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USGS/Cascades Volcano Observatory, Vancouver, Washington

CVO's List of On-Line Volcano Maps

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Decade Volcanoes ...... Hazards Assessment Reports and Maps ...... "Plate Tectonics" ...... "Ring of Fire"

Alaska ...... California ...... Cascade Range ...... Columbia Plateau ...... Hawaii ...... Idaho ...... Nevada ...... New Mexico ...... Oregon ...... Washington State ...... Western United States ...... Wyoming ......

Andaman Islands ...... Antarctica ...... Cameroon, West Africa ...... Canada ...... Chile ...... Colombia ...... Costa Rica ...... Democratic Republic of the Congo, Africa (formerly Zaire) ...... Ecuador ...... El Salvador ...... Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Djbouti ...... Greece ...... Guatemala ...... Iceland ...... Indian Ocean ...... Indonesia ...... Italy ...... Japan ...... Krakatau, Indonesia ...... Mariana Islands ...... Mexico ...... Montserrat ...... New Zealand ...... Nicaragua ...... Papua New Guinea ...... Philippines ...... Rabaul, Papua New Guinea ...... Reunion Island ...... Solomon Islands ...... Spain ...... Tanzania ...... Tonga ...... Vanuatu ...... West Indies ......

Active Volcanoes, Plate Tectonics, and the "Ring of Fire"

Click to enlarge map [Map,27K,InlineGIF]
Active Volcanoes, Plate Tectonics, and the "Ring of Fire"
-- Modified from: Tilling, Heliker, and Wright, 1987, and Hamilton, 1976 ...
[25K,GIF,black/white version]

Click to enlarge map [Map,35K,InlineGIF]
Earthquakes, Active Volcanoes, and Plate Tectonics

Click to enlarge map [Map,20K,InlineGIF]
Plate Tectonics and the Cascade Range
-- Modified from: Tilling, 1985

Click to enlarge map [Map,11K,InlineGIF]
Juan de Fuca Ridge - Gorda Ridge - Axial Seamount -- showing features of Pacific/Juan de Fuca/North American subduction system relative to Western United States. Open blue arrows, ridge-spreading directions; solid blue arrow, convergence direction.
-- Modified from: Swanson,, 1989, IGC Field Trip T106: Cenozoic Volcanism in the Cascade Range and Columbia Plateau, Southern Washington and Northernmost Oregon, p.2

Click to enlarge map [Map,20K,InlineGIF]
Juan de Fuca Subduction - Juan de Fuca Ridge - Cascade Range
-- Modified from: Brantley, 1994

Click to enlarge map [Map,10K,InlineGIF]
Active Volcanoes, Plate Tectonics, and South America
-- Modified from: Tilling, Heliker, and Wright, 1987, and Hamilton, 1976

Cascade Range Maps

Click to enlarge map [InteractiveImagemap,200K,InlineGIF]
Cascade Range Volcanoes
-- Graphic by: Lyn Topinka, 1996, redone 2001

Click to enlarge map [Map,16K,InlineGIF]
Major Cascade Range Volcanoes of Washington, Oregon, and Northern California
-- Modified from: Tilling,, 1990

Click to enlarge map [Map,35K,InlineGIF]
Pacific Northwest Volcanics showing the Cascade Range and Columbia Plateau
-- Modified from: Swanson, 1989, American Geophysical Union Field Trip Guidebook T106

Click to enlarge map [Map,30K,InlineGIF]
University of Washington's Pacific Northwest Seismograph Network - 1998
-- Modified from: University of Washington's Geophysics Program, September 1998

Western United States Maps

Click to enlarge map [Map,27K,InlineGIF]
Potentially Active Volcanoes of the Western United States
-- Modified from: Brantley, 1994, Volcanoes of the United States: USGS General Interest Publication

Click to enlarge map [Map,20K,InlineGIF]
Major West Coast Volcanoes - Washington, Oregon, and California

Click to enlarge map [Map,18K,GIF]
Map of Western United States, showing locations of volcanoes monitored by CVO
-- Mount Baker to Long Valley -- Modified from: Iwatsubo, 1996

Alaska Volcano Maps

Click to enlarge map [Map,21K,InlineGIF]
Augustine Island Volcano
-- Modified from: Waitt and Begét, 1996, USGS Open-File Report 96-516

California Volcano Maps

Click to enlarge map [Map,65K,InlineGIF]
Areas subject to potential hazards from future eruptions in California.
-- Modified from: Miller, 1989, USGS Bulletin 1847

Click to enlarge map [Map,15K,InlineGIF]
Lava Beds National Monument and Medicine Lake Caldera and vicinity
-- Modified from: Donnelly-Nolan, 1981, USGS Circular 838, and Dzurisin, 1991, JGR, v.96, no.B10

Click to enlarge map [Map,12K,InlineGIF]
California-Oregon border area, with Mount Shasta, Medicine Lake, and Lava Beds National Monument
-- Modified from: National Park Service, 1998

Click to enlarge map [Map,40K,InlineGIF]
Medicine Lake Volcano and Mount Shasta Area -- Location map showing the Medicine Lake volcano - Mount Shasta area of the southern Cascade Range, northern California. Pale green pattern indicates extent of lavas of Medicine Lake volcano. Heavy lines are faults, with bar and ball on downthrown side (Gay and Aune [1958] and air photograph interpretation). Blue line represents the 1954-1989 leveling route. Contour interval is 1000 feet (305 m).
-- Modified from: Dzurisin,, 1991, IN: Journal of Geophysical Research, v.96, no.B10.

Click to enlarge map [Map,22K,InlineGIF]
Location Map, Mount Shasta and Vicinity
-- Modified from: Miller, 1980, USGS Bulletin 1503

Click to enlarge map [Map,26K,InlineGIF]
Inferred minimum extent of Mount Shasta's debris-avalanche deposits in Shasta Valley.
-- Modified from: Crandell, 1989, USGS Bulletin 1861

Click to enlarge map [Map,14K,InlineGIF]
Location Map: Lassen Volcanic National Park and Vicinity
-- Lyn Topinka, 1997, Modified from: National Park Service

Click to enlarge map [Map,21K,InlineGIF]
Lassen Volcanic National Park with Major Place Names
-- Lyn Topinka, 1998, Modified from: National Park Service

Click to enlarge map [Map,18K,InlineGIF]
Location Map, Long Valley Caldera, Mammoth, Mono and Inyo Craters
-- Modified from: USGS/Menlo Park, 1996

Columbia Plateau Maps

Click to enlarge map [Map,35K,InlineGIF]
Pacific Northwest Volcanics showing the Cascade Range and Columbia Plateau
-- Modified from: Swanson, 1989, American Geophysical Union Field Trip Guidebook T106

Click to enlarge map [Map,38K,GIF]
Location of Columbia Plateau Features
-- Modified from: Swanson and Wright, 1981, U.S. Geological Survey Circular 838

Click to enlarge map [Map,32K,InlineGIF]
Columbia River Flood Basalts
-- Lyn Topinka, 2002

Hawaii Volcano Maps

Click to enlarge map [Map,InlineGIF]
Hawaiian Island Chain and Principal Volcanoes

Click to enlarge map [Map,20K,InlineGIF]
Volcanoes on the Island of Hawaii
-- Modified from: National Park Service

Click to enlarge map [Map,13K,InlineGIF]
Volcanoes of Maui
-- Modified from: U.S. National Park Service

Click to enlarge map [Graphic,10K,InlineGIF]
Profile of shield volcano vs. composite volcano -- Mauna Loa, Hawaii, and Mount Rainier, Washington
-- Modified from: Tilling, Heliker, and Wright, 1987

Idaho Volcano Maps

Click to enlarge map [Map,11K,InlineGIF]
Idaho and Craters of the Moon National Monument

Nevada Volcano Maps

Click to enlarge map [Map,18K,InlineGIF]
Nevada Volcanoes and Volcanics

New Mexico Volcano Maps

Click to enlarge map [Map,16K,InlineGIF]
Location of Capulin Volcano National Monument
-- Modified from: U.S. National Park Service

Click to enlarge map [Map,73K,InlineGIF]
Capulin Cinder Cone
-- Modified from: U.S. National Park Service, 1999

Oregon Volcano Maps

Click to enlarge map [Map,20K,InlineGIF]
Southwest Washington - Northwest Oregon
-- includes Mounts Rainier, St. Helens, Adams, and Hood -- Modified from: Doukas, 1990, USGS Bulletin 1859

Map, Location and elevation of the Boring Lava Vents, 
click to enlarge [Map,35K,InlineGIF]
Location and elevation of 95 vents, including multiple vents, in the Portland area
-- Modified from: Allen, 1975, The Ore-Bin no.37, no.9
-- MORE Boring Lava Field Maps

Click to enlarge map [Map,InlineGIF]
Mount Hood Vicinity, Portland, and Vancouver
-- Modified from: Brantley and Scott, 1993

Click to enlarge map [Map,InlineGIF]
Mount Hood and Vicinity
-- Modified from: Swanson, 1989, AGU Field Trip Guidebook T106

Click to enlarge map [Map,15K,InlineGIF]
Mount Jefferson, Three-Fingered Jack, and Vicinity
-- Modified from: Hoblitt,, 1987, USGS Open-File Report 87-297

Click to enlarge map [Map,17K,InlineGIF]
Bend/Sisters/Santiam Pass/McKenzie Pass area
-- Modified from: Taylor, Oregon State University, 1981, USGS Circular 838

Click to enlarge map [Map,21K,InlineGIF]
Central Oregon High Cascades
-- Modified from: Scott and Gardner, 1990

Click to enlarge map [Map,33K,GIF]
Quaternary-age Vents and Faults in the Three Sisters-Mount Bachelor Area
-- Modified from: Scott, 1987, GSA Special Paper 212

Click to enlarge map [Map,34K,InlineGIF]
Pilot Butte Cinder Cone and Bend, Oregon
-- Modified from: U.S. Forest Service Deschutes National Forest, 1982

Map, click to enlarge [Map,147K,InlineGIF]
Topo Map, Pilot Butte, Oregon, 1:25,000
-- Basemap courtesy TopoZone, 2003

Click to enlarge map [Map,106K,InlineGIF]
Lava Butte Geological Area
-- Modified from: U.S. Forest Service

Click to enlarge map [Map,23K,InlineGIF]
Newberry Volcano and Vicinity
-- Modified from: Sherrod,, 1997

Click to enlarge map [Map,23K,InlineGIF]
Southern Oregon Cascades
-- Modified from: Hoblitt,, 1987, USGS Open-File Report 87-297

Click to enlarge map [Map,14K,InlineGIF]
Location Map: Crater Lake National Park -- Modified from: U.S. National Park Service

Map, click to enlarge [Map,380K,GIF]
Topo Map - Crater Lake National Park
-- Map modified from: U.S. National Park Service Map, original scan obtained from: University of Texas at Austin, Perry-Castaneda Library Map Collection -- to DOWNLOAD BIGGER IMAGE: [Map,925K,JPG]

Map, click to enlarge [Map,38K,InlineGIF]
Generalized Geologic Map of Mount Mazama and Vicinity
-- Modified from: Bacon,, 1997, USGS Open-File Report 97-487

Click to enlarge map [Map,25K,InlineGIF]
Geologic Map of Crater Lake Caldera Floor
-- Modified from: Bacon,, 1997, USGS Open-File Report 97-487

Map, Crater Lake, click to enlarge [Map,112K,InlinedJPG]
Annotated Relief Map, Crater Lake
-- From: Kilimasauskas,, 2002, USGS Fact Sheet 092-02

Click to enlarge map [Map,29K,InlineGIF]
Earthquake Epicenters and Magnitudes of the Crater Lake Region, 1920-1995
-- Modified from: Bacon,, 1997, USGS Open-File Report 97-487

Washington State Volcano Maps

Click to enlarge map [Map,82K,InlineGIF]
Geologic Map of Washington State
-- Lyn Topinka, USGS/CVO, 2002

Click to enlarge map [Map,18K,InlineGIF]
Washington State and the Columbia River. -- Lyn Topinka, USGS/CVO, 1999

Click to enlarge map [Map,24K,InlineGIF]
Northwest Washington: Mount Baker, Mount Shuksan, and Vicinity
--Modified from: Hoblitt,, 1987, USGS Open-File Report 87-297

Click to enlarge map [Map,31K,InlineGIF]
Mount Baker, Washington
-- Modified from: Hyde and Crandell, 1978, USGS Professional Paper 1022-C

Click to enlarge map [Map,177K,InlineGIF]
Mount Baker and the North Cascades Vicinity
-- Modified from: National Park Service Map, 1997

Click to enlarge map [Map,24K,GIF]
Mount Baker and Mount Shuksan -- Modified from: Gardner,, 1995, USGS Open-File Report 95-498

Click to enlarge map [Map,15K,InlineGIF]
Location Map, Glacier Peak and Surrounding Vicinity
-- Modified from: Mastin and Waitt, 1995, USGS Open-File Report 95-413

Click to enlarge map [Map,15K,InlineGIF]
Map, Glacier Peak and Areas Inundated with Debris Flows
-- Modified from: Mastin and Waitt, 1995, USGS Open-File Report 95-413

Click to enlarge map [Map,25K,InlineGIF]
Mount Rainier National Park
-- Modified from: Crandell and Mullineaux, 1967, USGS Bulletin 1238

Click to enlarge map [Map,29K,InlineGIF]
Mount Rainier Vicinity with Major Place Names
-- Lyn Topinka, 1997, Modified from: Scott,, 1992

Click to enlarge map [Map,25K,InlineGIF]
Major Glaciers of Mount Rainier
-- Modified from: Driedger, 1992, USGS Open-File Report 92-474

Click to enlarge map [Map,33K,InLineGIF]
Major Drainage around Mount Rainier
-- Modified from: Scott,, 1992, USGS Open-File Report 90-385

Click to enlarge map [Map,13K,InlineGIF]
University of Washington's Pacific Northwest Seismograph Network - Mount Rainier Vicinity
-- Modified from: University of Washington Geophysics Program

Click to enlarge map [Map,20K,InlineGIF]
Extent of the Osceola and Electron Mudflows, Mount Rainier, Washington
-- Modified from: Crandell,, 1979

Click to enlarge map [Map,23K,GIF]
Map showing areas inundated by mudflows from Mount Rainier in the last 5,600 years
-- Modified from: Sisson, 1995, USGS Open-File Report 95-642

Click to enlarge map [Graphic,10K,GIF]
Profile of shield volcano vs. composite volcano -- Mauna Loa, Hawaii, and Mount Rainier, Washington
-- Modified from: Tilling, Heliker, and Wright, 1987

Map, Location of Mount St. Helens, click to enlarge [Map,26K,InlineGIF]
Mount St. Helens Location
-- Modified from: Costa, 1994, USGS OFR94-313

Click to enlarge map [Interactive Imagemap]
Location of the Cascades Volcano Observatory and the Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument
-- Lyn Topinka, 1997

Click to enlarge map [Interactive Imagemap]
Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument
-- Lyn Topinka, 1997

Click to enlarge map [Interactive Imagemap]
Mount St. Helens and Vicinity - Points of Interest
-- Lyn Topinka, 1997

Click to enlarge map [Map,InlineGIF]
Index to 7.5-minute-USGS-Topographic Quadrangles surrounding Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument
-- Modified from: USDA/USFS, 1990

Click to enlarge map [Map,20K,InlineGIF]
Major Hydrologic Features in the Mount St. Helens Region
-- Basemap from: Crandell and Mullineaux, 1978, USGS Bulletin 1383-C

Click to enlarge map [Map,32K,GIF]
Lakes North of Mount St. Helens Affected by the May 18, 1980 Eruption
-- Modified from: Dion and Embrey, 1981, USGS Circular 850-C, and Embrey and Dion, 1988, WRI-87-4263

Click to enlarge map [Map,21K,GIF]
Mount St. Helens area showing May 18, 1980 devastation
-- Modified from: Tilling,, 1990

Click to enlarge map [Map,14K,GIF]
Distribution of May 18, 1980 ash fallout within the United States
-- Modified from: Tilling,, 1990

Click to enlarge map [Graphic,20K,GIF]
Map showing 1995 Mount St. Helens Dome Deformation EDM Lines
-- Modified from: Iwatsubo, 1996

Click to enlarge map [Graphic,30K,GIF]
Map showing Mount St. Helens "OuterNet" Flank Deformation Trilateration Lines
-- Modified from: Iwatsubo, 1996

Click to enlarge map [Map,16K,InlineGIF]
University of Washington's Pacific Northwest Seismograph Network - Mount St. Helens Vicinity
-- Modified from: University of Washington Geophysics Program

Click to enlarge map [Map,31K,InlineGIF]
Mount Adams and Vicinity
-- Modified from: Vallance, USGS Bulletin 2161

Click to enlarge map [Map,20K,InlineGIF]
Mount Adams
-- Modified from: Vallance, USGS Bulletin 2161

Click to enlarge map [Map,20K,InlineGIF]
Climb a Volcano - Beacon Rock
-- Modified from: Washington State Parks and Recreation, 1999

Click to enlarge map [Map,20K,InlineGIF]
Southwest Washington - Northwest Oregon
-- includes Mounts Rainier, St. Helens, Adams, and Hood -- Modified from: Doukas, 1990, USGS Bulletin 1859

Wyoming Volcano Maps

Click to enlarge map [Map,22K,InlineGIF]
Yellowstone National Park Vicinity
-- Modified from: Yellowstone National Park, 1998

Click to enlarge map [Map,20K,InlineGIF]
Yellowstone National Park showing caldera rim and location of 1959 and 1975 quakes
-- Modified from: Dzurisin,, 1995, USGS Open-File Report 95-59

Hazards Assessment Reports and Maps

Click to enlarge map
Hazards Assessment Reports and Maps - Menu

Decade Volcanoes

Click to enlarge map [Map,16K,InlineGIF] ...
Location Map - Decade Volcanoes
-- Graphic by: Bobbie Myers, 1998

Foreign Volcano Maps

Click to enlarge map [Map,20K,InlineGIF]
Andaman Islands:
Major Volcanoes of the Andaman Islands, Indian Ocean

Click to enlarge map [Map,30K,InlineGIF]
Major Volcanoes of Antarctica

Click to enlarge map [Map,18K,InlineGIF]
Cameroon, West Africa:
Major Volcanoes of Cameroon, West Africa

Map, Canada Volcanoes, click to enlarge [Map,37K,InlineGIF]
Volcanoes and Volcanic Areas of Western Canada

Click to enlarge map [Map,15K,InlineGIF]
Major Volcanoes of Chile

Click to enlarge map [Map,25K,InlineGIF]
Major Volcanoes of Colombia

Click to enlarge map [Map,15K,InlineGIF]
Costa Rica:
Major Volcanoes of Costa Rica

Click to enlarge map [Map,25K,InlineGIF]
Democratic Republic of the Congo:
Major Volcanoes of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Africa

Click to enlarge map [Map,25K,InlineGIF]
Major Volcanoes of Ecuador

Click to enlarge map [Map,18K,InlineGIF]
El Salvador:
Major Volcanoes of El Salvador

Map, Major Volcanoes of Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Djbouti [Map,16K,InlineGIF]
Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Djbouti
Major Volcanoes of Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Djbouti, with eruptions since 1800

Map, Major Volcanoes of Greece, click to enlarge [Map,19K,InlineGIF]
Major Volcanoes of Greece

Click to enlarge map [Map,20K,InlineGIF]
Major Volcanoes of Guatemala

Click to enlarge map [Map,15K,InlineGIF]
Major Volcanoes of Iceland

Click to enlarge map [Map,34K,InlineGIF]
Major Volcanoes of Indonesia, with eruptions since 1900 A. D.

Click to enlarge map [Map,30K,InlineGIF]
Krakatau, Indonesia
-- Modified from Simkin and Fiske, 1983, Smithsonian Institution

Click to enlarge map [Map,20K,InlineGIF]
Indian Ocean - Western:
Major Volcanoes of the Western Indian Ocean

Click to enlarge map [Map,22K,InlineGIF]
Major Volcanoes of Italy

Click to enlarge map [Map,20K,InlineGIF]
Major Volcanoes of Japan and Northern Marianas Islands

Click to enlarge map [Map,20K,InlineGIF]
Marianas Islands:
Major Volcanoes of the Northern Mariana Islands

Click to enlarge map [Map,30K,InlineGIF]
Major Volcanoes of Mexico

Click to enlarge map [Map,20K,InlineGIF]
New Zealand:
Major Volcanoes of New Zealand

Click to enlarge map [Map,20K,InlineGIF]
Major Volcanoes of Nicaragua

Click to enlarge map [Map,20K,InlineGIF]
Papua New Guinea:
Major Volcanoes of Papua New Guinea

Click to enlarge map [Map,16K,InlineGIF]
Papua New Guinea:
Rabaul Caldera, Papua New Guinea
-- Modified from: Smithsonian Institution and Almond and McKee, 1982

Click to enlarge map [Map,25K,InlineGIF]
Major Volcanoes of the Philippines

Click to enlarge map [Map,20K,InlineGIF]
Reunion Island:
Major Volcanoes of the Western Indian Ocean

Click to enlarge map [Map,13K,InlineGIF]
Solomon Islands:
Major Volcanoes of the Solomon Islands -- includes Kavachi

Click to enlarge map [Map,13K,InlineGIF]
Major Volcanoes of Spain -- Olot Volcanic Field

Click to enlarge map [Map,18K,InlineGIF]
Major Volcanoes of Tanzania

Click to enlarge map [Map,13K,InlineGIF]
Major Volcanoes of Tonga

Click to enlarge map [Map,30K,InlineGIF]
Major Volcanoes of the Republic of Vanuatu

Click to enlarge map [Map,15K,InlineGIF]
West Indies:
Carribean Vicinity, includes Kick-'Em-Jenny

Click to enlarge map [Map,15K,InlineGIF]
West Indies:
Montserrat Island and Soufriere Hills Volcano

Click to enlarge map [Map,15K,InlineGIF]
West Indies:
Montserrat Island and Soufriere Hills Volcano, 1997

Click to enlarge map [Map,10K,InlineGIF]
West Indies:
Major Volcanoes of St. Vincent and The Grenadines, West Indies
-- Soufriere St. Vincent

Click to enlarge map [Map,11K,InlineGIF]
West Indies:
Major Volcanoes of Grenada and Vicinity, West Indies
-- Kick-'em-Jenny, Mount Saint Catherine

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09/02/08, Lyn Topinka