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 HHS News

Friday, Nov. 3, 2006
Contact: ACF Press Office
(202) 401-9215

Adoption Excellence Award Winners Announced
Awards kick off November’s National Adoption Awareness Month celebration

The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) today announced 13 awards for individuals and organizations that have demonstrated outstanding commitment to increasing the number of children in foster care who are adopted.

“As National Adoption Awareness Month begins, we are pleased to recognize the Adoption Excellence Award winners for making a profound difference in the lives of children,” said HHS Assistant Secretary for Children and Families Wade F. Horn, Ph.D. “They are our essential partners in the continuing efforts to assure safety and permanency for children through adoption.” 

Adoption Excellence Awards are given annually to honor individuals, families, local agencies, private organizations, courts, businesses and states. They will be presented on Nov. 28 at a special ceremony in Arlington, Virginia.

The Bush Administration’s efforts to promote adoption include the Collaboration to AdoptUsKids, a project to recruit and connect foster and adoptive families with waiting children throughout the United States. For more information about this collaboration, go to

In FY 2005, the total number of adoptions with public agency involvement is estimated at just below 51,500, up from about 50,700 in FY 2004. There are currently 513,000 children in the foster care system, and of these about 114,000 are waiting to be adopted.

Following is a complete list of this year’s Adoption Excellence Award winners:

Richland County Children Services
Mansfield, Ohio
In recognition of decreasing the length of time that children in foster care wait for adoption

Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services
Adoption and Permanency Resources Division
Pasadena, California
In recognition of decreasing the length of time that children in foster care wait for adoption

Pennsylvania Statewide Adoption and Permanency Network (SWAN)
Pennsylvania Independent Living Services
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
In recognition of increasing adoption of older children

Family Connections Christian Adoptions
Modesto, California
In recognition of faith-based initiatives

Oregon Post Adoption Resource Center
Portland, Oregon
In recognition of support for adoptive families

Casey Family Services, New Hampshire Division
Concord, New Hampshire
In recognition of support for adoptive families

Adoptive Family Support Network
Grand Rapids, Michigan
In recognition of support for adoptive families

Pennsylvania Statewide Adoption and Permanency Network (SWAN)
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
In recognition of support for adoptive families

Dr. Carol “Cassie” Statuto Bevan
Washington, D.C.
In recognition of individual and/or family contributions

Chief Judge Judith S. Kaye
New York, New York
In recognition of individual and/or family contributions

Paul VanderVelde
Tallahassee, Florida
In recognition of individual and/or family contributions

Jockey International
“Jockey Being Family”
Kenosha, Wisconsin
In recognition of business contributions/initiatives

KSDK—News Channel 5
“A Place to Call Home” Program
St Louis, Missouri
In recognition of business contributions/initiatives


Note: All HHS press releases, fact sheets and other press materials are available at

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Last Updated: Nov. 3, 2006