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Walter Reed Health Care System Safety Management Program
The purpose of this program is to fully support the command mission while minimizing accidental injury to personnel, damage to equipment and facilities, and interruption of training or operations. Effective implementation of the safety program will furnish each soldier, employee, and visitor a place of safe, secure, and therapeutic environment free from recognized hazards that cause, or are likely to cause, death or serious physical harm. Listed below are individual proponents within the program. (Note: For detailed information and guidance, see WRAMC Regulation 385-10)

Accident Reporting, Investigation, and Analysis:
Establishes policies and procedures and assign responsibilities for reporting, investigating, and analyzing accidents and incidents. The primary purpose of investigating and reporting Army accidents is to prevent recurrences.

Safety Guidelines:
Provide guidance for all personnel in general safety practices. Most accidents can be prevented. The following reasons are cited for accidental occurrences: indifference or overconfidence, lack of safety awareness, inadequate training or experience, inattention due to poor work habits or fatigue, and improper use of equipment.

Construction and Renovation Safety:
Establishes a Design Panel and procedures for maintaining a safe environment during construction and renovation projects. It is important that construction areas within and around the health care facility be safe not only for the construction workers but also for the health care community. Therefore, planning for health care facilities will include, in addition to space and operational needs, provisions for infection control and protection of patients during any renovations or new construction. Continual health care facility upgrade through renovation and new construction involving existing facilities can create conditions that can be hazardous to patients.

Standards for Handling Medical Gases and Liquids:
Establishes policies and procedures for handling medical gases and liquids.

Electrical/Equipment Safety:
Establishes policies and procedures for Electrical/Equipment Safety.

Hazard Abatement Plan:
Establishes procedures for abating potential hazards identified during safety inspections, industrial hygiene surveys, fire inspection, accident investigations or employee reports of unsafe conditions.

Personal Protective Equipment Program:
Determines, assigns, and enforces the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). PPE will be provided to employees when needed to prevent exposure to physical, chemical or biological agents that may cause harm through inhalation, absorption or physical contact. In the health care environment, PPE may be needed to prevent worker exposure to hazards such as sterilants and disinfectants, radiation, electrical equipment and wiring, contaminated laundry, hazardous drugs, medical waste, and asbestos. Required PPE may include: gloves, masks, gowns, protective eyewear, face shields, and/or respirators.

Respiratory Protection Program:
Establishes policies and procedures, and assign responsibilities for a Respiratory Protection Program that will assure adequate and proper protection for employees working in environments containing harmful concentrations of dusts, fumes, mists, gases, vapor or bioaerosols.

Lockout/Tagout of Energy Sources:
Establishes the minimum requirements for the lockout or tagout of energy isolating devices. These procedures will be used to ensure that the machine or equipment is isolated from all potentially hazardous energy, and locked out or tagged out before employees perform any servicing or maintenance activities where the unexpected energization, start-up or release of stored energy could cause injury to employees.

Prevention of Motor Vehicle Accidents:
Establishes policy and procedures for prevention of motor vehicle accidents. This policy applies to all military, Army civilian employees, and contractor employees operating Army Motor Vehicles (AMV), Government Services Administration (GSA) vehicles, Commercial vehicles at Government expense, a Privately Owned Vehicle (POV) at government expense, or a POV on an Army or government installation.

Ergonomics Program:
Seeks to prevent injuries and illnesses by applying ergonomic principles to identify evaluate and control ergonomics risk factors for work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs). WMSDs are defined as a class of disorders involving damage to muscles, tendons, tendon sheaths, and related bones, muscles, and nerves. They may also be known more specifically as Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI); Cumulative Trauma Disorders (CTDs) and Overuse Syndrome. WMSDs result from the cumulative effect of repeated traumas associated with specific workplace risk factors.

Medical Center Safety Office

Safety and Security

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