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U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP)

Education and Training Center/International

Certificate Course in Conflict Analysis

Silhouette image of Soldiers in Rwanda
Soldiers in Rwanda. (Courtesy AP Wide World)

Academics and professionals in the field of conflict management face extraordinary challenges in dealing with the various phases of conflict, whether it is rebuilding in the aftermath, stopping conflict in progress, or preventing conflict before it begins.

In these efforts, successful educators and practitioners follow a simple precept: effective action depends upon insightful analysis.

This course presents an introduction to the subject of conflict analysis, illustrating analytical tools used, with reference to two extended case studies, the conflict in Kosovo and the genocide in Rwanda.

Also available in عربي.(Arabic)

Certificate of Completion: Yes
Cost: No charge
Course Objectives:

In completing this course, you will gain proficiency in the following skills:

  • Classifying phases of conflict using the curve of conflict
  • Identifying interventions appropriate to different phases of a conflict
  • Analyzing the conflict in Kosovo and the genocide in Rwanda using terms and concepts from the curve of conflict
  • Generating a thorough set of characteristics for describing conflict using an analytical framework
  • Analyzing the conflict in Kosovo and the genocide in Rwanda using terms and concepts from the framework
  • Analyzing unfamiliar conflicts using terms and concepts from the curve and framework
Faces of those interviewed in the course.

This course includes numerous perspectives on the subject of conflict analysis, as well as on the conflict in Kosovo and the genocide in Rwanda. These perspectives come in the form of audio clips culled from over twenty hours of interviews that we have conducted with Institute trainers, other noted specialists, grassroots organizers, military professionals, and individuals who were personally affected by the conflicts. The audio clips require a QuickTime plug-in. If you do not have it, text alternatives are available—or you can get QuickTime free from Apple. QuickTime and the QuickTime Logo are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.

Text-Only Version:

The course also includes images and graphics. For an equivalent, fully-accessible version of the course that uses only text, please download the text version. Downloading the text version of the course requires Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader, which you can get free from Adobe.

United States Institute of Peace - 1200 17th Street NW - Washington, DC 20036
+1.202.457.1700 (phone) - +1.202.429.6063 (fax)