Connecting afterschool providers to Federal resources that support children and youth during out-of-school hours.

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Interagency Executive Oversight Committee

This Website is Sponsered by HHS

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services'
Administration for Children and Families

This          Website is Sponsered by the Child Care Bureau.Child Care Bureau

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Child Abuse

As an afterschool provider, it is important to know the issues regarding child abuse and neglect. This section will provide you resources for identifying your responsibilities as an afterschool provider, the symptoms which indicate the abuse of a child, and information on how and where to report suspected child abuse.

For More Information Regarding Child Abuse and Neglect, Contact the Children's Bureau

The Children's Bureau is part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Administration for Children and Families, Administration on Children, Youth and Families. It is responsible for assisting States in the delivery of child welfare services - services designed to protect children and strengthen families.

How to Report Suspected Child Maltreatment

This site, sponsored by the Children's Bureau of HHS, provides toll free numbers needed to report suspected child abuse and neglect by state.

Recognizing the Symptoms of Child Abuse and Neglect

Children and parents often show early warning signs that child abuse or neglect is occurring. Refer to this fact sheet to learn about the common symptoms of child abuse and neglect.

Your Responsibilities as an Afterschool Care Provider

As an afterschool care provider you have a mandatory requirement to report suspected child abuse and neglect. Refer to this link to find out more information on your roles and responsibilities as a provider.

Last Modified $Date: 2008/12/31 10:35:25 $