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News Release

For Release: October 23, 2006
Contact: Jeff Fontana (530) 252-5332

BLM Offering Weanling Horses and Mules for Public Adoption

Horse enthusiasts who want to begin training a young animal for pleasure riding, work or competition have the opportunity to adopt a weanling wild horse or mule, when the Bureau of Land Management holds a special adoption event Saturday, Nov. 18, at the Litchfield Corrals.

The corrals are on U. S. Highway 395 about 20 miles east of Susanville.

The BLM will offer 60 mustangs, all under a year old, and five mules (two weanlings and three yearlings) in the adoption event that runs from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. There will be an hour of silent bidding beginning at 9 a.m. Animals not taken during bidding will be available on a first-come, first-served basis for a $125 adoption fee.

"All of these animals come from northeast California herd areas, including Twin Peaks, that are known for producing good-sized wild horses," said KC Pasero, the BLM's Wild Horse and Burro Program manager for northeast California. "All have received vaccinations for common equine diseases, rabies and West Nile virus. They have been de-wormed and have negative Coggins test results. Adopters receive health care records so they can begin health care programs with their veterinarians."

Pasero said adopters will have until noon Sunday, Nov. 19 to pick up their animals.

To qualify, adopters must be at least 18 years old and have no convictions for inhumane treatment of animals. BLM staff members will interview all prospective adopters to be sure they meet the BLM adoption requirements and can provide the required facilities.

Newly adopted weanling mustangs and mules must be kept in corrals with at least 400 square feet of space per animal (20 feet by 20 feet), surrounded by a five-foot fence built of pipe or boards. Adopters must provide a two-sided, roofed shelter to provide protection from extreme weather.

"Adopted animals should be kept in this corral until they can be approached, handled, haltered and led," Pasero explained. "Un-gentled animals should not be placed in large, open pastures."

Adopters must provide a halter and lead rope. BLM wranglers will halter and load adopted animals. Adult horses must be transported in stock trailers with side-swinging gates.

Title to adopted wild horses and burros remains with the federal government for one year. After providing a year of good care, adopters can receive title. The BLM or a representative will check on the condition of the animal during the one-year adoption period.

"Wild horses are strong, loyal, intelligent and very trainable," Pasero said. "Adopters find they are great for pleasure riding and trail riding, back country packing, ranch work and competition. Twin Peaks horses have done very well in endurance rides sanctioned by the American Endurance Ride Conference."

Wild horses and burros are protected by a federal law, the Wild and Free Roaming Horses and Burros Act. The law recognizes the animals as "living symbols of the historic and pioneer spirit of the west," and requires the BLM to manage the wild herds.

The BLM periodically gathers horses and burros to control herd populations on ranges shared with wildlife and domestic livestock. Herd sizes are controlled to ensure there is sufficient feed and water for all range users and to ensure that natural resources are not over-used.

There are about 31,000 wild horses and burros roaming on public rangelands in the western states. More than 200,000 animals have been placed in private care since the BLM's Adopt-a-Horse-or-Burro Program began in the early 1970s.

For additional information on the adoption event or wild horse management, contact the BLM toll free at 1-866-4MUSTANGS or the Litchfield Corrals at (530) 254-6575. Information is also available online at www.wildhorseandburro.blm.gov.


Northern California Public Affairs 2950 Riverside Drive Susanville, CA 96130

Last updated: 06-25-2007