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Financial Turmoil and Fragile States
Public event sponsored by the Center for Sustainable Economies of the United States Institute of Peace

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Date and Time
Monday, October 27, 2008
12:30 PM - 2:00 PM

U.S. Institute of Peace
2nd Floor Conference Room A
1200 17th St, NW
Washington, DC 20036

The global financial system has witnessed massive bailouts, significant government intervention and wide-ranging corporate restructuring in a bid to avoid or mitigate the negative effects of the recent market slump. This has taken place against the backdrop of plummeting economic indicators and eroding investor confidence. While much is known about the impact and ramifications of these events in industrialized and industrializing economies, relatively little is known about the implications in the world's fragile and conflict-affected countries. More specifically: How does this crisis affect conflict-affected states over the immediate and longer terms? Would resource-rich economies be less affected? Are recent positive strides in economic performance in jeopardy? Who are the likely winners and losers? What does this mean for trade and aid? What policy options and strategies should governments and stakeholders be considering? The panel will offer perspectives and recommendations on these related issues.


  • Willene Johnson
    President, Komaza Inc. (retired Adviser, U.S. Federal Reserve System and former U.S. Executive Director to the African Development Bank)
  • Louis Dicks-Mireaux
    Deputy Division Chief, International Monetary Fund
  • Gilles Alfandari
    Senior Economist, The World Bank
  • Raymond Gilpin, Moderator
    Director, Center for Sustainable Economies
    U.S. Institute of Peace

Media Inquiries

Please contact Ian Larsen (+1.202.429.3870) or Lauren Sucher (+1.202.429.3822) in the Office of Public Affairs and Communications.


To RSVP, please send your name, affiliation, daytime phone number, and name of the event to Matthew Pierson at mpierson@usip.org.

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