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Period: February – April 2007

OI Events:

Jan 16-26: Environmental Functional Review of GRC and PBS
The Environmental Management Division will conduct a multimedia review of the environmental management system, environmental compliance, and energy/water management.
Location: Glen Research Center & Plum Brook Station
POC: Mike McNeill / 202-358-1886

Jan 22-26: InterCenter Aircraft Operations Panel
Review of ARC’s aircraft operations.
Location: Ames Research Center
POC: Joe Walker / 202-358-4637

Jan 31: Annual Energy Report
Report to DoE summarizing NASA’s progress in implementing the facility energy efficiency and renewable energy requirements.
POC: Wayne Thalasinos / 202-358-3811

Feb 26-28: Logistics Functional Review of DFRC
The Logistics Management Division will conduct a review of institutional logistics operations including materials management, equipment management, and contract property management.
Location: Dryden Flight Research Center
POC: Dale Hupp / 202-358-2304

Mar 20-22: Recycling Alternative Procurement/Pollution Prevention (RAP/P2)
Agencywide working group meeting will address green procurement, recycling, electronics stewardship, and pollution prevention efforts.
Location: Kennedy Space Center
POC: Mike McNeill / 202-358-1886

Mar 31: Space Shuttle Historic Buildings Survey
NASA’s survey of Shuttle-related assets with historic significance as part of the space shuttle transition process is ongoing. Each survey and Center recommendations on which property are historically significant will be submitted to the relevant State Historic Preservation officer for comment.
POC: Ken Kumor / 202-358-1112

Headquarters Events:

Feb 7: Information Technology Activities

  • Flu Pandemic and COOP Planning – Planning activities continue thru Feb 07. After employee training, a phased test/exercise to practice mass telecommuting is planned for this fall.
    POC: Noah Nason / 202-358-1334.

  • Personally Identifiable Information (PII) – Compliance with OMB’s direction to Federal agencies to encrypt PII data on all desktop and laptop computers. HQ compliance will occur in 3 phases to be completed by February 2007.
    POC: Bryan McCall / 202-358-1767.

  • Federal Information Systems Management Act – Requires IT systems to undergo Certification and Accreditation (C&A); NASA CIO Agency deadline is October 1. HQ IT is finalizing 9 systems C&A packages for submission to a third party for certification review by February 28.
    POC: Gregory Kerr / 202-358-2218

Feb 13: African American History Month Observance
Federally designated recognition event, held in conjunction with the Interagency Special Emphasis Program (ISEP) Committee. Event will includes keynote speaker Rev. Clifton Davis, Executive Director of Welcome America, and a cultural presentation.
Location: Washington, DC, Wilbur J. Cohen Auditorium, 300 C St, SW
Time: 11:00 AM
POC: LaShawn McDuffie / 202-358-1098

Mar 7: Federal Women’s History Month Observance
Federally designated recognition event, held in conjunction with the ISEP Committee.
POC: Claudia Silver / 202-358-0936

Apr 7: Holocaust Remembrance Event
Federally designated recognition event will be planned by the Holocaust Commemorative Program Steering Committee, a multi-agency committee comprised of 20 Federal Agencies.
POC: Claudia Silver / 202-358-0936

OI Current Event:
(Word Doc)

OIA Events (Feb)
     Feb '07 - Apr '07

OI Previous Events:
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OIA Events (JAN)
     Jan '07 - Mar '07

OIA Events (DEC)
     Dec '06 - Feb '07

OIA Events (NOV)
     Nov '06 - Jan '07

OIA Events (OCT)
     Oct '06 - Dec '06

OIA Events (SEP)
     Sep '06 - Nov '06

OIA Events (AUG)
     Aug '06 - Oct '06

OIA Events (JUL)
     Jul '06 - Sep '06

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