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Environmental Data Tables

  • Population 
  • Economy and Environment 
  • Public Lands and Recreation 
  • Ecosystems and Biodiversity
  • Air Quality
  • Aquatic Resources
  • Terrestrial Resources
  • Pollution Prevention
  • Energy
  • Transportation
  • Global Environment

  • Archive

    Sources of Environmental Statistics

    Environmental Conditions and Trends (Under Construction)


    Environmental Quality Statistics

    This site provides access to the statistical tables that appear in "Part III. Environmental Data and Trends" of Environmental Quality, the annual report of the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ). Most of the tables at this site have been updated since the publication of the last annual report (The 1997 Report of the Council on Environmental Quality).  

    The statistical tables are organized into the eleven sections listed on the left. Within each section, the tables are presented in two formats: you can view individual tables online, or you can download them to your local disk and view offline. Downloadable files are provided in Excel ".xls" format (version 5.0) which can be used by most spreadsheet programs. See How to Use This Site for instructions on viewing and downloading tables. (Statistical tables from Environmental Quality reports are also available in PDF format.)  

    The statistical tables are revised and updated monthly as new data become available. Revision dates are printed at the bottom of each table. Our What's New page provides a description of significant revisions in regular tables and a listing of new tables added to the site. We also provide an Archive of statistical series which have been discontinued, but which may still be of interest to environmental data users.

    The statistical tables are extracted from reports, statistical abstracts, and Internet accessible databases published by government agencies (mainly federal) and nongovernmental organizations. Sources of Environmental Statistics contains links to aid you in locating the data sources as well as other statistical resources. 

    Environmental Conditions and Trends (under construction) contains interpretive text from the current Environmental Quality report. In the near future, downloadable charts and maps will be added to this section. An Archive of charts and maps from previous annual reports will be added as time permits.

    We hope you find this site useful and will visit often to find current environmental statistics. We welcome your comments and suggestions on how we can continue to improve this service.  


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