June 5, 2003


The Honorable John T. Conway


Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board

625 Indiana Avenue, NW.

Suite 700

Washington, D.C. 20004


Dear Mr. Chairman:


Ambassador Brooks has asked me to respond to your letter of April 4, 2003, concerning training deficiencies at the Pantex Plant.  The contractor’s plans to address the six deficiencies noted in its operations are described in the enclosed letter.  The National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) has reviewed these actions and believe they will adequately address your concerns.  To further address the training deficiencies outlined in your letter we will integrate upgrading of weapon trainers at Pantex into the priorities of each weapon program.


In your letter you made the following observations about Federal oversight of the contractor’s training:



The PXSO currently uses Readiness Assessments, Facility Representative reviews, Quality Assurance Audits, individual program assessments and for cause reviews as spot checks of the quality and effectiveness of contractor training because PXSO does not have the staff to conduct the comprehensive assessments required by DOE O 5480.20A.  (Prior to the stand up of the NNSA on December 15, 2002, the Albuquerque Operations Office conducted these periodic reviews.)  The review has not been accomplished in the past 3 years because the need for a tri-ennial review was not captured in the PXSO assessment schedule or tickler file.  The following actions have been/will be taken to address your concerns:



If you have any questions, please contact me or have your staff contact Jeff Underwood at (301) 903-8303 or Steve Erhart at (806) 477-6150.




Everet H. Beckner

Deputy Administrator

for Defense Programs




cc w/enclosure:

M. Whitaker, DR- 1

J. Hirahara, SC

J. McConnell, DNFSB

W. Andrews, DNFSB

J. Deplitch, DNFSB

A. Matteucci, DNFSB

D. Glenn, PXSO