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Office of Infrastructure and Administration
Aircraft Management Division
Environmental Management Division
Facilities Engineering and Real Property Div.

Logistics Management Division
Strategic Capabilities Assets Program
NASA Ombuds Office

Aircraft Management Icon
The Aircraft Management Division provides leadership, oversight and coordination of NASA’s aviation resources through focused, periodic functional reviews to ensure high standards of aviation safety and risk management; effective and efficient resource management; and the development and implementation of policies and guidance for the acquisition, use and disposal of aircraft in compliance with Federal and NASA regulation.
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Environmental Management Division
Environmental Management Division
The EMD provides executive and functional leadership, policy, oversight and coordination for NASA institutional and programmatic environmental issues directed toward enabling the NASA mission, assisting Centers, advancing environmental stewardship, and ensuring environmental statutory and regulatory compliance. The Division is responsible for: (a) Providing direct mission support by integrating environmental considerations into programs and projects; (b) Proactively reducing NASA’s exposure to institutional, (c) Pursuing environmental initiatives designed to restore, protect and enhance mission resources.
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Facilities Engineering and Real Property Division
The Facilities Engineering and Real Property Division is responsible for oversight of Agency real property assets, including over 5,000 facilities and 300,000 acres; provides functional leadership for facility planning and engineering; facility construction and repair; facility maintenance and operations; and real estate management. The Division ensures NASA's facilities are integral to the NASA mission; are the right type and size; are available when needed; and are safe, secure and environmentally sound. In addition to leadership, the Division provides consulting, a wide range of enabling and analysis tools, and insight for the creative and innovative risk management of NASA’s real property.
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Logistics Management Division
The Logistics Management Division provides management oversight of personal property held worldwide by NASA and its contractors (including grantees), and facilitates efficient and economical transportation solutions for NASA’s mission and its employees. Center logistics operations have a direct impact on NASA’s missions, primarily through institutional services that support Agency programs, projects, facilities, and management activities. LMD serves as the “corporate office” for Center logistics operations by developing Agency-wide policies, processes, and systems; providing technical guidance and expertise; facilitating the use of Government and industry best practices; and serving as an advocate for the reform of regulations and laws that burden the logistics community. LMD provides leadership in the functional areas of supply and materials management, equipment management, contract property management, transportation, travel, and vehicle fleet management, and property utilization and disposal management. In addition, the Division seeks to mitigate the risk to NASA’s mission associated with private sector labor unrest through the Contractor industry relations program and promotes NASA employee morale and welfare through its oversight of the Employee Exchange Program.
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Shared Capability Division
The Strategic Capabiliies Assets Program provides leadership, oversight and management of NASA’s shared capability assets to ensure their availability and readiness to support NASA and National mission needs. The Shared Capability Asset Program is a corporately managed program that selects capabilities or types of assets (“asset classes”) for prioritized investment and centralized management to support cross-agency needs. Additionally, the Program will identify and prioritize its critical assets and make strategic investment decisions to replace, modify, or disposition them based on need.
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