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 Federal Technical Capability 
 Panel (FTCP)


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About the FTCP

The objective of the Federal Technical Capability Program is to recruit, deploy, develop, and retain Federal personnel with the necessary technical capabilities to safely accomplish the Department's missions and responsibilities. The Department has identified guiding principles to accomplish that objective and identified four general functions of the Federal Technical Capability Program. The guiding principles and general functions are identified in DOE P 426.1.

The Federal Technical Capability Panel (Panel) is responsible for overseeing the overall implementation of the Federal Technical capability Program. Headquarters and field elements are responsible for implementing specific activities within the program. Some activities addressing technical capability functions apply complex-wide; for example, the Department's Policies, Orders, and Standards, which promulgate requirements and guidelines for the administration of technical training. Other mechanisms vary from site to site or between program offices. For example, in implementing an Order directed at developing the technical capabilities of its workforce, each field office and Headquarters program office develops and implements a program that meets the complex-wide requirements defined in the Order. However, the offices are then free to customize implementation details to meet the needs defined by line management at each site or program office.

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