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Evaluating Iraq’s Provincial Reconstruction Teams While Drawdown Looms: A USIP Trip Report
December 8, 2008 | USIPeace Briefing | Rusty Barber and Sam Parker
Since their 2005 inception in Iraq, PRTs have struggled to fully define their mission, overcome structural problems, learn to work alongside their military counterparts and assist Iraqis down the path to self-governance and stability so that U.S. forces can withdraw. While the concept was born in the Afghan conflict, PRTs in Iraq bear little resemblance to their Afghan cousins, which are led and largely staffed by military officers.


Iraq: Positive Change in the Detention System
July 2008 | USIPeace Briefing | Elizabeth Detwiler
This USIPeace Briefing, summarizing remarks from a former commander for detainee operations in Iraq, discusses recent successes in improving the conditions of insurgent detainees in the country.


Iraq’s Interior Ministry: Frustrating Reform
May 2008 | USIPeace Briefing | Robert M. Perito
Iraq's Ministry of Interior has been fraught with rivalries since 2003. How can it address these challenges?


Iraq After the Surge: Options and Questions
April 2008 | USIPeace Briefing | Daniel Serwer and Sam Parker
The Bush Administration and Congress face difficult choices in Iraq. How can the relative success during the surge be prolonged and solidified? Should the drawdown continue? When will the Iraqi security forces be ready to take over? What can be done to accelerate political progress?


From Gridlock to Compromise: How Three Laws Could Begin to Transform Iraqi Politics
March 2008 | USIPeace Briefing | Jason Gluck
Iraqi lawmakers, breaking a prolonged stalemate, recently passed key legislation on regional powers, amnesty, and the national budget. Five years after the U.S.-led invasion, is rule of law starting to take hold?


Embedded Provincial Reconstruction Teams
March 2008 | USIPeace Briefing | Robert Perito
In January 2007, President Bush announced the doubling of Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRT) in Iraq and the creation of PRTs embedded with combat teams. One year later, what have these unique organizations achieved?


Iraq: Politics Unfrozen, Direction Still Unclear
January 2008 | USIPeace Briefing | Daniel Serwer and Rend al-Rahim
How will the recent Sunni "Awakenings" against Al Qaeda translate in Iraq’s broader political milieu? Already under the siege of an insurrection, can the current Iraqi government address the pitfalls of the coming year? To explore these and other issues, this USIPeace Briefing summarizes the key results of a series of meetings with a high-ranking and broad cross-section of the Iraqi political spectrum.


Higher Education and the Future of Iraq
January 2008 | Special Report | Imad Harb
Iraqis have traditionally valued intellectual achievement, but the legacy of Baathist rule and the current tide of instability have crippled universities. The future, however, could see institutions play a leading role in securing long-term peace. In this context, this report examines the past record, current condition, and potential of Iraq’s higher education sector.


Political Progress in Iraq During the Surge
December 2007 | Special Report | Rend Al-Rahim Francke
Rend Al-Rahim Francke concludes that the military surge has bettered the security situation in Baghdad. However, political progress has faltered and not matched these improvements.


Iraq: Time for a Change
September 2007 | USIPeace Briefing
As Washington prepares for a critical debate in Congress this fall on what should be done in Iraq, the United States Institute of Peace convened over the summer a group of experts with many different political affiliations to consider next steps over a three-year time horizon. Read about the group's main conclusions.


Constitutional Reform in Iraq: Improving Prospects, Political Decisions Needed
September 2007 | USIPeace Briefing
U.S. and Iraqi politicians and analysts consistently agree on one central point concerning Iraq: serious political reconciliation amongst Iraqi groups is needed to reduce the violence and create a viable government.


The U.S., Iraq and the Middle East
August 2007 | USIPeace Briefing
The United States faces a set of unparalleled challenges in the Middle East at a moment when its capacity to respond is circumscribed and the regional and global situations are deteriorating. It is far more likely that things will get worse before they get better, though there are ways of trying to improve the odds.


Iraq and the Gulf States: The Balance of Fear
August 2007 | Special Report
Iraq’s Persian Gulf neighbors supported the U.S. invasion of Iraq in order to preserve the status quo—a weak and self-absorbed Iraq—rather than to impose a new one. However, the overthrow of Saddam Hussein and its aftermath have not brought stability to the Gulf States as much as they have shifted the most serious challenges from external threats (of a hostile Baghdad) to internal threats (the threat of conflict spillover from Iraq).


Journey of Death: Suicide Bombers in Iraq
July 2007 | USIPeace Briefing
Over the past four years, suicide bombings have become a choice weapon of the insurgency in Iraq. Today, terrorists and insurgents perpetrate suicide attacks regularly, taking a profound physical and psychological toll on the local population and the multinational forces serving in the country.


Public Health and Conflict in Iraq: Rebuilding a Nation's Health
July 2007 | USIPeace Briefing
On March 22, 2007, the U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP) and Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (JHSPH) Task Force on Public Health and Conflict held its third symposium, Iraq: Rebuilding a Nation’s Health. The Task Force is committed to raising the profile of conflict analysis and resolution in the field of public health education.


Ayatollah Sistani and the Democratization of Post-Ba'athist Iraq
June 2007 | Special Report
Based on historical analysis and personal interviews with a number of aides and representatives of the grand ayatollah in Iran and Iraq since 2005, this report examines the role of Ayatollah Ali Hussaini Sistani in the democratization of post-Ba‘athist Iraq.


The Iraq Hydrocarbon Law: How and When?
June 2007 | USIPeace Briefing
The much-discussed and often delayed Iraqi hydrocarbon law, approved by the Iraqi cabinet in February, is a bellwether for the future of the Iraqi state. Successful passage and implementation of the law would reflect a strong spirit of compromise and help to calm violence. If, on the other hand, the proposed law fails to pass, it will have negative repercussions for Iraq’s social, economic and political stability.


Syria's Relations with Iraq
April 2007 | USIPeace Briefing
Stepped-up regional diplomacy initiatives on Iraq have brought new attention to the role of Iraq's neighbors. A March 10 conference in Baghdad brought together regional powers, including Syria and Iran, together with American and Western diplomats, and marked the most significant diplomatic gathering in Iraq since 1990. As the tempo of diplomacy gains momentum, there is renewed focus on Syrian-Iraqi ties and whether Syria can help bring stability to Iraq.


State-Owned Enterprises: Post-Conflict Political Economy Considerations
March 2007 | USIPeace Briefing
Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Business Transformation Paul Brinkley recently initiated a project to revitalize State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) in Iraq. How will SOE revitalization affect the economic, social, and political situation in that country?


Provincial Reconstruction Teams in Iraq
March 2007 | Special Report
In January 2007, President Bush announced that the United States would double the number of Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRTs), small civilian-military units that assist provincial and local governments to govern effectively and deliver essential services, as part of his plan for a "New Way Forward" in Iraq. This report examines the U.S. experience with PRTs in Iraq, notes shortcomings, and suggests ways they could be more effective.


The Crisis in Interfaith Relations in the Middle East
March 2007 | USIPeace Briefing
The interfaith peace movement in the Middle East has foundered recently, a casualty of major geo-political events, among them the war in Iraq, the increase in hostility between Iran and the West, the Israel-Hezbollah war, and the failure of efforts to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. These and related factors have contributed to undermine interfaith efforts and limit opportunities for meaningful dialogue and common action.


Civilians Can Win the Peace
February 2007 | USIPeace Briefing
President Bush's planned troop surge in Iraq may fail if it does not receive sufficient civilian support. Patricia Thomson and Daniel Serwer outline four points that should be done to help ensure the civilian capacity is strong enough to support the military's role in Iraq.


Provincial Reconstruction Teams in Iraq
February 2007 | USIPeace Briefing
In January 2007, President Bush announced an expansion of the Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) program to help accelerate Iraq's transition to self-reliance. How can PRTs—intended to close the gap between civilian and military efforts—be evaluated effectively?


Civilians Will Make the Difference in Iraq
February 2007 | USIPeace Briefing
Daniel Serwer gives recommendations for the U.S. government's future course of action in Iraq and the role Iraqis must play in the stabilization of Iraq.


Reforming the Iraqi Interior Ministry, Police, and Facilities Protection Service
February 14, 2007 | USIPeace Briefing
Although several milestones have been accomplished in training and equipping security and police forces in Iraq, achievement of these goals masks a troubling reality regarding the loyalty and quality of these Iraqi forces.


Iraq's New Political Map
January 2007 | Special Report
In 2006, a new group of Iraqi leaders came to power through elections. In the absence of strong bureaucratic and military institutions, the qualities and skills they bring to bear and their capacity and willingness to cooperate, especially across ethnic and sectarian lines, will determine whether Iraq collapses into chaos or moves forward toward stability.


Jordan and Iraq: Between Cooperation and Crisis
November 2006 | Special Report
President Bush's visit to Jordan this week has brought new attention to the role of Iraq's neighbors. As part of the Institute's Iraq and its Neighbors initiative, Scott Lasensky has completed an in-depth study on Jordan and the myriad of challenges it now faces because of a weak Iraq.


Scenarios for the Insurgency in Iraq
October 2006 | Special Report
Touching on a top U.S. foreign policy priority, this Special Report identifies several possibly outcomes of the insurgency in Iraq, and recommends to U.S. policymakers the best strategies to deal with the current situation and the unfolding futures.


Weak Viability: The Iraqi Federal State and the Constitutional Amendment Process
July 2006 | Special Report
How does constitutional instability contribute to the cycle of violence in Iraq? Jonathan Morrow makes recommendations for Iraq's upcoming constitutional amendment process that could help stop the current decline in the country's security situation.


Transitional Governance: From Bullets to Ballots
June 2006 | Stabilization and Reconstruction
Effective transitional governance is one of the most formidable challenges facing reconstruction and stabilization missions in war-torn, failed states. How can these states secure lasting peace without institutions of governance, accountable leaders, and support of the governed?


Policing Iraq: Protecting Iraqis from Criminal Violence
June 2006 | USIPeace Briefing
Reducing criminal violence would advance stability in Iraq, increase popular support for Iraq's new government, and improve police-community relations. This can best be done through an effective program of U.S.-supported institutional development.


Economic Empowerment of Women in Iraq: The Way Forward
May 2006 | USIPeace Briefing
The international community and Iraqis must focus on a leading economic role for women. Participants discussed the current status of women in Iraq–and the challenges and options for the future–during a series of meetings hosted by USIP in recent months.


Who Are Iraq's New Leaders? What Do They Want?
March 2006 | Special Report
USIP's ongoing examination of Iraq's emerging leadership finds a revolutionary change in the forces shaping the new leaders and their political orientation since the end of the Ba'th regime. The report offers several proposals to help Iraqis step back from the current political crisis.


Measuring Progress in Stabilization and Reconstruction
March 2006 | Stabilization and Reconstruction Series
This report is based on series of consultations with the Working Group on Measuring Progress, a part of USIP’s "Filling the Gaps" series which aims to systematically address the causes of failure in specific areas in reconstruction and stabilization operations and to generate policy options for those in the U.S. government and elsewhere who lead and staff these missions.


Chaplains as Liaisons with Religious Leaders: Lessons from Iraq and Afghanistan
March 2006 | Peaceworks
This study demonstrates that military chaplains, as clergy and officers, blend a secular status and a religious one, making them well suited to serve as intermediaries between military and religious leaders in areas of conflict and post-conflict stabilization.


Saudi Arabia and Iraq: Oil, Religion, and an Enduring Rivalry
January 2006 | Special Report
This Special Report is third in a series on "Iraq and Its Neighbors," examining the U.S. relationship with Saudi Arabia and Riyadh's policies toward Baghdad.


Iraq's Constitutional Process II: An Opportunity Lost
December 2005 | Special Report
In this Special Report Institute Rule of Law Program Officer Jonathan Morrow describes and analyzes the process of negotiating and drafting Iraq's constitution, and points to lessons for Iraq and for future constitutional processes.


Iraq before the Election: Constructing a National Narrative
December 12, 2005 | USIPeace Briefing
This USIPeace Briefing recaps a recent Institute event that considered the potential outcomes of Iraq's upcoming elections and their implications for the future.


Iran and Iraq: The Shia Connection, Soft Power, and the Nuclear Factor
November 2005 | Special Report
This part of the "Iraq and Its Neighbors" series, focuses on the positive and negative roles Iran plays in the stabilization and reconstruction process in Iraq.


Orphans of Conflict: Caring for the Internally Displaced
October 2005 | Special Report
This Special Report proposes five steps to improve the global response to Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) to build ownership of IDPs by host governments and foreign donors, implement rules and standards governing the response, and create a permanent advocacy constituency for IDPs.


Strategies for Promoting Democracy in Iraq
October 2005 | Special Report
This report is part of the Institute's effort to suggest ways to involve the Iraqi higher education system in building and promoting democratic governance in Iraq.


Draft Constitution Gained, but an Important Opportunity Was Lost
October 11, 2005 | USIPeace Briefing
This USIPeace Briefing discusses the possible outcomes of Iraq's October 15 national referendum in light of the constitutional process.


Iraq at a Juncture: Constitution, Referendum and Elections
October 5, 2005 | USIPeace Briefing
This USIPeace Briefing analyzes a series of meetings held by the Institute's Iraq Working Group on the constitution-making process in Iraq.


Creating a Common Communications Culture: Interoperability in Crisis Management
August 2005 | Virtual Diplomacy Series
This publication was presented as a speech at a conference, "Towards Interoperability in Crisis Management," cosponsored by the United States Institute of Peace's Virtual Diplomacy Initiative and the Crisis Management Initiative's Information Technology and Crisis Management project (CMI/ITCM) in Helsinki, Finland, September 11-14, 2003. The conference, the second in a series launched by CMI, was organized to explore practical steps toward improving information sharing, coordination, and cooperation from headquarters to the field and between and among the various organizations responding to humanitarian crises.


Iraq Election Scenarios: Anticipating Alternative Futures
July 2005 | Special Report
This report illustrates how scenario planning can help policymakers grapple with great uncertainty and complex political environments.


Iraq and Its Neighbors Series: Turkey and Iraq: The Perils (and Prospects) of Proximity
July 2005 | Special Report
This Special Report is part of a series examining Iraq's neighbors and the major role they are playing—both positive and negative—in the stabilization and reconstruction of "the new Iraq."


Iraq Election Scenarios: Anticipating Alternative Futures
July 2005 | Special Report
This Special Report provides a description of an Institute-project that sought to develop multiple scenarios for the Iraq elections. It also illustrates how scenario planning can help policymakers grapple with great uncertainty and complex political environments.


The Coalition Provisional Authority's Experience with Governance in Iraq
May 2005 | Special Report
This report is a product of the United States Institute of Peace's Iraq Experience Project. It is the third of three reports examining important lessons identified in Iraq prior to the country's transition to sovereignty in June 2004 and is based on extensive interviews with 113 U.S. officials, soldiers, and contractors who served there.


Who Are the Insurgents? Sunni Arab Rebels in Iraq
April 2005 | Special Report
Explores broad categories of insurgents and presents opportunities for rapprochement with coalition forces.


The Coalition Provisional Authority's Experience with Economic Reconstruction in Iraq: Lessons Identified
April 2005 | Special Report
Focuses specifically on economic reconstruction in Iraq under the Coalition Provisional Authority.


The Coalition Provisional Authority's Experience with Public Security in Iraq: Lessons Identified
April 2005 | Special Report
Focuses specifically on public security in Iraq under the Coalition Provisional Authority and also draws on the views of experts who attended a January 2005 Iraq Experience conference at the Institute.


Iraq's Constitutional Process: Shaping a Vision for the Country's Future
February 2005 | Special Report
Looks at what lessons might be found in other post-conflict constitution-making processes and potential roles for the international community in supporting the constitution-making process in Iraq.


Institute Training Program Helps Iraqis Identify And Pursue Core National Interests
December 21, 2004 | USIPeace Briefing
Looks at a recent conflict management training session for Iraqis in Washington, D.C.


Politics Should Not Delay Iraqi Elections
December 7, 2004 | News Release
Offers insights on the upcoming elections from December Institute briefing on Iraq.


Donor Activities and Civil Society Potential in Iraq
July 2004 | Special Report
Offers an overview of international assistance devoted to civil society development, including democracy training, civic programs, human rights, and education reform in Iraq.


Building the Iraqi Special Tribunal: Lessons from Experiences in International Criminal Justice
June 2004 | Special Report
Examines lessons learned from the work of the International Criminal Tribunals for the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda, the Special Court for Sierra Leone, the East Timor Serious Crimes Unit, and various national judicial processes concerning accountability for mass violations of human rights and international humanitarian law.


The Broader Middle East and North Africa: Major Challenges Ahead
June 8, 2004 | News Release
Looks at the latest iteration of the U.S. initiative to promote democracy in the Middle East.


The U.S. Mission in Iraq After June 30: Views from State and Defense
May 21, 2004 | News Release
Explores the challenges ahead for the June 30 transition in Iraq.


Post-Conflict Iraq: A Race for Stability, Reconstruction, and Legitimacy
May 2004 | Special Report
Provides an overview of the problems and possibilities of the transitional period, analyzing the nature of the transition and the players involved with a focus on the process of liberalization.


Building Civilian Capacity for U.S. Stability Operations: The Rule of Law Component
April 2004 | Special Report
Proposes that the U.S. government develop a civilian capacity to deploy police, judges, and corrections officials to establish public order in the aftermath of international interventions.


Iraq and its Neighbors: A Regional Architecture is Needed
February 26, 2004 | USIPeace Briefing
Examines how regime change in Iraq has affected regional politics and potential roles for regional actors in the reconstruction of Iraq.


Managing Iraq's Oil Revenues
February 20, 2004 | USIPeace Briefing
Explores the challenges of oil revenue management in Iraq and its implications for rebuilding the nation.


Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction: What's There, What's Not, and What Does it All Mean?
February 12, 2004 | News Release
Covers highlights from recent briefing with former chief U.S. weapons inspector David Kay.


Iraq's Middle Class Is the Key to Unity
December 23, 2003 | USIPeace Briefing
Analyzes the challenges to national unity in Iraq and how the coalition can strengthen unifying forces.


The Role of Religion in Iraqi Politics
December 23, 2003 | USIPeace Briefing
Explores some of the dynamics of religion and politics in Iraq.


Global Terrorism after the Iraq War
October 2003 | Special Report
Features insights from leading terrorism and U.S. national security experts on the challenges facing the United States in combating global terrorism.


Islamist Politics in Iraq after Saddam Hussein
August 2003 | Special Report
Graham Fuller examines the various Islamist political movements that have asserted themselves since the fall of Saddam Hussein.


Prospects for Iraqi Economic and Political Reconstruction Are Better Than Anticipated
August 6, 2003 | USIPeace Briefing
George Ward, director of U.S. humanitarian operations in Iraq from February to June 2003, explores the state of reconstruction in Iraq in an Institute News Release.


Building Civil Society: An Overlooked Aspect of Iraq's Reconstruction?
July 31, 2003 | USIPeace Briefing
Explores the challenges of establishing a healthy civil society in Iraq.


Iraq's Neighbors: Help or Hindrance?
July 30, 2003 | News Release
Examines regional issues, interests, and how Iraq's neighbors regard the U.S.-led reconstruction efforts within Iraq.


Global Terrorism after the Iraq War
July 7, 2003 | News Release
Explores shifts in the terrorist threat in the wake of the Iraq war and its implications for the overall war on terrorism.


The Road Ahead: Lessons in Nation Building from Japan, Germany, and Afghanistan for Postwar Iraq
May 2003 | Peaceworks
This report by senior fellow Ray Jennings draws lessons for postwar peacebuilding in Iraq.


Religious Politics in Iraq
May 27, 2003 | USIPeace Briefing
Explores the strength and ideologies of Islamist political movements as well as Shiite-Sunni relations.


Establishing the Rule of Law in Iraq
April 2003 | Special Report
Suggests steps to ensure that post-conflict reconciliation and reconstruction in Iraq go forward successfully.


Avoiding Violence in Kirkuk Requires Settling Property Disputes Quickly
April 28, 2003 | News Release
Explores whether lessons learned from administrative property claims processes used in Bosnia and Kosovo as well as elsewhere, apply to the situation in Iraq.


Immediate Imperatives in Post-War Iraq
April 18, 2003 | News Release
Explores public security, governance, humanitarian assistance, and WMD concerns in post-war Iraq.


Defining the "Vital Role" for the United Nations in Iraq
April 17, 2003 | News Release
Examines potential roles for the United Nations in post-war Iraq.


Kirkuk: A Potential Iraq Hot Spot Needs U.S. Attention Now
March 20, 2003 | News Release
Examines the possible conflicts arising in and around Kirkuk and possible non-violent solutions.


Humanitarian Responses to a War in Iraq
March 5, 2003 | USIPeace Briefing
Explores highlights from recent meeting on Iraq.


After Saddam Hussein: Winning a Peace If It Comes to War
February 2003 | Special Report
Well-planned, flexible, and effective post-war initiatives can stabilize the region, empower Iraqi moderates, and help the Unites States to contain tensions with the Middle East.


Disarming Iraq: Problems and Prospects
December 5, 2002 | News Release
Explores highlights from Institute Hill briefing on Iraq and weapons of mass destruction.


The Marsh Arabs of Iraq
November 25, 2002 | News Release
Explores Hussein's lesser known victims.


Good Practices: Information Sharing in Complex Emergencies
March 2002 | Virtual Diplomacy Report
Explores the role of information sharing between humanitarian and military actors in complex emergencies.


Taking It to the Next Level: Civilian-Military Cooperation in Complex Emergencies
August 2000 | Virtual Diplomacy Report
Military and intelligence agencies have been unaccustomed to exchanging information with international organizations and non-governmental organizations, and vice versa. As a result, information sharing has been a frustratingly elusive requirement in responses to humanitarian crises.


Thinking Out Loud: Policies Toward Iraq
February 1999 | Special Report
The problems Iraq has posed to the United States and the international community are unique, but they represent the kinds of problems we are likely to face in the future. Weapons proliferation, asymmetrical confrontations, and multilateral diplomacy are almost certainly typical of the forthcoming challenges to peace and security.


Between Impediment and Advantage: Saddam's Iraq
June 1998 | Special Report
Provides a useful backdrop to the conflict in Iraq by helping interested observers understand the significance of Saddam Hussein in Iraqi politics.


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