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Truth Commissions Digital Collection

Sierra Leone

A peace agreement between the government of Sierra Leone and the rebel Revolutionary United Front calls for the establishment of a truth and reconciliation commission within 90 days after the signing of the agreement on July 7, 1999.

The commission was later enacted in 2000 by the President and Parliament. The commission is mandated to produce a report on human rights violations since the beginning of the conflict in 1991 and issue recommendations to facilitate reconciliation and prevent a repetition of past violations. The commission is to "address impunity" and provide a forum for both victims and perpetrators of past abuses. The act provides the Truth and Reconciliation Commission with one year to produce its report and recommendations, with the possibility of an extension. Broad amnesty provisions in the agreement grant pardon and immunity from prosecution to combatants and collaborators for abuses committed during the armed conflict.

The final report of the Commission was transmitted to the President of Sierra Leone on October 5, 2004 and presented to the United Nations Security Council October 27, 2004. Three chapters of the report: the overview, findings and recommendations, are available on the U.S. Institute of Peace's web site as part of the Truth Commissions Digital Collection.


Truth Commissions: Charters
Truth Commissions: Reports

Sierra Leone Truth and Reconciliation Commission Final Report:


Posted by USIP Library on: February 18, 2005

Source Name: Files e-mailed from Howard Varney, Chief Investigator for the Sierra Leone Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

Date e-mailed: PDF files e-mailed on November 12, 2004.


Related Web Links: Sierra Leone Web Links

Related Peace Agreements: Sierra Leone Peace Agreements

Updated: February 18, 2005


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