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January 7, 1997

G. W. Cunningham, Technical Director
COPIES: Board Members
FROM: J. Preston
SUBJECT: Staff Review of "Feedback and Improvement" Activities at Sandia National Laboratories-New Mexico (SNL)
  1. Purpose

    This report documents a review conducted by the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (Board) staff of the integrated Department of Energy (DOE)/laboratory "Feedback and Improvement" core function at the Department of Energy Albuquerque Operations Office (DOE-AL), Kirtland Area Office (KAO), and SNL. The staff review evaluated this core function at SNL's defense nuclear facilities within the context of SNL's institutional Integrated Safety Management System, with a primary focus on the ongoing Pilot Environment, Safety, and Health (ES&H) Oversight Program (ES&H Pilot). The review was performed during December 10-12, 1996, by Board staff members J. Preston and J. Deplitch, and outside expert R. Lewis (System Planning Corporation).

  2. Summary

    Midway through the 2-year SNL ES&H Pilot, DOE-AL and KAO do not have adequate assurance of overall ES&H performance at SNL, although such assurance exists for SNL's defense nuclear facilities at Tech Area V. The intent of the ES&H Pilot is to demonstrate that DOE's overall assurance can be derived from three integrated mechanisms: (1) SNL line management and internal independent ES&H assessment results, plus teaming of DOE subject matter experts (SMEs) with SNL personnel in these assessments; (2) day-to-day on-site monitoring by KAO Facility Representatives (FRs); and (3) SNL's reporting on performance objectives and indicators. DOE-AL was not scheduled to conduct an annual on-site oversight appraisal as part of the SNL ES&H Pilot, in contrast with the pilots at the two University of California weapons laboratories.

    However, the SNL ES&H institutional self-assessment program is still in the very early stages of development, and the cooperative teaming with DOE SMEs is not taking place to the extent planned. The KAO FRs are not routinely provided necessary access to internal SNL ES&H assessment results, and the KAO FR program is currently experiencing some internal difficulties. Finally, the still-evolving performance objectives and indicators are defined at a very high level; thus they do not provide sufficiently detailed information to support DOE oversight.

    The defense nuclear facilities in Tech Area V have undergone annual ES&H assessments, management surveillances, and regularly scheduled operational assessments by the cognizant line management organization, Division 9000. The KAO FRs for Tech Area V appear to be effectively integrated into the day-to-day operations. The results of the SNL surveillances and assessments have been documented, and deficiencies, issues, and comments appear to have been logged and tracked to closure. However, the ES&H issues and lessons learned at Tech Area V do not appear to have been reviewed institutionally or disseminated throughout SNL.

  3. Background

    The aggregate of contractor self-assessment and DOE oversight activities constitutes a vital part of the "Feedback and Improvement" core function of integrated safety management. The conduct of the ES&H Pilot that was a primary focus of this review was directed by the Deputy Secretary of Energy, Charles B. Curtis (in a memorandum dated August 31, 1995), primarily in response to the "Galvin Report." This initiative was intended to determine whether DOE's on-site appraisal activities (and their associated "burden") could be greatly reduced via increased dependence on the results of the weapons laboratories' self-assessment programs.

    The duration of the SNL ES&H Pilot is 2 years (fiscal years 1996 and 1997). Both pilots at the University of California weapons laboratories had a duration of at least 1 year (fiscal year 1996) and included an annual 2-week on-site ES&H appraisal led by the cognizant DOE Operations Office. The SNL ES&H Pilot, as proposed, was intended to "push the envelope" by not requiring the on-site DOE appraisal.

    Within the DOE complex, the principles of a self-assessment program are derived primarily from DOE G 414.1-1, Implementation Guide for Use with Independent and Management Assessment Requirements of 10 CFR Part 830.120 and DOE 5700.6C, Quality Assurance, dated August 1996. This guide addresses independent and management assessments at the process, system, and program levels. Based on this guide, the associated DOE Order, and the Board staff's review experience, criteria for review of self-assessment programs have been identified and were applied during the present review (see the attachment to this report).

    Criteria for judging the overall adequacy of integrated DOE and contractor "Feedback and Improvement" programs are still evolving within DOE. The ES&H Pilot used the performance measures that are currently incorporated in the laboratories' contracts with DOE as a starting point for assessing the effectiveness of the contractor's overall ES&H program.

  4. Discussion/Observations

    As noted above, the SNL ES&H Pilot is based on the integration of three mechanisms: (1) SNL ES&H self-assessments (with DOE SME teaming), (2) KAO FR monitoring, and (3) performance objectives and indicators.

    SNL ES&H Self-Assessment Program. The staff made the following observations with regard to the SNL ES&H self-assessment program:

    Facility Representatives/Kirtland Area Office Monitoring. The review included interviews with the KAO operations manager (FR program manager), the FR supervisor, two FRs, and the KAO health physicist. The staff made the following observations with regard to the FR/KAO monitoring:

    Performance Objectives and Indicators. The initial set of objectives and indicators was not sufficiently developed to assure DOE of adequate SNL performance. Objectives were aimed at general criteria, such as fatalities and accidents. Indicators, such as injury rate, lost workdays, and regulation compliance, were not detailed enough to identify and evaluate safe practices and activities, or to be useful as a real feedback and improvement aid. As an interim result of the ES&H Pilot, DOE-AL/KAO and SNL have learned that the existing performance measures are generally too high-level to be useful for either self-assessment or oversight. Much additional work is needed to identify indicators that will predict performance problems.

    Discussions with Senior DOE-AL/KAO Management. The problems with the SNL institutional self-assessment program and with the execution of the ES&H Pilot are known to DOE-AL and KAO. These problems led to a meeting between top KAO and SNL management just prior to the Board staff's review visit, during which it was agreed that DOE needed an additional mechanism to provide assurance of SNL ES&H performance. There is some indication that, as a result of this DOE/SNL meeting, a 2-week on-site DOE appraisal may be added to the SNL ES&H Pilot. This possibility was revealed during a Board staff discussion with DOE-AL, KAO, and the SNL Executive Vice President on the last day of the review.

  5. Future Staff Actions

    The Board staff will perform follow-up reviews to monitor the SNL ES&H Pilot, as well as the effective implementation of SNL's Integrated Safety Management System and institutional self-assessment program. The staff will incorporate the findings of its SNL reviews into future reviews of the integrated DOE/contractor "Feedback and Improvement" programs within the DOE defense nuclear complex.

Self-Assessment Program Review Criteria