Marine Environmental Science Publication List

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Birkeland, C. 1974. "The effect of wave action on the population dynamics of Gorgoniaventalina Linnaeus." Studies in Tropical Oceanography, 12: 115-126.

Meyer, D.L. and C. Birkeland. 1974. "Environmental sciences program marine studies, Galeta Point." In: Rubinoff, Roberta W. (ed.). 1973 Environmental Monitoring and Baseline data. pp. 129-253. Smithsonian Institution Environmental Sciences Program Tropical Studies, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., USA.

Rubinoff, Roberta W. 1974. (Editor). "Environmental monitoring and baseline data; tropical studies." Compiled under the Smithsonian Institution Environmental Science Program, Smithsonian Institution, Washington. 465p.

*Spight, T.M., Birkeland, C. and A. Lyons. 1974. "Life histories of large and small murexes (Prosobranchia: Muricidae)." Marine Biology, 24(3): 229-242.


*Birkeland, C. and B. Gregory. 1975. "Foraging behavior and rates of feeding of the gastropod Cyphomagibbosum (Linnaeus)." Natural Museum of Los Angeles County Science Bulletin, 20: 57-67.


Hendler, G.L. 1976. "Environmental sciences program marine studies: Galeta Point." In: Windsor, D.M. (ed.). 1975 Environmental Monitoring and Baseline data. pp. 131-252. Smithsonian Institution Environmental Sciences Program, Tropical Studies, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., USA.

Windsor, Donald M. 1976. (Editor). "Environmental monitoring and baseline data: tropical studies." (Compiled under the Smithsonian Institution Enviromental Science Program), Smithsonian Institution, Washington. 252p.


*Birkeland, C. 1977. "The importance of rate of biomass accumulation in early successional stages of benthic communities to the survival of coral recruits." Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Coral Reefs, I: 15-21.

Hendler, G.L. 1977. "Environmental sciences program marine studies, Galeta Point." In: Windsor, D.M. (ed.). 1976 Environmental Monitoring and Baseline data, pp. 139-267. Smithsonian Institution Environmental Sciences Program, Tropical Studies, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., USA.

Hendler, G.L. 1977. "The differential effects of seasonal stress and predation on the stability of reef-flat echinoid populations." Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Coral Reefs, I: 217-223.

Windsor, Donald M. (Editor). 1977. "Environmental Monitoring and baseline data: tropical studies." (Compiled under the Smithsonian Institution Environmental Science Program). Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C. 267p.


Hendler, G. 1980. "Reproductive Periodicity of Ophiuroids (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea) on the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of Panama." Smithsonian Oceanographic Sorting Center, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.


*Hendler, G. and D.L. Meyer. 1982. "An association of a polychaete, Branchiosyllisexilis with a ophiuroid, Ophiocomaechinata, in Panama." Bulletin of Marine Science, 32(3): 736-744.

Norris, J.N., McCormick, K.J., Sims, R., Vassar, J.M., Connor, J.L. and J.D. Cubit. 1982. "Computer mapping in ecological and distribution studies: seasonality in tropical reef communities." Computers in Research at the Smithsonian, Proceedings. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., USA.


*Cubit, John and S. Williams. 1983. "The invertebrates of Galeta Reef (Caribbean Panama): a species list and bibliography." Atoll Research Bulletin, 269: 1-45.

Lessios, Harilaos A., Glynn, Peter W. and Robertson, D. Ross. 1983. "Mass mortalities of coral reef organisms." Science, 222(4625): 715.


Cubit, John D. 1984. "Herbivory and the seasonal abundance of algae on a high intertidal rocky shore." Ecology, 65(6): 1904-1917.

Cubit, John, Batista de Yee, G., Roman A. and V. Batista 1984. "El valor de los manglares y de los arrecifes de franja como recurso natural en la provincia de Colon." Revista Medica de Panama , 9(1): 56-67.

*Hendler, G. 1984. "Brittlestar color-change and phototaxis (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea: Ophiocomidae)." Marine Ecology, 5(4): 379-401. Lessios, Harilaos A. 1984. "Mass mortality of Diademaantillarum in the Caribbean." Proceedings of the Benthic Ecology Meetings, 1984. [Abstract]

Lessios, Harilaos A., Cubit, John D., Robertson, D. Ross, Shulman, M.J., Parker, M.R., Garrity, Stephen D. and Levings, Sally C. 1984. "Mass mortality of Diademaantillarum on the Caribbean coast of Panama." Coral Reefs, 3(4): 173-182.

Lessios, Harilaos A., Robertson, D. Ross and John D. Cubit. 1984. "Spread of Diadema mass mortality through the Caribbean." Science, 226(4672): 335-337.


*Connor, J.L. 1985. Seasonality and reproduction of algae on Galeta Reef. Ph.D.Dissertation. University of California, Berkeley. Cubit, John D. 1985. "Possible effects of recent changes in sea level on the biota of a Caribbean reef flat and predicted effects of rising sea levels." Proceedings of the Fifth International Coral Reef Congress, Tahiti, 3: 111-118. 

*Cubit, John D., Batista, G., Roman, A. and V. Batista.
1985. "El valor de los manglares y arrecifes en la costa de Colón." In: Moreno, S.H. and J.E. Gonzalez (eds.). Agonía de la Naturaleza. Ensayos sobre el costo ambiental del desarrollo Panameño. pp. 183-199. Panamá: Instituto de Investigación Agropecuaria de Panamá and Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute. 

*Lessios, Harilaos A. 1985. "Genetic consequences of mass mortality in the Caribbean sea urchin Diadema antillarum." Proceedings of the Fifth International Coral Reef Congress, Tahiti, 2: 233. [Abstract] 

Lessios, Harilaos A. 1985. "Annual reproductive periodicity in eight echinoid species on the Caribbean coast of Panama". In: Keegan B.F. and B.D.S. O'Connor (eds.). Echinodermata. Proceedings, 5th International Echinoderm Conference. pp. 303-312. A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam


 *Lessios, Harilaos A. 1985. "Genetic consequences of mass mortality in the Caribbean sea urchin Diadema antillarum." Proceedings, 5th International Congress on Coral Reefs, Tahiti, 4: 119-132


Cubit, John D., Windsor, D.M., Thompson R.C. and J.M. Burgett. 1986. "Water-level fluctuations, emersion regimes, and variations of echinoid populations on a Caribbean reef flat." Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 22(6): 719-736.

*Burgett, J.M., Cubit, John D. and Ricardo C. Thompson. 1987. "Seasonal growth patterns in the tropical littorinid snails Littorina angulifer and Tectarius muricatus." The Veliger, 30(1): 11-23.

**Contreras, Zuriani & Voltas, Lilian. 1987. Oceanografía de la Bahía de Panamá durante la temporada de afloramiento 1984-1985.  (Oceanography of the Bay of Panama during the 1984-1985 upwelling event). 

*Cubit, John D., Getter, C.D., Jackson, Jeremy B.C., Garrity, Stephen D., Caffey, H.M., Thompson, R.C., Weil, E. and M. J. Marshall. 1987. "An oil spill affecting coral reefs and mangroves on the Caribbean coast of Panama." Proceedings of the 1987 Oil Spill Conference, Baltimore, Maryland. American Petroleum Institute Publications, 4452: 401-406.


*Cubit, John D. and Burgett, J.M. 1988. "Algal Blooms after Oil Spills: Implications for Ecological Theory." (Abstract No. 87) In: Sixth International Coral Reef Symposium, August 8-12 1988: 22. 

Cubit, John D., Thompson, R.C., Caffey, H.M. and Windsor, Donald M. 1988. "Hydrographic and meteorological studies of a Caribbean fringing reef at Punta Galeta, Panamá: hourly and daily variations for 1977-1985." Smithsonian Contributions to the Marine Sciences, 32. 220p. 

*Cubit, John D., et al. 1988. "Effects of an Oil Spill on Mangrove, Seagrass, Reef Flat, and Coral Communities on the Caribbean Coast of Panama." In: Proceedings: Eight Annual Gulf of Mexico Information Transfer Meeting, December 1987: 109-112. Plano, Texas, Geo Marine, Inc. 

*D'Croz, Luis. 1988. "Survey and monitoring of marine pollution in the Bay of Panama." Co-operation for environmental protection in the Pacific. UNEP Regional Seas Reports and Studies, 97: 115-123. 

*Jackson, Jeremy B.C., Guzmán, H
Jctor M. and Weil, Ernesto. 1988. "Effects of a Major Oil Spill on Subtidal Reef Corals along the Caribbean Coast of Panama" (Abstract 203). Sixth International Coral Reef Symposium Abstracts: 51. 

*Lessios, Harilaos A. 1988. "Population dynamics of Diadema antillarum (Echinodermata: Echinoidea) following mass mortality in Panam
á." Marine Biology, 99( ): 515-526. 


*Burns, Kathryn A. and Knap, Anthony H. 1989. "The Bahia las Minas Oil Spill: Hydrocarbon Uptake by Reef Building Corals." Marine Pollution Bulletin 20(8): 391-398. 

Cubit, John D., Caffey, Hugh M., Thompson, Ricardo C. and Windsor, Donald M. 1989. "Meteorology and Hydrography of a Shoaling Reef Flat on the Caribbean Coast of Panama." Coral Reefs 8(2): 59-66. 

*Jackson, Jeremy B.C., Cubit, John D., Keller, Brian D., Batista, V., Burns, K., Caffey, H.M., Caldwell, Roy L., Garrity, Stephen D., Getter, C.D., Gonz
ález, C., Guzmán, HJctor M., Kaufmann, Karl W., Knap, A.H., Levings, Sally C., Marshall, M.J., Steger, R., Thompson, Ricardo C. and Weil, E. 1989. "Ecological effects of a major oil spill on Panamanian coastal marine comunities." Science, 243: 37-44. 

*Keller, Brian D. 1989. "On evaluating ecological effects of a major oil spill on the Caribbean coast of Panama." Oil Spill Conference, Proceedings of the 20th Anniversary Conference, February 13-16, 1989. Washington, D.C.: American Petroleum Institute, Publication 4479: 578.


*Garrity, Stephen D. and Levings, Sally C. 1990. "Effects of an Oil Spill on the Gastropods of a Tropical Intertidal Reef Flat."
Marine Environmental Research 30(2): 119-153.


D'Croz, Luis, Del Rosario, Juan B. and G
ómez, Juan A. 1991. "Upwelling and Phytoplankton in the Bay of Panama." Revista de Biología Tropical 39(2): 233-241.

*Duke, Norman and Pinz
ón, Zuleika. 1991. "Mangrove Forests." In: Long-Term Assessment of the Oil Spill at BahRa Las minas, Panama: Interim Report, Volume II: Technical Report: 153-177, edited by Brian D. Keller and Jeremy B.C. Jackson. New Orleans, OCS Study MMS 90-0031, U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Regional Office.

*Duke, Norman. 1991. "Nypa in the Mangroves of Central America: Introduced or Relict?" Principes 35(3): 127-132.

*Duke, Norman. 1991. "Study of Mangrove Recovery Panama." Newsletter of the International Society for Mangrove Ecosystems 3: 5.

án, HJctor M., Jackson, Jeremy B.C. and Weil, E. 1991. "Short-term ecological consequences of a major oil spill on Panamanian subtidal reef corals." Coral Reefs, 10: 1-12.

*Keller, Brian D. and Jackson, Jeremy B.C. (eds.). 1991.  Long-term Assessment of the Oil Spill at Bah
ía Las Minas, Panamá, Interim Report. Volume II: Technical Report. New Orleans: U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Regional Office, 450p.

*Keller, Brian D. and Jackson, Jeremy B.C. (eds.). 1991. Long-term Assessment of the Oil Spill at Bah
ía Las Minas, Panama, Interim Report. Volume I: Executive Summary. New Orleans: U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Regional Office. 48p.

*Soong, Keryea. 1991. "Sexual Reproductive Patterns of Shallow-Water Reef Corals in
Panama." Bulletin of Marine Science 49(3): 832-846.


*Duke, Norman and Pinzón M., Zuleika S. 1992. "Aging Rhizophora Seedlings from Leaf Scar Nodes: A Tech­nique for Studying Recruitment and Growth in Mangrove Forests." Biotropica 24(2a): 173-186.

án, HJctor M. 1992. "Reef Recovery After a Major Oil Spill: Sublethal Effects and the Role of Biological Inte­raction." (Abstract). In: 7th International Coral Reef Symposim, 22-26 June 1992. Guam: 40. Guam: IABO.


*Budd, Ann F., Mann, Keith O. and Guzmán, HJctor M. 1993. "Environmental Interpretation Using Insoluble Residues within Reef Coral Skeletons: Problems, Pitfalls, and Preliminary Results." Coral Reefs 12: 31-42.

*Burns, Kathryn A. 1993. "Analytical Met­hods Used in Oil Spill Studies." Marine Pollution Bulletin 26(2): 68-72.

*Burns, Kathryn A. 1993. "Hydrocarbon Chemistry." Long-term Assessment of the Oil Spill at Bah
ía Las Minas, Panamá. Synthesis Report. Volume II: Technical Report, Part 1: 51-130, edited by Brian D. Keller and Jeremy B.C. Jackson. OCS Study MMS 93-0048. New Orleans: U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Services, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region.

*Burns, Kathryn, Garrity, Stephen D. and Levings, Sally C. 1993. "How Many Years Until Mangrove Ecosystems Recover from Catastrophic Oil Spills?" Marine Pollution Bulletin 26(5): 239-248.

*Cubit, John D. and Connor, Judith L. 1993. "Effects of the 1986
Bahía Las Minas Oil Spill on Reef Flat Communities." Proceedings of the 1993 International Oil Spill Conference, Washington D.C.: 329-334.

*Cubit, John D. and Connor, Judith L. 1993. "Effects of the 1986 Bahía Las Minas Oil Spill on Reef Flat Sessile Biota, Algal-turf Infauna, and Sea Urchins." Long-term Assessment of the Oil Spill at
Bahía Las Minas, Panamá. Synthesis Report. Volume II: Technical Report, Part 1: 131-242, edited by Brian D. Keller and Jeremy B.C. Jackson. OCS Study MMS 93-0048. New Orleans: U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Services, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region.

*Cubit, John D. and Levings, Sally C. 1993. "Weather, Sea Conditions, and Topography Affecting Oil Deposition During the 1986 Bahía Las Minas Oil Spill." In: Long-term Assessment of the Oil Spill at
Bahía Las Minas, Panamá. Synthesis Report. Volume II: Technical Report, Part 1: 25-49, edited by Brian D. Keller and Jeremy B.C. Jackson. OCS Study MMS 93-0048. New Orleans: U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region.

*Duke, Norman C. and Pinzón M., Zuleika S. 1993. "Mangrove Forests." Long-term Assessment of the Oil Spill at
Bahía Las Minas, Panamá. Synthesis Report. Volume II: Technical Report, Part 1: 447-533, edited by Brian D. Keller and Jeremy B.C. Jackson. OCS Study MMS 93-0048. New Orleans: U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Services, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region.

*Garrity, Stephen D. and Levings, Sally C. 1993. "Effects of an Oil Spill on Some Organisms Living on Mangro­ve (Rhizophora mangle L.) Roots in Low Wave-Energy Habitats in Caribbean Panama." Marine Environmental Research 35: 251-271.

*Garrity, Stephen D. and Levings, Sally C. 1993. "Marine Debris Along the Caribbean Coast of Panama." Marine Pollution Bulletin 26(6): 317-324.

*Garrity, Stephen D. and Levings, Sally C. 1993. "Patterns of Damage and Recovery from A Major Oil Spill: the Mangrove Fringe and the Epibiota of Mangrove Roots." Long-term Assessment of the Oil Spill at Bah
Ra Las Minas, Panamá. Synthesis Report. Volume II: Technical Report, Part 2: 535-792, edited by Brian D. Keller and Jeremy B.C. Jackson. OCS Study MMS 93-0048. New Orleans: U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Services, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region.

*Garrity, Stephen D., Levings, Sally C. and Gonz
ález M., Carlos. 1993. "Effects of an Oil Spill on the Gastropods of a Tropical Intertidal Reef Flat." Long-term Assessment of the Oil Spill at Bahía Las Minas, Panamá. Synthesis Report. Volume II: Technical Report, Part 1: 243-292, edited by Brian D. Keller and Jeremy B.C. Jackson. OCS Study MMS 93-0048. New Orleans: U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Services, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region.

*Garrity, Stephen D., Levings, Sally C. and Burns, Kathryn A. 1993. "Chronic Oiling and Long-Term Effects of the 1986 Galeta Spill on Fringing Mangroves." Proceedings of the 1993 International Oil Spill Conference,
Washington D.C.: 319-324.

*Guzmán, Héctor M. and Holst, Irene. 1993. "Changes and Recovery of Subtidal Corals." In: Long-term Assessment of the Oil Spill at Bahía Las Minas, Panamá. Synthesis Report. Volume II: Technical Report, Part 2: 361-446, edited by Brian D. Keller and Jeremy B.C. Jackson. OCS Study MMS 93-0048. New Orleans: U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Services, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region.

**Guerra, Elida y Vega, Melvis.
1993. Estudio de la población de copépodos calanoides relacionado al afloramiento costero y disponiblidad de fitoplancton en la Bahía de Panamá. (Abundance of calanoid copepods in the Bay of Panama and its relation to coastal upwelling and phytoplankton).

*Guzmán, Héctor M. and Holst, Irene. 1993. "Effects of Chronic Oil-Sediment Pollution on the Reproduction of the Caribbean Reef Coral Siderastrea siderea." Marine Pollution Bulletin 26(5): 276-282.

*Jackson, Jeremy B.C. and Keller, Brian D. 1993. "Conclusions." Long-term Assessment of the Oil Spill at Bah
ía Las Minas, Panamá. Synthesis Report. Volume II: Technical Report, Part 2: 833-850, edited by Brian D. Keller and Jeremy B.C. Jackson. OCS Study MMS 93-0048. New Orleans: U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Services, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region.

*Keller, Brian D. and Jackson, Jeremy B.C. (eds.) 1993. Long-Term Assessment of the Oil Spill at Bahia Las Minas, Panama, Synthesis Report Vol I: Executive Summary. OCS Study MMS 93-0047. New Orleans: U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region. 129pp.

*Keller, Brian D. and Jackson, Jeremy B.C. (eds.) 1993. Long-Term Assessment of the Oil Spill at Bahia Las Minas, Panama, Synthesis Report Vol II: Technical Report. OCS Study MMS 93-0048. New Orleans: U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region. 1017pp.

*Keller, Brian D., Jackson, Jeremy B.C., Cubit, John D., Garrity, Stephen D. and Guzmán, Héctor M. 1993. "Introduction." In: Long-term Assessment of the Oil Spill at Bah
Ra Las Minas, Panamá. Synthesis Report. Volume II: Technical Report, Part 2: 1-24, edited by Brian D. Keller and Jeremy B.C. Jackson. OCS Study MMS 93-0048. New Orleans: U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Services, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region.

*Lessios, Harilaos A. 1993. "Status of Diadema Populations Ten Years After Mass Mortality." Abstracts, 8th International Echinoderm Conference: 75.

*Marshall, Michael J, Batista, Victoria and Mat
ías, Digna. 1993. "Effects of the 1986 Bahía Las Minas, Panama, Oil Spill on Plants and Animals in Seagrass Communities." Long-term Assessment of the Oil Spill at Bahía Las Minas, Panamá. Synthesis Report. Volume II: Technical Report, Part 2: 793-832, edited by Brian D. Keller and Jeremy B.C. Jackson. OCS Study MMS 93-0048. New Orleans: U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Services, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region.

**Muñoz, Leopoldo. 1993. Biomasa del zooplancton de la Bahía de Panamá. (Biomass of zooplankton in the Bay of Panama).

*Steger, Rick and Caldwell, Roy. 1993. "Reef Flat Stomatopods." Long-term Assessment of the Oil Spill at
Bahía Las Minas, Panamá. Synthesis Report. Volume II: Technical Report, Part 1: 293-359, edited by Brian D. Keller and Jeremy B.C. Jackson. OCS Study MMS 93-0048. New Orleans: U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Services, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region.


*Burns, Kathryn A., Garrity, Stephen D., Jorissen D., MacPherson J., Stoelting, M., Tierney, J. and Yelle-Simmons, L. 1994. "The Galeta Oil Spill. II. Unexpected Persistence of Oil Trapped in Mangrove Sediments." Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 38: 349-364.

*Burns, Kathryn A. and Yelle-Simmons, Lauren. 1994. "The Galeta Oil Spill. IV. Relationship Between Sediment and Organism Hydrocarbon Loads." Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 38: 397-412.

*Garrity, Stephen D., Levings, Sally C. and Burns, Kathryn A. 1994. "The Galeta Oil Spill. I. Long-term Effects on the Physical Structure of the Mangrove Fringe." Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 38: 327-348.

*Guzmán, Héctor M., Burns, Kathryn A. and Jackson, Jeremy B.C. 1994. "Injury, Regeneration and Growth of Caribbean Reef Corals after a Major Oil Spill in Panama." Marine Ecology Progress Series 105: 231-241.

*Keller, Brian D. and Jackson, Jeremy B.C. (eds.) 1994. Evaluación a Largo Plazo del Derrame de Petróleo en Bahía Las Minas, Panamá. Informe SRntesis. Volumen I: Resumen Ejecutivo. Estudio OCS MMS 93-0047. Panam
á: Instituto Smithsonian de Investigaciones Tropicales. [Translated version].

*Lessios, Harilaos A. 1994.
"Status of Diadema Populations Ten Years After Mass Mortality. " In: Proceedings of the Eight International Echinoderm Conference: 648, edited by B. David, A.G. and J.P. Féral and M Roux. Rotterdam: Balkema.

*Levings, Sally C. and Garrity, Stephen D. 1994. "Effects of Oil Spills on Fringing Red Mangroves (Rhizophora mangle): Losses of Mobile Species Associated with Submerged Prop Roots." Bulletin of Marine Science 54(3): 782-794.

*Levings, Sally C., Garrity, Stephen D. and Burns, Kathryn A. 1994. "The Galeta Oil Spill. III. Chronic Reoiling, Long-Term Toxicity of Hydrocarbon Residues and Effects on Epibiota in the Mangrove Fringe." Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 38: 365-395.


Kaufmann, Karl W. 1995. "Managing Physical, Chemical, and Biological Monitoring Data at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI). [Abstract]. In: Biology and Geology of Coral Reefs: European Meeting of the International Society for Reef Studies (ISRS) and the British Ecological Society (BES). Programme and Abstracts.

*Lessios, Harilaos A. 1995. "Diadema antillarum 10 Years After Mass Mortality: Still Rare, Despite Help from a Competitor." Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 259: 331-337.


**Fisher, Vitor y Peralta, Carlos. 1996. Diagnóstico poblacional de los copépodos calanoides en un área coralina del Golfo de San Blas.  (Calanoid copepods from coral reef habitats in the San Blas Archipelago).

*Guzmán, Héctor M., Jarvis, Kym E. 1996. "Vanadium Century Record from Caribbean Reef Corals: A Tracer of Oil Pollution in Panama." Ambio 25(8): 523-526.

**Henry, Icilda y Hernández, Ileana. 1996. Larvas de peces de los arrecifes coralinos de la Comarca de San Blas. (Fish-larvae in coral reef habitats in the San Blas Archipelago).

**Higuera, Martha. 1996.  Distribución del ictioplancton en el Golfo de San Blas durante la estación seca de 1995. (Spatial distribution of the ichthyoplankton in the Gulf of San Blas during the dry season of 1995).

*Robertson, D. Ross. 1996. "Interspecific Competition Controls Abundance and Habitat Use of Territorial Caribbean Damselfishes." Ecology 77: 885-89


D'Croz, L. and D.R. Robertson. 1997. Coastal oceanographic conditions affecting coral reefs on both sides of the isthmus of Panama. Proceedings of the 8th International Coral Reef Symposium. Panama, June 1996. 2:2053-2088

*Duke, Norman C., Pinzón, Zuleika S. and Prada, Martha C. 1997. "Large-Scale Damage to Mangrove Forests Following Two Large Oil Spills in Panama
." Biotropica 29(1): 2-14.


**Collazos, Heidi. 1998. Procesos determinante de la renovación de micronutrientes inorgánicos disueltos en el agua de mar en ambas costas del Istmo de Panamá. (Temporal pattern of dissolved inorganic nutrients in coastal areas on both sides of the Isthmus of Panama).

*Guzman, Hector M., and Guevara, Carlos A. 1998. Arrecifes coralinos de Bocas del Toro, Panam
á: I. Distribución, estructura y estado de conservación de los arrecifes continentales de la Laguna de Chiriquí y la Bahía Almirante.  Revista de Biologia Tropical 46(3): 601-623.

*Guzman, Hector M., and Guevara, Carlos A. 1998.  Arrecifes coralinos de Bocas del Toro, Panam
á: II. Distribución, estructura y estado de conservación de los arrecifes de las Islas Bastimentos, Solarte, Carenero y Colón. Revista de Biologia Tropical 46(4): 889-912.

*Guzmán, H.M. and A.W. Tudhope.1998.
Seasonal Variation in skeletal extension rate and stable isotopic (13C/12C and 18O/16O) composition in response to several environmental variables in the Caribbean coral Siderastrea siderea. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 166:109-118.

Robertson, D. Ross, and Kaufmann, Karl W. 1998. "Assessing Early Recruitment Dynamics and Its Demographic Consequences Among Tropical Reef Fishes: Accommodating Variation in Recruitment Seasonality and  Longevity." Australian Journal of Ecology 23: 226-233.


D'Croz, L., D.R. Robertson & J.A. Martinez. 1999. Cross-shelf distribution of nutrients, plankton, and fish larvae in the San Blas Archipelago, Caribbean Panama.  Rev. Biol. Trop. 47(1): 201-214

*Guzman, Hector M., and Guevara, Carlos A. 1999.  Arrecifes coralinos de Bocas del Toro, Panam
á: III. Distribución, estructura y estado de conservación de las arrecifes de las islas Pastores, Cristóbal, Popa y Cayo Agua. Revista de Biologia Tropical 47(4): 659-676.

Robertson, D. R., Swearer, S. E., Kaufmann, K., and Brothers, E. B. 1999.  Settlement vs Environmental Dynamics in a Pelagic Spawning Reef Fish at Caribbean Panama.  Ecological Monographs, 69(2), 195-218.


Garzon-Ferreira, J., J. Cortes, A. Croquer, H.M. Guzmán, Z. Leao & A. Rodriguez-Ramirez.
2000. Status of coral reefs in southern tropical America: Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Panama and Venezuela. pp. 331-348. In C. Wilkinson (ed.), Status of Coral Reefs of the World: 2000. Australia Institute of Marine Sciences, Queensland. 363 p.


*Barnes, P.A.G. and G.E. Jácome.  2001. A comparison of seagrass monitoring techniques: The balance between maximal information and minimal damage (Abstract).  Proceedings of the 30th Scientific Meeting of  the Association of Marine Laboratories of the Caribbean. La Parguera, Puerto Rico.

**Domingo, Alana y Rodríguez, Yehudi. 2001. Distribución espacial y temporal de larvas ictioplanctónicas en el Archipiélago de Bocas del Toro. (Temporal and spatial distribution of ichthyoplankton in the Bocas del Toro Archipelago).

Guzman, Hector M., and Guevara, Carlos A. 2001. Arrecifes coralinos de Bocas del Toro, Panam
á: IV. Distribución, estructura y estado de conservación de las arrecifes continentales de Península Valiente. Revista de Biologia Tropical 49(1): 53-66.

**Salazar, Maricela. 2001. Invertebrados planctónicos colectados con trampas de luz en arrecifes de coral en el Archipiélago de San Blas. (Planktonic invertebrates collected with light-traps in coral reefs in the San Blas Archipelago).


Guzman, H.M. & Carlos Guevara. 2002. Population structure, distribution and abundance of three commercial species of sea cucumber (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) in Panama. Carib. J. Sci. 38: 230-238

Guzman, H.M. & C.A. Guevara. 2002. Annual reproductive cycle, spatial distribution, abundance, and size structure of Oreaster reticulatus (Echinodermata: Asteroidea) in Bocas del Toro, Panama. Mar. Biol. 141: 1077-1084. 

**Macias, Dayanara. 2002. Estructura trófica del plancton en el Pacífico de Panamá. (Plankton trophic structure in Pacific Panama). School of Biology, University of Panama


D'Croz, L, Kwiecinski, B, Mate, JL, Gómez JA & Del Rosario JB. 2003.
El Afloramiento costero y el fenómeno de El Niño: Implicaciones sobre los recursos biológicos del Pacífico de Panamá. Tecnociencia, 5(2):35:49.

Guzman, H.M., C.A. Guevara & I.C. Hernández.
2003. Reproductive cycle of two commercial species of sea cucumber (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) from Caribbean Panama. Mar. Biol. 142: 271-279.

Guzman, H.M., C.A. Guevara & A. Castillo.
2003. Natural disturbances and mining of Panamanian coral reefs by indigenous people. Conserv. Biol. 17: 1-7.

Guzman, H.M. 2003. Caribbean Coral Reefs of Panama: Present Status and Future Perspectives. In: J. Cortes (ed.), pp. 241-274. Latin American Coral Reefs. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam.
Tewfik, A. & H.M. Guzman. 2003. Shallow-water distribution and population characteristics of Strombus gigas and S. costatus (Gastropoda: Strombidae) in the archipelago of Bocas del Toro, Panama. J. Shellfish Res. 22: 789-794. 

Guzman, H.M., C.A. Guevara & O. Breedy.
2004. Distribution, diversity, and conservation of coral reefs and coral communities in the largest marine protected area of Pacific Panama (Coiba

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*Barnes, P.A.G. and G.E. Jácome.  (Submitted).  A comparison of long-term monitoring techniques for seagrasses.  Aquatic Botany.

* Indirect support of MP.
** Theses of students from the University of Panama associated with the MP.
All others include direct support.