National Nuclear Security Administration

Nuclear Safeguards

With the increasing number, size, and complexity of nuclear facilities deployed worldwide, the widespread entry into force of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Additional Protocols, and the emergence of new proliferation threats from both state and non-state terrorist actors, the current demands on the IAEA safeguards directorate far exceeds its resources.

At the same time, the current generation of safeguards technologies is becoming outdated and the safeguards “human capital” base is aging and shrinking.  As nuclear energy continues to expand, opportunities for proliferation will multiply and the gap between IAEA needs and resources will grow wider.

To confront these challenges, NNSA has launched the Next Generation Safeguards Initiative focused on revitalizing the U.S. safeguards technology and human capital base to ensure that we have the authorities, capabilities, technologies, expertise, and resources needed to meet current and future challenges.  NNSA seeks to coordinate and implement a dedicated program focused on developing advanced safeguards approaches, technologies, and equipment that will cultivate a new generation of specialists with expertise in a broad range of safeguards-relevant disciplines.

NNSA Next Generation Safeguards Initiative

Safeguards Report

NNSA Kicks Off Next Generation Safeguards Initiative

Fact Sheet

Next Generation Safeguards Initiative Inaugural Conference

Remarks by Secretary of Energy Samuel Bodman

Remarks by Senator Richard Lugar

Remarks by Conference Chairman Adam Scheinman

Draft GNEP Nonproliferation Impact Assessment

To read the draft Nonproliferation Impact Assessment for the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership, click here.