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Environmental and Cultural Resource Compliance
Biological Assessments

A Biological Assessment (BA) is a document prepared for the Section 7 process to determine whether a proposed activity under the authority of a Federal action agency is likely to adversely affect listed species, proposed species, or designated critical habitat. T he document is used to compile enough information about the activity or project and the species potentially affected to determine whether a proposal is likely to: (1) adversely affect listed species or designated critical habitat; (2) jeopardize the continued existence of species that are proposed for listing; or (3) adversely modify proposed critical habitat. The outcome of this biological assessment determines whether formal consultation or a conference is necessary. (50 CFR §402.02, 50 CFR §402.12). This determination is provided by USFWS in a document known as a Biological Opinion (BO).

A BA addresses all listed and proposed species in action area. It generally involves:

  • Onsite inspections
  • Analysis of likely effects:
  • Biological studies
  • Literature review
  • Expert opinion

The BA also describes cumulative effects and it helps determine need for formal Consultation.

BAs and BOs completed for FSA will be posted here in the future.

Related Topics
 Bullet Section 7
 Bullet Safe Harbor Agreements
 Bullet Biological Assessments
 Bullet Memorandums of Understanding
 Bullet Migratory Bird Act (MBTA)
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