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OIG Implementation of the NASA Guidelines
for Ensuring the Quality of Information

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Guidelines for Ensuring the Quality of Information are also applicable to information disseminated by the OIG, subject to the definitions and exemptions included therein. NASA's information quality guidelines may be found on the Agency's information quality web site, located at:

Administrative Mechanisms

If an affected person believes that information disseminated by the NASA Office of Inspector General (OIG) does not meet the guidelines for quality (utility, objectivity, and integrity), the person may seek correction of the information.

Requestors wishing to seek correction of information under NASA’s information quality guidelines must follow the procedures outlined below. These procedures apply only to requests for the correction of information relevant to the information quality guidelines.

  • Requests must be in writing, and may be submitted by commercial courier, regular U.S. Postal Service mail, or fax.
  • Requests must indicate that the correction of information is requested under NASA’s information quality guidelines.
  • Requests must include the requestor’s name, phone number, preferred mechanism for receiving a written response (fax, e-mail, regular mail) with applicable contact information, and organizational affiliation (if any).
  • Requests must clearly describe the information that the requestor believes needs correcting for failure to comply with the OMB and/or NASA standards, and include the name of the report or information source, the location if electronic, and the date of issuance.
  • Requests must indicate how the requestor is an affected person for the purposes of these guidelines (as defined in Section H, "Definitions Based on OMB Guidance," NASA Guidelines for Ensuring Quality of Information).
  • Requests must state specifically why the information should be corrected and, if possible, recommend specifically how it should be corrected. Requests should be accompanied by documentary evidence to support the claim.

Requests for correction of NASA OIG information should be sent to:

Office of Inspector General
NASA Headquarters / Code W
Washington, DC 20546-0001
FAX: 202-358-2767 (Attn: Information Quality Correction Request)

For requests for correction of NASA OIG information, the cognizant Assistant Inspector General (AIG) will have the responsibility for receiving suggestions for correction of information. The AIG will coordinate with such OIG officials as appropriate to determine whether or not to correct the information.

In its review, the NASA OIG will determine if the information in question does not meet the appropriate quality standards and needs to be corrected. The review of the information will be limited to that part or parts of the information that are indicated to be in error.

If the NASA OIG decides that correction of the information is warranted, the OIG will correct the information in accordance with existing statutes, regulations, and procedures. The appropriate NASA AIG will inform the requestor in writing of the decision and the action taken.

If the NASA OIG decides not to correct the information, the appropriate AIG shall inform the requestor promptly in writing of the decision not to correct the information, the reason for refusal, the date of the refusal, and the opportunity for appeal.

The NASA OIG will respond to a request for correction of information within 60 calendar days of receipt of the information. The OIG may extend the 60-day response period if additional time is required to review the request for correction of information. The OIG will contact the requestor if an extension of response time is needed, and will indicate the reason for the delay in responding and an estimated decision date.

The NASA OIG may reject a request for information correction if the OIG determines that:

  • The requestor is not an affected person (as defined in Section H, Definitions based on OMB Guidance);
  • The information required to process a review is not provided in full;
  • The information is exempt from the guidelines;
  • The request for correction is frivolous.

The NASA OIG will contact the requestor with a negative response indicating why the request is not being considered.

Only the NASA OIG will maintain records of requests for information correction pertaining to OIG information. The file records will include copies of the original request, the response from the OIG, and notification to the requestor of the OIG’s decision and action taken.

Appeal Process

If an "affected person" who requested correction does not agree with the NASA OIG decision, the person may appeal the decision within 60 calendar days of the decision. Appeals must be sent to the following addres in writing or by fax:

Deputy Inspector General
Office of the Inspector General
NASA Headquarters / Code W
Washington, DC 20546-0001
FAX: 202-358-2767 (Attn: Information Quality Appeal)

Requestors must include complete contact information (name, organizational affiliation, mailing address, fax number, email address, and telephone number), a copy of the initial request for correction of the information and documentation to support the correction, the NASA OIG response, and written argument and documentation to support the appeal (including how the requestor believes he or she is adversely affected by the information he or she feels is in error and how the information should be corrected).

The NASA Deputy Inspector General, who has the authority to delegate this responsibility, as needed, will consider the request. No individuals who served in the organization that originally disseminated the information or who decided upon the original request for correction of the information will be included in the appeal process to ensure an independent analysis is conducted. All appeals will be processed within 30 calendar days unless the NASA OIG determines that a fair review cannot be made within this time frame. The NASA OIG will contact the requestor if an extension of response time is needed, will indicate the reason for the delay in responding and an estimated decision date.

If, after review, the NASA Deputy Inspector General determines that the original decision should be overturned, the appropriate AIG will advise the requestor of the decision. If applicable, the NASA OIG will then correct the information in accordance with existing statutes, regulations, and procedures and notify the requestor and interested or affected parties. If the Deputy Inspector General determines that correction of the information is not warranted, the appropriate AIG will advise the requestor of the denial and the reason and authority for the denial.

The NASA OIG will make every effort to ensure correct information is disseminated; however, the OIG maintains rights under the OMB 515 guidelines to reject requests submitted in bad faith or without justification and may undertake the degree of correction appropriate to the nature and timeliness of the information involved and report thus to OMB annually.

The NASA OIG will maintain records pertaining to appeal requests pertaining to OIG information. The file records will include each appeal request, the response from NASA, and notification to the requestor of the appeal decision.

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NASA Curator: Michael Campbell
NASA Official: Lawrence Anderson
Last Updated: 06/23/2005
Last Reviewed: 06/23/2005