Argonne National Laboratory Environmental Science Division (EVS)
Advancing informed environmental decision making
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Environmental Science Division of Argonne National Laboratory
Oil and Gas Technology Feasibility Studies
The optimal recovery and use of U.S. oil and gas resources requires energy policies and environmental regulations based on credible scientific data, assumptions, and analyses. EVS conducts independent feasibility studies of the technical, regulatory, economic, and risk aspects of promising oil field technologies to foster technology evaluation and implementation.
About Our Division
The Environmental Science Division of Argonne National Laboratory conducts applied environmental research, assessment, and technology development, primarily for federal agencies that have responsibilities for energy development and use, natural resource management, or national defense.


Highlighted Program

Highlighted Publications

07/15/08 Veil named distinguished lecturer by Society of Petroleum Engineers  More »
11/20/07 Final Programmatic EIS for Alternative Energy Development on Outer Continental Shelf Released  More »
Hazardous Material Transport Risk
EVS has been involved in major transportation risk assessments for all radioactive waste types, and has been instrumental in helping to define a comprehensive transportation risk methodology for use in these analyses.
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U.S. Department of Energy UChicago Argonne LLC Office of Science - Department of Energy
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