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News Release

For Release: October 18, 2006
Contact: David Christy, (916) 985-4474

Three Oil and Gas Firms Honored by BLM

Three firms were presented with awards by the Bureau of Land Management today at the biennial Oil and Gas Conference in Bakersfield in recognition of their efforts to protect the environment while operating federal oil and gas leases.

Plains Exploration and Production Company, Los Angeles, received the Oil and Gas Operator of the Year Award on Public Lands for habitat conservation and wildlife protection measures.

"While operating 18 federal leases in California, you have demonstrated that operations can be conducted in a manner which is sensitive to environmental concerns," BLM State Director Mike Pool said in the award letter.

Plains Exploration also was recently recognized by BLM Director Kathleen Clarke with the 2006 award for Habitat Conservation Through the Use of Best Management Practices. The habitat conservation plan developed by Plains set aside 1,250 acres to compensate for impacts to endangered species habitat.
Chevron Corp., Bakersfield, received the State Director's Award for their environmental work on 13 federal leases.

"For the past three years, your staff has worked closely with BLM on the Lost Hills Water Flood Expansion project, which has involved drilling approximately 50 wells," Pool said in the award letter. "Several proposed locations were moved to less environmentally sensitive areas and were designed to disturb the smallest area possible."

Matris Exploration Company, The Woodlands, Texas, received the 2006 Special Conservation Achievement Award. Matris began operating its first leases in California this year. The leases are located in the Kettleman Hills and contain important endangered species habitat.

Matris purchased compensation lands, oriented well pads to avoid wildlife burrows, conducted training for field staff and employed biologists to monitor activities and prevent take of blunt-nosed leopard lizards. "You've gone beyond BLM's requirements and taken additional actions to mitigate impacts from your drilling operation," Pool said in the letter.


Bakersfield Field Office, 3801 Pegasus Dr., Bakersfield, CA 93308

Last updated: 06-25-2007