October 1, 2007


The Honorable A.J. Eggenberger


Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board

625 Indiana Avenue, NW, Suite 700

Washington, D.C. 20004-2941


Dear Mr. Chairman:


The purpose of this letter is to transmit the National Nuclear Security Administration 

Central Technical Authority (CTA) implementing guidance regarding expectations that 

the safety bases and controls be finalized and approved before a Contractor Readiness 

Assessment begins. I will be transmitting this guidance to the Site Office Managers in

my role as Line Management Authority for the site offices.


I mentioned this CTA guidance in my August 14, 2007, letter to you as a pending action.


If you have any comments or feedback, please call me or Mr. Steve Goodrum, Assistant 

Deputy Administrator for Military Application and Stockpile Operations at

(202) 586-4879.




Martin J. Schoenbauer

Principal Assistant Deputy Administrator

for Operations

Defense Programs



September 27, 2007



                                                PRINCIPAL ASSISTANT DEPUTY ADMINISTRATOR

                                                 FOR OPERATIONS


FROM:                                    WILLIAM C. OSTENDORFF

                                                CENTRAL TECHNICAL AUTHORITY (CTA)




The safe startup and restart of nuclear facilities is ensured by a rigorous process set forth 

in Department of Energy (DOE) Order 425.1C, Startup and Restart of Nuclear Facilities

and DOE Standard (STD) 3006-2000, Planning and Conduct of Operations Readiness 

Reviews.  During the last 18 months, several instances have occurred in which DOE 

requirements and best practices for startup activities may have been circumvented.  I am 

issuing this memorandum to establish clear expectations in two key areas and to direct 

actions to institutionalize these expectations through the directives process.


The first area involves facility safety documentation.  DOE O 425.1C establishes a set of 

Minimum Core Requirements (MCRs) for readiness.  The seventh MCR requires safety 

documentation to be in place and implemented that describes the safety envelope of the 

facility being started or restarted.  It is an NNSA expectation that this MCR applies to all 

readiness assessments and reviews.  Facility safety documentation that addresses an 

activity being started or restarted must be approved and implemented prior to beginning 

the contractor readiness assessment or readiness review for the activity.  When facility 

safety documentation requires NNSA approval, that approval must be obtained before the 

start of the contractor’s readiness assessment or review.


The second area involves startup notification reports (SNRs).  DOE O 425.1C establishes 

SNRs as the vehicles by which agreement on types of review and authorization authority 

is documented, and by which senior management is kept informed.  The Order requires 

periodic submission of SNRs and recommends a quarterly submission period.  Effective 

October 15, 2007, it is an NNSA expectation that SNRs be submitted quarterly and

that copies be submitted to NA-10 and to the Chief of Defense Nuclear Safety (CDNS).  

Quarterly SNRs must include summary-level information on all scheduled activities

that may require readiness reviews and that are projected to occur within the subsequent 

12 months.  More detailed information, as described DOE O 425.1C and 

DOE-STD-3006-2000, must be included for activities that have not been included on

previous SNRs.  Proposed startups or restarts that arise between quarterly SNR submittals 

(e.g. for short notice activities or unplanned shutdowns) may be approved as amendments 

to the previous quarterly SNR.


I request that you formalize these expectations for all Hazard Category 1, 2, and 3 nuclear 

activities and operations under your authority.  I also request that you advise the Defense 

Nuclear Facilities Safety Board that the commitment in your memorandum of August 14, 

2007, for the CTA to issue guidance on this subject, has been met.  Finally, as CTA, I am 

initiating an action through the CDNS, to ensure that these expectations are

institutionalized through the directives process.


cc:       Thomas D’Agostino, NA-1

            James McConnell, NA-2.1

            Richard Crowe, NA-2.1

            Michael Thompson, NA-17

            Carl Sykes, NA-17

            Manager, Sandia Site Office

            Manager, Pantex Site Office

            Manager, Nevada Site Office

            Manager, Y-12 Site Office

            Manager, Savannah River Site Office

            Manager, Los Alamos Site Office