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News Release

For Immediate Release: August 27, 2007             
Contact: David Christy, (916) 985-4474

 BLM Plans California Coastal Cleanup Day Project

The Bureau of Land Management will partner with other agencies on Sept. 15 to clean up a spectacular stretch of the California coast.
BLM will work with California State Parks at Asilomar State Beach in honor of California Coastal Cleanup Day.
“In addition to the environmental benefits, the project will also highlight the California Coastal National Monument that ties in with the beach frontage along this section of the Monterey Bay coastline,” said Tammy Jakl, BLM interpretive park ranger.
Coastal Cleanup Day is the highlight of the California Coastal Commission's year 'round Adopt-A-Beach program and takes place every year on the third Saturday of September, from 9 a.m. to noon.
California Coastal Cleanup Day is the premier volunteer event focused on the marine environment in the country. On this day, 50,000 volunteers turn out to over 700 cleanup sites statewide to conduct what has been hailed by the Guinness Book of World Records as "the largest garbage collection" (1993). Since the program started in 1985, some 750,000 Californians have removed more than 12 million pounds of debris from our state's shorelines and coast. When combined with the International Coastal Cleanup, organized by The Ocean Conservancy and taking place on the same day, California Coastal Cleanup Day becomes part of one of the largest volunteer events of the year.
For more information on the BLM project, contact Jakl at (831) 394-8314, tammy_jakl@ca.blm.gov.
For other information on California Coastal Cleanup Day, contact us at (800) COAST-4U or coast4u@coastal.ca.gov.


Last updated: 08-28-2007