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The Clubs offer a chance to attend Super Bowl XLII 

This fall, clubs and restaurants across the Corps will be sponsoring the Marine Corps Community Service Football Bash in an effort to get Marines into MCCS facilities for a little fun, camaraderie, and football.

From Oct. 19 to Dec. 6, any time you patronize an MCCS Club or Restaurant, you will be eligible to enter into a raffle for a chance to win the Grand Prize – a five day/four night, all expense paid trip for two to Phoenix, Ariz., to attend Super Bowl XLII, valued at over $7,500. The Grand Prize winner will also receive $500 spending money. The Second Place Prize will be $1,000 and merchandise, and the Third Place Prize will be $500 and merchandise.

Each installation will consolidate entries and hold a drawing for installation first, second, and third place winners on Dec.7, 2007. These winners will receive MCCS gift certificates and merchandise. The installation First Place Winner will be entered in the drawing for the top three prizes, including the Grand Prize trip to Super Bowl XLII. The Grand Prize Drawing will he held on Dec. 14, 2007, at Headquarters Marine Corps, Personnel and Family Readiness Division, aboard Marine Corps Base Quantico, Va.

Authorized patrons can obtain entry forms at Officers’, Staff Noncommissioned Officer, Enlisted, or Consolidated Clubs, and MCCS operated base restaurants. On bases that do not have an enlisted club, entry tickets will be available in the recreational center where enlisted personnel gather.

It is the responsibility of the patron to completely and legibly complete and return entry tickets in time for the drawing. Illegible or incomplete entries and those submitted by unauthorized patrons are null and void. No purchase is necessary to enter in the contest and prizes are not redeemable for cash.

Official event sponsors include AT&T, Coca-Cola, Sam Adams, Tyson Foods, and Weber. If you have questions, contact your local MCCS Club or Restaurant manager.