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 HHS News

Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Contact: ACF Press Office
(202) 401-9215

New Guide on Adoption Services for Military Families Released
Offers advice to military families and social work practitioners

The Department of Health and Human Services today announced the publication of Wherever My Family Is: That’s Home! Adoption Services for Military Families. The guide highlights adoption practices that can help to minimize the obstacles military families face when attempting to become foster or adoptive parents.

“Military families have many strengths, including flexibility and a strong sense of community, that make them good foster and adoptive parents,” said HHS Assistant Secretary for Children and Families Wade F. Horn, Ph.D. “I am confident that this new guide will help state agencies work effectively with military personnel to assure that all families who want to give a child a loving home can do so.”

The guide, which is simple to read and user-friendly, is designed not only for social work practitioners, but also for military families contemplating adoption or foster parenting. It is sprinkled with stories of real military families who have adopted children.

“The Department of Defense greatly appreciates the efforts HHS has put into developing an adoption guide for military parents,” said Barbara Thompson, director, Office of Family Policy, Department of Defense. “This guide supports the professionals dedicated to supporting military families as they navigate the requirements to fulfill their dreams of adopting children. The strengths of military families are recognized -- and helping others understand those strengths will overcome many of the hurdles faced by families who relocate and live across the world.”

Prepared by a team including representatives of the HHS Children’s Bureau, The Collaboration to AdoptUsKids, The Adoption Exchange, Inc., McKenzie Consulting, Inc., the National Military Family Association and the American Public Human Services Association, the guide was unveiled at a ceremony commemorating National Adoption Month and honoring the winners of the HHS Adoption Excellence Awards.

Copies of the guide may be obtained by calling 1-888-200-4005. It is also available on line at


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Last Updated: November 29, 2006