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MCAS Miramar begins Annual Fuel Breaks, Fire Breaks and Fire Road Maintenance Project 

The Marine Corps Air Station Miramar Public Works and Fire Departments will begin the Annual Fuel Breaks, Fire Breaks and Fire Road Maintenance Project on East Miramar April 19.

This project includes repairing all fire roadways that have been damaged or washed out during the winter rains as well as re-establishing all fire breaks and fuel breaks before the 2007 Fire Season.

This process will likely produce dust clouds visible to surrounding communities which could be mistaken for smoke.

The MCAS Miramar Fire Department plans to conduct prescribed burns in East Miramar during the months of May and June which will produce light to moderate drift smoke that will be visible to the surrounding communities.

There will also be postings on the overhead freeway signs to inform commuters in these areas that prescribed burns are taking place.

Please contact the MCAS Miramar Public Affairs Office at (858) 577-6520 or (858) 864-3406 for more information.