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Digest of Education Statistics
2007 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 197. Total graduate fall enrollment in degree-granting institutions, by attendance status, sex of student, and control of institution: 1969 through 2005

[In thousands]
Year Total Full-time Part-time Males Females Males Females Males Females
Full-time Part-time Full-time Part-time Public Private Public Private
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
1969 955 363 593 590 366 252 338 111 255 393 197 273 93
1970 1,031 379 651 630 400 264 366 115 285 423 207 301 99
1971 1,012 388 621 615 394 269 346 119 275 415 200 296 100
1972 1,066 394 671 626 439 268 358 126 313 427 199 330 109
1973 1,123 410 715 648 477 273 375 137 340 442 206 358 119
1974 1,190 427 762 663 526 276 387 151 375 454 209 398 128
1975 1,263 453 810 700 563 290 410 163 400 481 219 425 138
1976 1,333 463 870 714 619 287 427 176 443 477 237 454 165
1977 1,319 473 845 700 617 289 411 184 434 458 243 443 174
1978 1,312 468 844 682 630 280 402 188 442 441 241 453 177
1979 1,309 476 833 669 640 280 389 196 444 427 242 457 182
1980 1,343 485 860 675 670 281 394 204 466 426 247 474 195
1981 1,343 484 859 674 669 277 397 207 462 419 255 468 201
1982 1,322 485 838 670 653 280 390 205 447 417 253 453 200
1983 1,340 497 843 677 663 286 391 211 452 418 259 454 209
1984 1,345 501 844 672 673 286 386 215 459 411 261 459 215
1985 1,376 509 867 677 700 289 388 220 479 414 263 477 223
1986 1,435 522 913 693 742 294 399 228 514 433 260 508 234
1987 1,452 527 925 693 759 294 400 233 525 429 264 516 243
1988 1,472 553 919 697 774 304 393 249 526 429 268 520 254
1989 1,522 572 949 710 811 309 401 263 548 437 273 541 271
1990 1,586 599 987 737 849 321 416 278 571 456 281 567 282
1991 1,639 642 997 761 878 341 419 300 578 471 290 580 299
1992 1,669 666 1,003 772 896 351 421 314 582 474 298 584 313
1993 1,688 688 1,000 771 917 355 416 334 584 473 298 590 327
1994 1,721 706 1,016 776 946 359 417 347 598 472 304 603 343
1995 1,732 717 1,015 768 965 356 412 361 604 464 304 610 355
1996 1,742 737 1,005 759 983 358 401 379 604 456 303 613 370
1997 1,753 752 1,001 758 996 360 398 393 603 452 306 618 377
1998 1,768 754 1,014 754 1,013 355 399 398 615 444 310 623 390
19991  1,807 781 1,026 766 1,041 363 403 418 623 446 320 630 411
2000 1,850 813 1,037 780 1,071 377 402 436 635 447 332 642 428
2001 1,904 843 1,061 796 1,108 388 408 455 653 460 336 659 449
2002 2,036 926 1,109 847 1,189 421 425 505 684 487 360 700 489
20032  2,102 985 1,117 867 1,235 440 426 544 691 491 375 710 526
2004 2,157 1,024 1,133 879 1,278 448 431 576 702 486 393 708 570
2005 2,186 1,047 1,139 877 1,309 451 427 596 713 478 400 708 601
1 Data for 1999 were imputed using alternative procedures. (See Guide to Sources for details.)
2 Data revised from previously published figures.
NOTE: Data include unclassified graduate students. Data through 1995 are for institutions of higher education, while later data are for degree-granting institutions. Degree-granting institutions grant associate's or higher degrees and participate in Title IV federal financial aid pro­grams. The degree-granting classification is very similar to the earlier higher education classification, but it includes more 2-year colleges and excludes a few higher education institutions that did not grant degrees. (See Guide to Sources for details.) Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Higher Edu­cation General Information Survey (HEGIS), "Fall Enrollment in Colleges and Universities" surveys, 1969 through 1985; and 1986 through 2005 Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System, "Fall Enrollment Survey" (IPEDS-EF:86–99), and Spring 2001 through Spring 2006. (This table was prepared August 2007.)

2007 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

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