Moving Image Collections: A Window to the World's Moving Images

Governing Committees

Steering Committee


The MIC Steering Committee provides policy and oversight of procedural and technical decisions, and makes governance and management decisions, with the assistance of the Education and Outreach Committee and the Technical Committee, as appropriate. The Committee will develop, approve, and implement strategies to insure MIC's ongoing financial viability: develop an ongoing business model, identify grants and/or foundation funding for future development, develop the budget, and approve and manage expenditures and budget adjustment requests. It will develop MIC governance procedures, develop collaborations and partnerships with other organizations, initiatives, and communities, determine and approve new directions and initiatives, approve hiring of any consultants to provide specialized services, select grant investigators, make annual evaluation site visits to the host site, and make presentations. During Phase I, the MIC Steering Committee is largely preparing for the future, when MIC resides at the Library.


Oksana Dykyj, Chair

Visual Media Resources, Concordia University

Grace Agnew

Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey

Kathy Christensen


Jane D. Johnson

Library of Congress

Andrea Leigh

UCLA Film and Television Archive

Gregory Lukow

Motion Picture, Broadcasting, & Recorded Sound Division, Library of Congress

Sally H. McCallum

Network Development and MARC Standards Office, Library of Congress

Richard Prelinger

Prelinger Associates, Inc.

Karan Sheldon

Northeast Historic Film

Barbara Tillett (Advisor)

Cataloging Policy and Support Office, Library of Congress

Education & Outreach Committee


The Education and Outreach Committee provides oversight and guidance to the MIC website developer for overall web site design, layout, and usability. Shares responsibility with the Technical Committee for the Education, Outreach and Research area of the web site. Solicits members with relevant expertise for contribution to education, outreach and research areas of the web site. Provides editing and review of education, outreach and research contributions. Responsible for raising awareness about MIC with AMIA members and the general public. Fosters communication between AMIA members and MIC. Also participates with the Steering and Technical Committees in fund raising with granting agencies and corporations. The Education and Outreach Committee should include representatives from the AMIA Education and Access Committees.

The Education and Outreach Committee:

  • Approves the site map and page designs of MIC
  • Provides oversight and guidance for the MIC webmaster
  • Selects some content, edits and insures currency for the Education, Outreach and Research area
  • Conducts usability studies for components of MIC
  • Responds to feedback on the site as provided via an automatic feedback form
  • Periodically surveys the membership for suggested changes and additions

View the Committee’s New browser window will open for the MIC Committee's 2005 workplan.(pdf) 2005 workplan.


Andrea Leigh, Chair

UCLA Film and Television Archive

Arlene Balkansky

Library of Congress

Robert Dirig

Japanese American National Museum

Hannah Frost

Stanford University Libraries

Sally Hubbard

The Getty Research Institute

Cindy Keefer

Center for Visual Music

James M. Turner

Université de Montréal

E&O Working Group Chairs, 2004 -

Hannah Frost and Chris Lacinak

Preservation Working Group

Robert Dirig

General Users Working Group

Loretta Ayeroff and Cindy Keefer

Programming for Exhibition Working Group

Sarah Ziebell Mann and Sueyoung Park-Primiano

Cataloging & Metadata Working Group

E&O Working Group Contributors, 2003 -

Trevor Anderson

ScreenSound Australia

Loretta Ayeroff

Arlene Balkansky

Library of Congress

Blaine Bartell

UCLA Film and Television Archive

Snowden Becker

Academy Film Archive

Jeffrey Bickel

UCLA Film and Television Archive

Mike Brostoff

Academy Film Archive

Karen Cariani

WGBH Educational Foundation

Gary Carter

National Geographic Television

Elizabeth Cohen

Stephen Cohen

Yale University

Matthew Darby

University of Georgia Libraries

Susan Delson

Museums Magazines

Robert Dirig

Japanese American National Museum

Leo Enticknap

Northern Region Film and Television Archive

Michael Friend

Sony Pictures Entertainment

Hannah Frost

Stanford University Libraries

Amy Gallick

Library of Congress

Ian Gilmour

ScreenSound Australia

Nancy Goldman

Pacific Film Archive

Allan Goodrich

John F. Kennedy Library

Kelly Graml

UCLA Film and Television Archive

Charles “Buckey” Grimm

Joey Guercio

UCLA Film and Television Archive

Lindsay Harris

U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum

Robert Heiber

Chace Audio

Sara J. Holmes

Texas Tech University

Jim Hubbard

Sally Hubbard

Getty Research Institute

Nancy Kauffman

L. Jeffrey Selznick School of Film Preservation

Cindy Keefer

Center for Visual Music

Chris Lacinak


Melinda Lamantia


Steve Leggett

National Film Preservation Board

Andrea Leigh

UCLA Film and Television Archive

Candace Lewis

Anne Lozier

Smith College

Sarah Ziebell Mann

The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts

Michele McKenzie

Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences

Nancy Mysel

UCLA Film and Television Archive

Mick Newnham

ScreenSound Australia

Sueyoung Park-Primiano

New York University

Thom Piper, Sr.

Chace Audio

Bradley Reeves

Archmedia Preservation

Donna Ross

UCLA Film and Television Archive

Karan Sheldon

Northeast Historic Film

Laura J. Smart

California State Polytechnic University, Pomona

Madi Solomon

The Walt Disney Company

Dale Stieber

Dwight Swanson

James Turner

École de bibliothéconomie et des sciences de l'information, Université de Montréal

Ellie Wackerman

Library of Congress

Kelly Wallace

Los Angeles Public Library

Lance Watsky

The Georgia Archives

Eric Wenocur

Lab Tech Systems

Technical Committee


The Technical Committee provides technical oversight and some implementation for MIC's architecture, database and dynamic functionalities.

The Technical Committee:

  • Develops and revises the Archive Directory database
  • Develops and revises the semantic registry
  • Evaluates, approves and creates any new DTDs for new metadata standards
  • Develops application profiles for metadata standards
  • Oversees the ingest, cataloging and export facilities
  • Participates in the annual site visit evaluation of the host site
  • Evaluates the functionality of each component of MIC in turn and, with the host site, evaluates new technologies for replacement or enhancement of MIC
  • Participates, with the host site, in the hiring and general oversight of contract staff to develop components of MIC
  • Provides technical content and oversight for technical content for the Education, Research and Outreach sections of the web site.


Jane D. Johnson, Chair

Library of Congress

Grace Agnew

Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey

Ann E. Butler

Fales Library and Special Collections, New York University

Morgan Cundiff

Network Development and MARC Standards Office, Library of Congress

Dina Gunderson

CNN Library

Dan Kniesner

Oregon Health & Science University

Sally H. McCallum

Network Development and MARC Standards Office, Library of Congress

Mary Beth Weber

Libraries of Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey

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Updated: September 29, 2005
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