Government Owned Land

Guidelines for Property Adjacent to Public Land:

The responsibility of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is to manage the resources and to protect the environmental features of Lavon Lake to afford maximum use and enjoyment of the lake lands and waters for all segments of the public. Conservation of natural resources is given primary consideration in all management decisions.

While private exclusive use of public land is always denied, we do understand that property owners adjacent to public lands have the same rights and privileges as any other citizen. Therefore, the information contained in these guidelines is deisgned to acquaint the adjoining landowner, and other interested persons, with the types of property involved in the management of Lavon Lake.

Government-Owned Public Land:

Government-owned land is land that was purchased by the Government, which extends from underneath the reservior upward to the boundary line. The upper extent of Government-owned land managed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is indicated by concrete markers with a bronze cap. Some of hte boundary is delineated by barbed wire fence; and other areas may be marked with guardpost and cable.

Guidlelines for Landowners Adjacent to Lavon Lake (p. 1).

Guidleines for Landowners Adjacent to Lavon Lake (p. 2).

Guidelines for Landowners Adjacent to Lavon Lake (p. 3).


This site last updated on October 9, 2007