U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Rock Island District
Fiscal Year 2006 Annual Report

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The boundaries of the Rock Island District and surrounding states.


The Rock Island District is one of six districts that make up the Mississippi Valley Division of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Our District covers more than 78,000 square miles and includes 314 miles of the Mississippi River from Guttenberg, Iowa, to Saverton, Mo., and 268 miles of the Illinois Waterway from Lake Street in downtown Chicago, Ill., to the LaGrange Lock and Dam, southwest of Beardstown, Ill.

The District is the national supplier of Innovative Flood Fight Products for the Corps of Engineers and the Regional Flood Fight Product Distribution Center for local and state governments during natural disaster response.  It also operates the Regional Structural Repair Center for maintaining river structures on the Upper Mississippi River.  

While some Corps districts have both military construction and civil works missions, we are primarily a civil works district administering federal water resource development programs in large portions of Iowa and Illinois and smaller portions of Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Missouri. We also maintain the capability to support the military construction program when necessary. Our missions include navigation, environmental restoration, flood damage reduction, regulatory functions, recreation, federal real estate management, mobilization for both federal disaster response and national defense, and emergency operations. 

We have a diverse staff that includes both advisory and administrative personnel who manage district operations, and a technical staff comprised of specialists and technicians representing a variety of scientific and professional fields. About half of our staff work at the headquarters on Arsenal Island, Ill., while the other half work at construction field offices, lock and dam sites, and flood control reservoirs. 

At the Rock Island District we pledge to:

  • Provide our services to the nation in times of emergencies; 
  • Plan, design, and construct water resource and infrastructure projects;
  • Manage and conserve natural resources consistent with ecosystem management principles, while providing quality outdoor recreation experiences;
  • Operate and maintain lands and facilities under our jurisdiction; and,
  • Implement regulatory authorities that protect our nation's resources. 

Thank you for taking time to read our annual report, and I hope you find the information both interesting and useful.

Robert A. Sinkler
Colonel, U.S. Army
District Commander

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View the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Rock Island District, Website at:  www.mvr.usace.army.mil