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Search Results: federal
The search returned 713 matches:
Keyword: federal
Figure/Table TitleTopic AreaSourceYear
1. Estimated federal support for education, by type of ultimate recipient and agency: Fiscal year 2006
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References/Other Digest of Education Statistics 2006
2. Fifth, median, and 95th percentile cutpoints for public elementary and secondary school district revenues and expenditures per pupil, and federal range ratio in the United States and District of Columbia, by district type: Fiscal year 2004
(View Table/Figure)
Elementary/Secondary Common Core of Data (CCD) Overview 2004
3. Federal support and estimated federal tax expenditures for education, by category: Selected fiscal years, 1965 through 2007
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References/Other Digest of Education Statistics 2007
4. Number of full-time teachers, base salary at the 5th, median, and 95th percentile cutpoints, and federal range ratio, by educational attainment, years of experience, and participating state: School year 2005–06
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Elementary/Secondary Findings from the Pilot Teacher Compensation Survey: School Year 2005-06 2006
5. Expenditures per pupil at the 5th, median, and 95th percentile cutpoints and federal range ratio for public elementary and secondary school districts in the United States, by district type and type of expenditure: Fiscal year 2006
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Elementary/Secondary Revenues and Expenditures for Public Elementary and Secondary School Districts: School Year 2005–06 (Fiscal Year 2006) 2006
6. Gross domestic product price index, Consumer Price Index, education price indexes, and federal budget composite deflator: Selected years, 1919 through 2006
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References/Other Digest of Education Statistics 2006
7. Percentage of full-time and part-time undergraduates receiving federal aid, by aid program and control and type of institution: 2003-04
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References/Other Digest of Education Statistics 2004
8. Federal revenues received by local education agencies for public elementary and secondary education, by program and state: Fiscal year 2006
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Elementary/Secondary Revenues and Expenditures for Public Elementary and Secondary School Districts: School Year 2005–06 (Fiscal Year 2006) 2006
9. Total revenues per pupil at the 5th, median, and 95th percentile cutpoints, federal range ratio, and numbers of districts and students for public elementary and secondary regular school districts, by state and independent charter school districts: Fiscal year 2006
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Elementary/Secondary Revenues and Expenditures for Public Elementary and Secondary School Districts: School Year 2005–06 (Fiscal Year 2006) 2006
10. Current expenditures per pupil at the 5th, median, and 95th percentile cutpoints, federal range ratio, and numbers of districts and students for public elementary and secondary regular school districts, by state and independent charter school districts: Fiscal year 2006
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Elementary/Secondary Revenues and Expenditures for Public Elementary and Secondary School Districts: School Year 2005–06 (Fiscal Year 2006) 2006
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