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What We Do
Managing Our Resources

In addition to their recreation potential, the Vicksburg District's lakes and game management areas are excellent resource management tools. The lakes provide habitat for numerous species of birds, fish, and other animals. The district maintains hundreds of wood duck boxes at its lakes and cleans and adds to them every year. Also, wildlife foodplots are regularly planted around the lake to provide winter food for many animals. And, of course, the annual gathering of discarded Christmas trees for use as fish shelter has become a familiar sight in many communities around the lakes.
Forest management is another important job for lake personnel; trees are regularly checked, thinned to assure a healthy forest, and new trees planted.
An increasingly important resource and wildlife management tool at the lakes is the district's volunteer program. Hundreds of people of all ages have offered their talents and time to perform needed work that might otherwise be neglected because of manpower shortages. Their efforts range from planting flowers at a project entrance to maintaining hiking and cycling trails.


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