and Open-Ended Working Group (OEWG) meetings.

Kuwait National Ozone Committee

The National Ozone Committee (NOC) of Kuwait, under Dr. Saud Al-Rasheed’s leadership, successfully implemented a national action plan to convert ODS consumer sectors to ozone-friendly technologies on a voluntary basis. The Kuwait NOC also assisted the Environment Public Authority in enacting national regulations that shift ODS-based industries to alternatives and ban import of ODS-based equipment. Kuwait’s unique licensing system requires special permission before the opening of any banking Letter of Credit to import ODS, even if the importer is licensed to do so and has thus enforced stronger control and monitoring of ODS consumption. These regulations are supported by awareness campaigns to ensure all stakeholders to effectively carry out their roles to fulfill Montreal Protocol obligations. As a result, Kuwait’s ODS consumption decreased 91%, from 4068 ODP-tonnes in 1986 to 349 ODP-tonnes in 2002. Kuwait also organized training programs for customs authorities and refrigerant services sectors and raised awareness among the public. The training program succeeded in establishing good communication channels with customs authorities and combating illegal trade, and Kuwait seized more than ten shipments of illegal ODS in 2005. The increase of CFC prices in Kuwait compared to neighboring countries indicates the effectiveness of the licensing system and the success of the customs training program. Kuwait enhanced the September 2007 adjustments to the HCFC phaseout schedule through Decision XIX/8, which requests that the TEAP address HCFC alternatives with reference to specific climatic conditions and unique operating conditions such as those experienced in Kuwait and the surrounding region.

Nordiko Quarantine Systems

Nordiko Quarantine Systems has developed an innovative and economical process to recover methyl bromide from shipping containers. Rather than being emitted to the atmosphere, methyl bromide from shipping containers is effectively and cheaply recaptured, and sent to a facility for safe destruction. This technology has the potential to make a significant contribution to the minimization of methyl bromide emissions worldwide. Given the ongoing need for methyl bromide for quarantine and pre-shipment applications and the consequent global increase in its use for these purposes, there is an urgent need to develop and implement effective emission minimization strategies. The Nordiko Quarantine Systems technology is relatively inexpensive and easy to utilize. As well as obvious environmental and occupational health and safety benefits, by allowing the accelerated movement of shipping containers, it can also deliver significant economic benefits. Nordiko has been successfully working with the Belgian Government where it has a number of facilities in operation recapturing methyl bromide prior to its safe destruction. The company is currently working with Australian state and Federal governments examining the feasibility of utilizing the technology in Australian ports and other facilities.


Chinese Negotiating Team to the 19th Meeting of the Parties of the Montreal Protocol

Mr. Wurui Wen and Ms. Mengheng Zhang demonstrated outstanding insights in negotiating, on behalf of China, the HCFC adjustments in the 19th Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol. They realized themselves, and convinced other developing countries, that the proposed HCFC control measures further protected the ozone layer and provided significant climate benefits without affecting the sustainable growth of their economy.  China is the largest manufacturer and consumer of HCFCs. Wurui Wen and Mengheng Zhang worked from a position of personal strength, business facts, and environmental perspective. To protect the interests of developing countries, they advanced the need for developed countries to reduce further their own HCFC use and emissions; that the Multilateral Fund (MLF) be available to assist with transition; and that technology for alternatives to HCFCs is made available too under fair and favorable terms.  They persuaded many delegations to work cooperatively to agree at that meeting to the revised HCFC control measures and to include in the text of the decision an agreement to promote the selection of alternatives to HCFCs that minimize environmental impacts, in particular impacts on climate, as well as meeting other health, safety and economic considerations and to allow for a possible future contemplation of HCFC essential use for specific applications.  Through their hard work, the final agreement was stringent, fair, technically feasible, and poised for strengthening as markets are transformed to better environmental and public health protection.

Team Members:

Civil Aviation Halon Transition Team

This team’s effort ensures an end to reliance on halons in civil aircraft. Concerned that uncertainties in availability and quality of halons, worldwide aircraft production growth, and lag in adoption of substitutes may leave the civil aviation sector unprepared, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Ozone Secretariat and the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Secretary General inspired team members to go before the ICAO General Assembly to request they approve a mandate that halon alternatives be introduced within the next few years. Duncan Monaco, ICAO, was able to persuasively raise the urgency of this as an agenda item for the ICAO Assembly, moving consideration of the issue from 2010 to 2007. With ICAO support, Jennifer Arquilla and Lauren Inman from the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the UNEP Halons Technical Options Committee, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency developed a U.S. Working Paper for the Assembly. The Paper’s recommendations, which the Assembly adopted, address the use of halon alternatives for new aircraft designs and for those already in production. This was made possible by validation testing of halon alternatives against new standards under leadership of FAA’s Technical Center. In accordance with the Assembly resolution, ICAO is making changes to its Standards and Recommended Practices to require halon alternatives in lavatories and hand-held extinguishers for new production aircraft and in new designs, and for engine nacelles and auxiliary power units in new designs. This effort places the aviation industry with other halon users who overcame significant technical challenges in the search for alternatives that protect the public and the environment.

Team Members:

Climate Co-Benefits of the Montréal Protocol Science Team

Drs. Guus Velders, Stephen O. Andersen, John Daniel, David Fahey, and Mack McFarland made a significant contribution to global environmental protection by publishing a groundbreaking paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Exit EPA Disclaimer titled The Importance of the Montreal Protocol in Protecting the Climate. The paper calculates the benefits to the climate from citizen action and the Montreal Protocol in phasing out ozone-depleting substances that are also powerful greenhouse gases. This team of scientists estimates that between 1990 and 2010 the Montreal Protocol will avoid roughly 5-6 times the emissions reductions required during the first commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol. They calculate that Montreal Protocol emission reduction delays climate change by 7-12 years. They show that without the Montreal Protocol, the catastrophic impacts predicted by the IPCC and other scientists would be encountered far sooner. This news energized Parties to the Protocol to go even further by accelerating the HCFC phaseout. Perhaps more importantly, their findings are motivating scientists and policymakers to look more closely at other greenhouse gases not yet globally controlled and to consider the Montreal Protocol as a model for hybrid climate regulation, incorporating the success of chemical phaseout and financial assistance of incremental costs. This team reminds us that individuals can make a difference, that confident action can succeed under multilateral agreements like the Montreal Protocol, and that ground-breaking science can guide successful policies.

Team Members:

HCFC Phaseout Acceleration Team

Over the past two years (2005-2007), Mr. Durwood Zaelke and Mr. Scott Stone have raised awareness among environmental leaders of the need to accelerate the HCFC phaseout to ensure the continued success of the Montreal Protocol. Zaelke and Stone traveled across the world to meet with government and industry officials to build support for tighter control measures on HCFC production and consumption. In particular, they worked closely as informal advisors to several of the Parties who submitted proposals to the Ozone Secretariat calling for an accelerated phaseout of HCFCs. They co-authored several influential articles on the accelerated HCFC phaseout, including Strengthening the Montreal Protocol: Insurance Against Abrupt Climate Change, and the paper, Frequently Asked Questions: Strengthening the Montreal Protocol by Accelerating the Phaseout of HCFCs at the 20th Anniversary Meeting of the Parties. These papers were cited by many as instrumental in the run-up to the 19th Meeting of the Parties of the Montreal Protocol in making the case for the need to accelerate the phaseout of HCFCs. The historic agreement by the Parties to strengthen the phaseout of HCFCs will ensure the continued success of the Montreal Protocol in protecting the ozone layer, and Zaelke and Stone’s efforts played an important role in this triumph of international environmental law.

Team Members:

World Customs Organization, Asia Pacific Capacity Building Office

Regional cooperation and capacity-building for enforcement officers plays a very important role in reducing the illegal ODS trade. Since July 2005, Ms. Yoko Odashima and the Regional Office for Capacity Building for the Asia and the Pacific (ROCB A/P) have established a close relationship with the UNEP Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (ROAP) to help to meet their Montreal Protocol obligations. Their mandate is to enhance customs officers’ knowledge, skill and techniques for efficient and effective customs control in the Asia Pacific region, including reducing the illegal trafficking of ODS. To further this goal, they have promoted awareness raising and capacity building on environmental protection among customs administrations in the region. They are mainstreaming ODS issues in their work program and capacity building activities, for example, including environment issues in the regular customs-training curriculum. An important activity of ROCB A/P is organizing training courses on the Harmonized System codes and how to share the information through the network. ROCB A/P has invited UNEP to attend regional training meetings. This presented an important avenue for awareness raising at high level of customs, through activities such as the Green Customs Initiative, Project Sky Hole Patching and the enforcement networking. ROCB A/P has also been contributing to the workshops organized by UNEP and by Green Customs Initiative. They proposed and co-organized the Green Customs Workshop for the Greater Mekong Sub-region in September 2007.


Dr. Husamuddin Ahmadzai

Dr. Husamuddin Ahmadzai has been an active and distinguished participant in the worldwide efforts to protect the ozone layer for the past 20 years. As an effective and well respected delegate for the Government of Sweden, member and Vice Chair of the Executive Committee of the Multilateral Fund of the Montreal Protocol, and a member of the Montreal Protocol’s Technology and Economic Assessment Panel (TEAP), Husamuddin Ahmadzai has played an important role in the continuing efforts to strengthen the Montreal Protocol and protect the ozone layer. When the agreement was reached in Montreal at the 19th MOP, it was in no small part thanks to the leadership, enthusiasm, and dedication of Dr. Husamuddin Ahmadzai. His efforts have ensured that the Montreal Protocol’s 20 years of inspiring success as an international environmental treaty will continue into the next 20 years, and beyond.

Dr. Paul Atkins

Dr. Paul J. Atkins has made extraordinary contributions to the phaseout of CFC metered dose inhalers (MDIs). He is recognized as an international expert on CFC-free MDIs and dry powder inhalers (DPIs). In his professional roles he was responsible for GlaxoSmithKline’s formulation development activities on alternative hydrofluorocarbon MDIs in the United States, and later for global planning and introduction of GSK’s HFC MDIs, helping drive GSK’s aggressive corporate transition strategy. He was also responsible for development programs for certain novel technologies and for DPIs, as alternatives to CFC MDIs. As Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Oriel Therapeutics Inc., Paul Atkins has devoted his company to the development of active powder delivery devices as a new generation of environmentally friendly inhalers. Since 1996, Paul Atkins has been a highly valued member of the Medical Technical Options Committee. His outstanding contributions, leadership, professional integrity, and independent advice, have had a major influence on the high standard and technical reliability of MTOC’s reports. He has contributed to over 18 TEAP/TOC reports and numerous TEAP Task Forces. He served as co-chair of the medical aerosols chapter of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change/TEAP Special Report on Safeguarding the Ozone Layer and the Global Climate System. Paul Atkins has acted as technical advisor to the Multilateral Fund Secretariat and United Nations Development Programme’s Ozone Unit. He gives his time generously, very often voluntarily and without financial reward. His enthusiasm and leadership have made him a critical contributor to the success of the Montreal Protocol.

Dr. Corrado Clini

Dr. Corrado Clini engaged personally in solving the issue of Italy’s non compliance related to CFC production for non-Article 5 countries, though it was an issue outside the purview of his Ministry. He worked with the Parliament to solve the outstanding contribution of $60 million to the Multilateral Fund, while devoting $10 million from his Department’s budget to work toward a final solution. The policies and measures he has promoted for implementing the Montreal Protocol at the national and international level rely upon replicability and long-term sustainability. For example, Italy has phased out 80% of the total halon banked 14 months in advance of the European Regulation 2037/2000 and reduced the list of 14 critical uses to just 3. All this has been done through economic incentives and agreements with private companies with the full participation of all stakeholders. Italy alone has phased out more than 25% of the total European stock of halon. In the 1990s, Italy, due to its intensive horticultural production, ranked first in methyl bromide use in Europe and second in the world. Therefore, reducing the usage of methyl bromide without affecting its agriculture was a challenge that Italy pursued with the full involvement of public and private sector under the guidance of Dr. Clini and his staff. Extensive cooperation with fumigation companies allowed them to provide growers with a range of methods for soil disinfestations. The adoption of the different available alternatives permitted a strong decrease in methyl bromide consumption.

Mr. James Curlin

Jim Curlin has tirelessly and humbly worked for almost 20 years to inform the ozone community and to educate the world about solving the threat to the world's ozone layer. Behind the scenes, and with little fanfare, Mr. Curlin has led efforts to create well edited, visually inviting and informative documents. In some cases these documents have highlighted general ozone layer protection activities around the globe. Mr. Curlin was intimately involved for more than a decade in the publication and dissemination of the Ozone Action Newsletter. In other cases, he has participated actively in creating technical reference documents that have assisted national ozone units, government officials, such as customs ministries, as well as users of ozone-depleting chemicals in industrial sectors. The work on these technical documents has involved gathering information and coordinating input from scientific, technological and policy experts from around the world to produce the best available information that have guided countless users in the phaseout of ozone-depleting substances.

Dr. Arumugam Duraisamy

Dr. A. Duraisamy has been working as Director of India’s National Ozone Unit since November, 2004. During this period, he developed and implemented regulatory and fiscal measures, implemented, monitored and evaluated ODS phase-out projects, disseminated information and created awareness. He took initiative to start implementation of the National Carbon tetrachloride (CTC) Phase-out Plan and the National CFC Consumption Phase-out Plan in the year 2005. Dr. Duraisamy has also contributed significantly towards strengthening the regulatory frame work for the implementation of Montreal Protocol in India. Under his initiative, the Ozone Depleting Substances Rules were fully reviewed and amended to make them more compatible with the requirements of Montreal Protocol. He placed emphasis on measures to check illegal trade in ODSs. He has implemented the policy and customs project in which more than 200 customs and state Government officers were trained. Dr. Duraisamy has participated in various Montreal Protocol meetings and contributed to important decisions including those on stockpiling and HCFC accelerated phase-out. His participation at these meetings facilitated negotiations on technical input for the replenishment of the Multilateral Fund for 2006-2008. Important milestones of 85% reduction in CFC and CTC production and consumption targets were achieved during 2005-2007. The Country Program Update was also prepared in 2006 under his initiative. During his Directorship, 18th Meeting of the Parties, 50th Meeting of the Executive Committee and its related meetings were organized in 2006 at New Delhi, India and made the event most successful. India received the Best Implementers Award on the occasion of 20th Anniversary of the Montreal Protocol in September, 2007 under the leadership of Dr. Duraisamy. In addition to this, his support to industries for phasing out the ODSs has been recognized through the Montreal Protocol Exemplary Project Recognition Awards.

Dr. David Fahey

Dr. David W. Fahey is a Research Physicist in the Chemical Sciences Division, with the United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Earth System Research Laboratory. His research includes the design and operation of ground-based and airborne instrumentation for atmospheric measurements of ozone-depleting substances, and the interpretation of observations of long-lived and reactive species in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere. His interpretative studies have addressed many aspects of stratospheric ozone depletion and the impact of aviation on ozone and climate. He has served on a number of airborne sampling missions with the United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s high-altitude aircraft and in several international scientific assessments of ozone depletion and climate. Dr. Fahey was the lead author of "Twenty Questions and Answers About the Ozone Layer” for both the 2002 and 2006 Update of the Montreal Protocol’s Science Assessment Report. Published as a separate booklet, this chapter is particularly useful as a means of communicating important information between the scientific community and educators, students, the general public, and decision makers. The questions and answers address a variety of topics including the nature of atmospheric ozone, the chemicals that cause ozone depletion, how ozone depletion occurs, and what the future holds for the ozone layer. Both brief answers and expanded explanations are included for each topic. In addition, Dr. David Fahey is being recognized as part of the Climate Co-Benefits of the Montreal Protocol Team for the paper titled The Importance of the Montreal Protocol in Protecting the Climate.

Mr. Maas Goote

Maas Goote demonstrated extraordinary leadership in building a global consensus to accelerate the phaseout of HCFCs under the Montreal Protocol. For the past several years, Mr. Goote has distinguished himself as an energetic and visionary member of The Netherlands’ delegation to treaty conferences. He was chosen to serve as the co-chair of the contact group that negotiated the accelerated phaseout of HCFCs. Presiding over the contact group presented significant challenges for Goote, including how to ensure that the new control measures for developed and developing countries remained consistent with the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities. Mr. Goote also was tasked with the challenge of building a consensus on how the adjustment decision would capture the potential climate benefits of an accelerated HCFC phaseout. In 2007, nine countries submitted proposals to accelerate the phaseout of HCFCs – all proposals included provisions maximizing the climate benefits of the accelerated phaseout. The adjustment represents a historic achievement in international environmental law. The final result reflected Goote’s sophisticated diplomatic skills and his technical knowledge of the Montreal Protocol.

Mr. Mazen K. Hussein

Since its inception nine years ago, the National Ozone Unit of Lebanon headed by Mazen K. Hussein has introduced and overseen implementation of a comprehensive ODS elimination and compliance strategy. What makes the efforts of the NOU stand out, is the gusto, based on the recognition of the importance of building understanding, with which it introduced and sustained its national ODS awareness and outreach program. Working with over 100 enterprises that had benefited from Multilateral Fund conversion projects, the NOU launched a creative quid pro quo initiative. The NOU convinced private sector partners to join in a national partnership to support the ongoing national efforts to preserve the ozone layer. This private sector co-financing of the national ODS awareness program allowed for the mass production and wide dissemination across the Lebanese territory of targeted awareness materials. Educational booklets, brochures, flyers, posters, billboards, TV spots, field campaigns, documentaries, awareness tool kits, and a Best Poster and Best Article contest reached out to students, technical and professional groups, and the public at large. For every $1 that was invested in the national awareness program through the project, the NOU was able to mobilize $1.2 from the private sector, raising $120,000 between 1998 and 2006. This remarkable contribution has helped Lebanon consistently, and in the face of political instability, maintain a steady decrease in ODS consumption. These efforts were recognized by the Ozone Secretariat with the "Best Implementers Award” on the Occasion of the 20th Anniversary of the Montreal Protocol.

Ms. Ana Maria Kleymeyer

As the Government of Argentina’s lead negotiator, Ana Maria Kleymeyer devoted her vast energies, legal and diplomatic expertise, and creative spirit to the recent landmark agreement under the Montreal Protocol to accelerate the phase-out schedule for HCFCs. Argentina, with Brazil, was one of the nine Parties to submit proposals to the Ozone Secretariat in March of 2007 to adjust the Montreal Protocol to avoid the alarming increases in HCFC production and consumption projected for the next decade and beyond. Ms. Kleymeyer was a leading and active voice in drawing attention to the threat to the ozone layer from rising HCFC production and consumption, and to the Montreal Protocol’s history of effectiveness. In so doing, she sustained the long tradition of excellence and leadership of Argentina on ozone protection. She became a strong advocate of the important air quality and climate co-benefits of phasing out HCFCs, which for developing countries means transition to advanced, and energy efficient air conditioning and refrigeration equipment as well as sustained competitiveness in export markets in developed countries that have largely made the transition out of HCFCs. Ms. Kleymeyer played an important role in linking the efforts of Argentina with those of Brazil, another Party with a history of strong leadership on stratospheric ozone issues. She worked diligently at the 19th Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol, where the HCFC agreement was negotiated, to help coordinate positions among developing country Parties and represent their concerns in the contact group and negotiating sessions, as well as forging strategic consensus with developed country parties.

Dr. Michael Kurylo

Dr. Michael Kurylo is an extraordinary scientist who was largely responsible for conceiving and executing airborne stratospheric expeditions that linked CFCs to ozone depletion in both the Antarctic and Arctic. He is a world-class expert in photochemistry and kinetics of the stratosphere and upper troposphere and the impact of changes there on the underlying troposphere and on global climate. He was a member of the International Ozone Trends Panel that persuaded DuPont to announce the abandonment of CFCs, which stimulated the rapid development and implementation of alternatives. Dr. Kurylo integrated chemistry findings over the Polar Regions from aircraft-based in situ measurements with the global pictures of ozone and other atmospheric molecules from research satellites to forecast the future evolution of ozone in the stratosphere. This was the basis for predicting how ozone responds to the decreasing atmospheric levels of halocarbons, resulting from the implementation of the Montreal Protocol. One example of the confidence and influence of Dr. Kurylo in persuading action on stratospheric ozone is the 1994 quote from the Guardian saying: "Everyone should be alarmed about this...Even if CFCs were phased out at once, it would take until 2060 or 2070 to restore the ozone layer to health - this legacy will be with us for a long time." Thanks to the research and influence of Dr. Kurylo, the world is now working to meet that date for ozone layer recovery.

Dr. Kazufumi Nishi

Dr. Kazufumi Nishi has researched hot water treatment for soil sterilization and made an effort to penetrate this treatment in the tomato, melon and other various fruit vegetable crop areas where substitutes for methyl bromide are not found effective to control soil pathogen, bacteria and nematode due to Japan’s consecutive cultivation practices. In this treatment, hot water at the temperature of more than 90 centigrade is applied to fields to make 30-40 cm deep soil temperature rise to 55 centigrade. All soil pests are killed by this treatment and crop vigor is improved. Methyl bromide for tomato production is not currently used at all in Japan and some alternatives are applied so that methyl bromide for critical use exemption is not nominated for tomato production. Hot water treatment has not necessarily been applied to all tomato production areas; however, this technology is employed in fields where crops could be severely infected by soil pests. This technology is one of the most useful methods for some fruit and vegetable production. Due to his efforts to expand the use of this technology, it has gradually penetrated many regions of tomato production in Japan. Kazufumi Nishi also worked for the Methyl Bromide Technical Options Committee from 2004 to 2007 as an expert in soil pest sterilization for fruit vegetable production and devoted his time to review critical use nominations.

Mr. Sateeaved Seebaluck

Sateeaved Seebaluck has represented Mauritius at Montreal Protocol meetings for 20 years; served on TEAP; co-chaired the Open-Ended Working Group in 1996; participated in important international environmental treaties; and has been a valued member of the Multilateral Fund’s Executive Committee. He provides highly valued and trusted perspectives on international environmental law and diplomacy. Under his leadership, Mauritius was one of the first Article 5 countries to introduce legislation for the licensing of ozone-depleting substances, and completed its domestic phaseout of CFCs in 2005, five years ahead of schedule. Mauritius is also set to phase out methyl bromide completely by the end of 2007. Most recently, Mr. Seebaluck demonstrated extraordinary leadership on behalf of Mauritius, Small Island Developing States, and the Africa Group, in negotiating new control measures for HCFCs at the Montreal Protocol Meeting of the Parties in September, 2007. In fulfilling these responsibilities, he was keenly attuned to the concerns of this broad and diverse array of countries. In particular, developing countries had expressed great concern over the availability of substitutes for HCFCs and the importance of securing new, additional financial assistance to ensure compliance with any new HCFC control measures. Mr. Seebaluck ably and competently expressed these concerns at the negotiations, and succeeded in including appropriate language in the adjustment decision to address them. This accomplishment is part of the long and distinguished involvement with the Montreal Protocol of Mr. Sateeaved Seebaluck.

Dr. W.L. Sumathipala

Dr. W. L. Sumathipala, the Ozone Officer of Sri Lanka, has over the last 14 years worked extensively through dedicated efforts, leadership and innovative approaches on Montreal-Protocol activities. Through his systematic project implementation and monitoring, Sri Lanka has reduced consumption of ODSs by 72% and 80% in 2006 and 2007 respectively. While implementing activities, he has used innovative and first-of-its-kind awareness approaches which have helped in greater outreach of ODS phaseout activities. He was instrumental in preparing one of the first accelerated phaseout program for ODS consumption through a multi-stakeholder consultative process, in cooperation with Government of Japan, UNDP and UNEP-CAP team in Bangkok. Through this, consumption of CFCs and Halons are phased out in 2008; two years ahead of Montreal-Protocol commitments. He has helped capacity building of Ozone Officers on Montreal-Protocol implementation in Maldives, Mongolia, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bhutan. This has helped these countries expedite implementation of ODS phaseout activities and address risks of potential non-compliance with Montreal-Protocol. He was a member of the Implementation-Committee and Executive-Committee, and represented Sri Lanka in OEWG and MOP. He co-chaired the contact group on methyl bromide in 2005 and was instrumental in organizing the 13th MOP, in Colombo, 2001.

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