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Personnel Menu

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Contact Information

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Fort Worth District
P.O. Box 17300-0300
819 Taylor Street

Phone: 817-886-1530


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Mission Statement

The Natural Resources Management Mission Statement requires the Corps of Engineers to act as the steward/manager of the lands and waters and conserve those natural resources consistent with ecosystem management principles, while adhering to sound environmental stewardship, protection, compliance, and restoration practices, while providing quality public outdoor recreation experiences to serve the needs of present and future generations.

Staff in this section promulgate the District Engineer's (and Chief, Civil Division's) policies specific to recreation and natural resources management at civil works projects. They assure that the philosophy of the new Mission Statement is reflected in all applicable programs. They assure that natural resource management programs meet the following Corps objectives: to manage resources to insure continued availability; to provide outdoor recreation opportunities on a sustained basis; and to provide a safe and healthful environment for project visitors.
