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Regional Resources

Chiapas Web Links

Below are links by topical categories to resources about the conflict in Chiapas from sources mainly active in Mexico.

These links complement the Institute Special Report: Southern Mexico: Counterinsurgency and Electoral Politics.

General Resources

  • Background Notes: Mexico (May 1996)
    [English] Basic information about the country, and its history, social, political and economic conditions, and foreign relations, from the U.S. Department of State. A list of U.S. embassy officials and travel and business information dated 1996 are also provided.
  • Latin American Network Information Center (LANIC): Mexico
    [English] Links to web sites dealing with the arts, culture, tourism, economy, politics, history, science and technology in Mexico. Also provides access to Mexican academic web servers, subject indexes, online periodicals and discussion groups.

Elections and Political Parties

  • Federal Electoral Institute
    [Spanish] Explains Mexican electoral laws, links to the web sites of five political parties, provides the full text of press releases and speeches by Federal Electoral Institute officials, and shows recent electoral results via graphics and tables.
  • Partido Acción Nacional
    [Spanish] The web site of the National Action Party (PAN) contains information about its history, programs, organization, electoral participation, and legislative representatives and activities, as well as news and publications.
  • Partido de la Revolución Democrática
    [Spanish] Homepage of the Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD), containing party history, organization and program, basic documents, press releases, speeches and interviews, and list of legislative representatives.
  • Partido del Trabajo
    [Spanish] Basic information about the Labor Party (PT), including its history, principles, program, and statutes.
  • Partido Revolucionario Institucional
    [Spanish] Information about the principles, history and organization of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), including key documents, results from the 1998 elections, and plans and platform for the 1999 elections.
  • Partido Verde Ecologista de Mexico
    [Spanish & English] Includes information about the principles and programs of the Mexican Ecological Green Party (PVEM), a directory of officers and legislative representatives, news releases, and periodical publication "Tucan".

Government Agencies

  • Chiapas
    [Spanish] Links to press statements, speeches and documents relating to human rights and negotiations to the conflict in Chiapas from the Office of the President of Mexico.
  • Chiapas - Gobierno del Estado
    [Spanish] Web site of the state government of Chiapas includes press reports in Spanish and photos on presidential visits to the state.
  • Mexico-U.S. Relations
    [Spanish] Report of the Mexican Ministry of Foreign Relations regarding bilateral relations with the United States, including meetings and visits, treaties and other agreements, migration, border, and drug trafficking issues in 1997 and 1998.
  • Procuraduría General de la República
    [Spanish] The site of the Attorney General's office of Mexico contains documents explaining the concept, instruments and institutions of international human rights law.
  • Secretaría de Gobernación (Mexico)
    [Spanish & English] Mexico's Ministry of the Interior site, with a Chiapas page that links to communiques and policy statements, and text of agreements related to peace negotiations.
  • U.S. Security Assistance to the Western Hemisphere
    [English] Although not a government agency, Washington, D.C.-based Latin America Working Group provides a guide to defense and security assistance programs for the region, including a description for Mexico.
  • U.S. State Department - Bureau of Inter-American Affairs
    [English] Links to official statements and background reports, and to sites for information on finance, economics and trade, North American Free Trade Agreement, Mexican government, and travel.

Guerrilla Groups

  • Ejército Popular Revolucionario (EPR)
    [Spanish] Provides access to Popular Revolutionary Army (EPR) press releases, publications and list of organizations active in Chiapas, and links to personal testimonies of EPR members and to the web sites of mostly Latin American newspapers.
  • ¡YA BASTA!
    [Spanish & English] Contains essays, speeches, communiques of the Zapatista National Liberation Army (EZLN), and text and reports on peace agreements, related to Chiapas, mostly in Spanish. Additionally, the English and French buttons link to the Zapatista National Liberation Front (FZLN).
  • Zapatistas in Cyberspace, a Guide to Analysis and Information
    [English] Annotated guide to many documents and web sites dealing with the conflict in Chiapas, particularly emphasizing information about the Zapatistas, or Zapatista National Liberation Army (EZLN).

Human Rights and Related Civil Organizations

  • Centro de Derechos Humanos Fray Bartolomé de las Casas
    [Spanish & English] Web page of non-governmental human rights group based in San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas. Links to reports in Spanish and English, daily news and weekly summaries, and publications related to Chiapas.
  • Comisión Mexicana de Defensa y Promoción de los Derechos Humanos
    [Spanish] Charts of 1997 human rights violations in Mexico, news reports on Mexico and Chiapas, and public statements.
  • Comisión Nacional de Derechos Humanos
    [Spanish] The site of the governmental National Human Rights Commission contains information about its organization, activities and services, including an online complaint form, and web pages for young people.
  • Congreso Nacional Indígena
    [Spanish] The site of the National Indigenous Congress, under contruction. Contains text discribing the historic role and organization of indigenous communities in Mexico.
  • Enlace Civil
    [Spanish] Links to descriptions of indigenous community development projects in the states of Chiapas and Aguascalientes, and press releases, news and reports relating to Chiapas.
  • Frente Zapatista de Liberación Nacional (FZLN)
    [Spanish & English] Provides information about the group, documents and statements from the Zapatista National Liberation Army (EZLN), and reports about conflict in Chiapas, with a focus on peace negotiations. English version is less up-to-date than Spanish pages.
  • La Liga Mexicana por la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos
    [Spanish & English] General information about the group, recent reports on human rights, torture and imprisonment in Mexico, reports and requests for action on specific cases (also in English) dating back to 1996, including events in Chiapas.
  • Mexican Academy of Human Rights
    [Spanish & English] Provides information about members, directors and advisors, departments, publications (with one link to full text document on Chiapas), and activites in Spanish and English.
  • Red Nacional de Organismos Civiles de Derechos Humanos
    [Spanish] Web site of the coordinating body of 46 civil groups active in 17 states of Mexico and links to their web pages when available. Contains general information, publications and links to other human rights sites.
  • Servicio Paz y Justicia
    [Spanish] Describes objectives of the group and contact information in the federal district and the states of Chiapas, Morelos, Tabasco and Mexico; includes published articles; and links to their Latin American and other human rights sites.

Maps and Guides

  • CIA World Factbook: Mexico
    [English] Basic map and facts about Mexico from the 1997 edition of the World Factbook published by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency.
  • CIEPAC maps of the situation in Chiapas
    [Spanish & English] Strategic Pastoral Action includes in its Special Report on Chiapas, Mexico, maps prepared by the Centro de Investigación Economíca y Politica y Accíon Communitaria in Chiapas.
  • PCL Map Collection: Mexico
    [English] Political map of Mexico dated 1997 from the Perry-Castañeda Library (PCL) Map Collection of the University of Texas at Austin.

Peace Agreements


Updated: September 7 1999

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