United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Statewide EQIP Program Initiatives and Funding Information

Statewide EQIP Program Priorities

The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) State Conservationist is responsible for development of the EQIP program, including but not limited to allocation of funds to address priority national, statewide and local natural resource concerns. The California State Conservationist has used input from the State Technical Advisory Committee, Local Work Groups and agency staff recommendations to focus EQIP program benefits to several statewide initiatives. The following program descriptions provide information about each initiative, practices which will be funded and information about evaluation and ranking of applications. In addition, the following statewide initiatives, information about local EQIP programs can be found at the California County EQIP Application Information site.

California Statewide Animal Water Quality Initiative

This document requires Adobe Acrobat.

Adobe Acrobat DocumentAFO-CAFO EQIP Program Description (272 KB)
Adobe Acrobat DocumentNutrient Management Practice (590) Guidance (165 KB)

California Wildlife Habitat Initiative

This document requires Adobe Acrobat.

Adobe Acrobat DocumentCA Wildlife Habitat Program Description (283KB)

California Air Quality Initiative

The following documents require Adobe Acrobat.

Adobe Acrobat DocumentAir Quality Initiative EQIP Program Description (304 KB)
Adobe Acrobat DocumentAir Quality Cost Share Rates (591 KB)
Adobe Acrobat DocumentFact Sheet - Chipping Annual Almond and Walnut Prunings; Chipping Removed Orchards and Vineyards (1.2 MB)
Adobe Acrobat DocumentFact Sheet - Conservation Tillage (393 KB)
Adobe Acrobat DocumentFact Sheet - Diesel Engine Replacement Program (398 KB)
Adobe Acrobat DocumentAgricultural Pump Engine Component - Emission Reduction Cost Share Program Sign-Up (170 KB)
Adobe Acrobat DocumentFact Sheet - Dust Control on Unpaved Roads (363 KB)
Adobe Acrobat DocumentFact Sheet - Grapestake Disposal (719 KB)
Adobe Acrobat DocumentFact Sheet - Dairy Waste Injection (362 KB)
Adobe Acrobat DocumentFact Sheet - Pesticide/Herbicide Spray Technology (259 KB)
Adobe Acrobat DocumentFact Sheet - Windbreak/Shelterbelt Initiative (282 KB)

California Ground and Surface Water Conservation (GSWC) Initiative

This document requires Adobe Acrobat.

Adobe Acrobat DocumentCalifornia Statewide GSWC EQIP Program Description  (233 KB)

Klamath Basin Ground and Surface Water Conservation (GSWC) Initiative

This document requires Adobe Acrobat

Klamath Basin GSWC Program Description, Fund Distribution, Eligible Counties, Screening/Ranking Worksheets:

Adobe Acrobat DocumentKlamath Basin Ground & Surface Water Conservation (GSWC) Initiative (949 KB)

California Regular EQIP Program
California Screening and Ranking Process - California Approved Practices

Each eligible EQIP applicant must create a Conservation Plan that supports the development of a proposed EQIP program contract. The development of a conservation plan or EQIP contract does not constitute agreement to provide EQIP program benefits nor approval to receive funds. Final contract approval and awarding of funds is based on evaluation and ranking of the proposed EQIP contract at the local NRCS office level. Each EQIP application is first evaluated using the following Screening Worksheet. If the screening process does not defer the application, then the contract is evaluated using additional Statewide and Local Ranking Criteria. Ranking is assigned to proposals that will provide the most environmental benefit. If funds are available, contracts with the highest environmental score are approved and awarded funds.

The following documents require Adobe Acrobat.

Adobe Acrobat DocumentCalifornia Regular EQIP Program Description - Screening and Ranking Criteria (278 KB)
Adobe Acrobat DocumentCalifornia General Statewide Cost List (498 KB)
Adobe Acrobat DocumentCalifornia General EQIP Implementation Schedule (200 KB)
Adobe Acrobat DocumentNutrient Management Guidelines - Practice 590 (59 KB)
Adobe Acrobat DocumentWildlife Habitat Management EQIP Cost List Intensity Level Guidance (65.9 KB)
Adobe Acrobat DocumentPest Management Guidelines - Practice 595 (39 KB)

EQIP Funding Allocations in California

EQIP program allocations to counties are based upon a formula that incorporates factors for type and degree of natural resource concerns, demographic data and capacity to deliver program services. Funding provided to counties may be further targeted by local work groups to specific resource concerns or watershed areas. Depending upon the number of applications received and other program management decisions, allocations to specific counties may be adjusted throughout the fiscal year. The initial allocation to programs and counties is based upon the formula and results in percentage distributions. The fiscal year 2007 fund allocation percentages can be found as follows:

This document requires Adobe Acrobat.

Adobe Acrobat DocumentEQIP Program Fund Formula Allocation Percentages - County & Program (141 KB)

EQIP applications for eligible producers located in the Klamath Ground and Surface Water Conservation (GSWC) Program area may be cost shared at a maximum of 75% for each eligible practice. EQIP applications submitted by qualified Limited Resource Farmers (LRF) may be cost shared at a maximum of 90% for each eligible practice. EQIP applications submitted by qualified Beginning Farmers (BF) may be cost shared at a maximum of 75% for each eligible practice. EQIP applications submitted by eligible Tribes or Tribal Members may be cost shared at a maximum of 75% for each eligible practice. In California, all other EQIP program structural and vegetative practices are cost shared at a maximum of 50%. Incentive payments for some management related practices may be funded on a flat rate per acre basis. Information regarding eligibility for Limited Resource Farmers and Beginning Farmers may be obtained at http://www.nrcs.usda.gov/programs/SLB_Farmer/.

Initial Allocation as approved by State/Deputy State Conservationist:

Item Allocation
Klamath Basin Ground and Surface Water Conservation Initiative 2,975,792
Statewide Ground and Surface Water Conservation (GSWC) Initiative 8,666,311
Water Quality Initiative (Dairies, AFO, CAFO) 10,000,000
Wildlife Habitat Initaitive 1,000,000
Air Quality Initiative - See additional allocation as follows:
Item Allocation
Road Dust PM10 Reduction Initiative 1,000,000
Smoke PM2.5 Reduction Initiative 1,000,000
Tillage Dust PM10 Reduction Initiative 1,700,000
Engine Replacement NOx Reduction Initiative 1,000,000
Grape Stake PM2.5 Reduction Initiative 100,000
Spray Technology VOC Reduction Initiative 500,000
CAFO Dust PM10 Reduction Initiative 200,000
Regular EQIP Allocation to Counties 19,944,140
Conservation Innovation Grant (CIG) Program 375,000
Total Fiscal Year 2007 Regular EQIP Financial Assistance Allocation 48,461,243

Note: The allocations listed above represent an initial distribution of funds to programs, initiatives and Counties. As contracts are finalized, approved and ranking reports are submitted with final contract obligations, the State Conservationist will make adjustments to meet specific needs. The final distribution of available funds will be different from the initial allocation listed above.

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