Appendix A General Questions for Adverse Events Reporting Testimony

The workgroup asks all testifiers to consider the following questions in developing testimony, although it is recognized that all questions may not be pertinent to all testifiers:

  1. What is the current status of adverse eventreporting?

    1. Whotypically detects and reports the adverse events and how often is this a manual process?

    2. Approximatelywhat percentage of adverse eventsare reported?

    3. How could this be improved through using [electronic health records (EHRs)or other types of health information technology (HIT)?

  1. Do existing authorities or law allowor permit public health agencies electronic access to clinical data from provider systems for the purpose of detecting adverse events?

    1. What kind of data would public health need access to and how often?

    2. What are the barriers to access and use such data?

    3. What type of infrastructure would be needed andcould this type of access be enabled through emerging regional health information networks?

  1. How couldHIT enabled adverse event detection andbecome part of an integrated workflow that includesanalysis and bidirectional communication?

  1. Are standards for adverseevents reporting implemented and if so which standards are national standards or should be considered for adoption at the national level?

    1. Have they been or should they beconsideredfor ambulatory or inpatient certification of EHRs?

  1. How can HIT be best used to improve the detection and reporting of adverse events?

    1. What steps do government agencies, providers, vendors and other stakeholders need to take to achieve this?

  1. To what extent can HIT be used to reduce the reliance on clinician initiated detection and reporting of adverse events?