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Securing Afghanistan: Challenge for the Next Administration
November 6, 2008 | Public event sponsored by the Future of Afghanistan Project of the United States Institute of Peace


The Battle Against Extremism in Pakistan: A Discussion with Former Interior Minister Aftab Khan Sherpao
October 17, 2008 | Public event sponsored by the Pakistan Working Group of the United States Institute of Peace


Foreign Minister Upendra Yadav on the "New" Nepal
October 6, 2008 | Public Event


The Future of Governance in Afghanistan: A Roundtable Discussion with Jelani Popal
October 3, 2008 | A public event sponsored by the Future of Afghanistan Project
audio [Audio Available]


Security and Democracy in Pakistan: Back to the Future?
September 10, 2008 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


Thwarting Afghanistan's Insurgency: A Pragmatic Approach to Peace and Reconciliation
July 29, 2008 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


His Excellency, Dr. Abdul Jabbar Sabit, Attorney General of Afghanistan
June 24, 2008 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


Nepal: En Route to Peace and Democracy
June 18, 2008 | Public Event


A Discussion with Ahmed Rashid
June 6, 2008 | Public Event


The Kashmir Dispute: Making Borders Irrelevant
June 4, 2008 | A public event co-sponsored with the Brookings Institution.


The North Korean Food Crisis: What Can Be Done?
May 20, 2008 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


Kick-starting the Virtuous Cycle? Security, Development, and Governance in Afghanistan
April 25, 2008 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


Killing Friends, Making Enemies: The Impact and Avoidance of Civilian Casualties in Afghanistan
March 10, 2008 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


Democracy's Revenge? Pakistan's Elections and Beyond
March 4, 2008 | Public Event


Peace, Security, and Reconciliation with the Taliban
February 8, 2008 | Public event featuring the Honorable Prof. Sibghatullah Al-Mojaddedi, Chairman of the Afghan Upper House and former President of the Islamic Interim Government of Afghanistan


Negotiating with the Islamic Republic of Iran: Raising the Chances for Success
February 7, 2008 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


How We Missed the Story: Osama bin Laden, the Taliban, and the Hijacking of Afghanistan
January 31, 2008 | Public Event


Intelligence and the Prevention of Conflict: The NIE Process and Iran's Nuclear Ambitions
January 30, 2008 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


Sri Lanka’s Return to War
January 18, 2008 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


Public Opinion in Pakistan
January 7, 2008 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]



Sanctuary? The Afghanistan-Pakistan Border and Insurgency in the 1980s, 90s, and Today
December 7, 2007 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


A Dialogue with H.E. Abdul Salam Azimi, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Afghanistan
November 29, 2007 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


Pakistan: The Struggle for Rule of Law
November 27, 2007 | Public Event


Democratic Transitions in South Asia: Prospects for Success in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal
November 6, 2007 | Public Event


The Challenges of Economic Growth in Afghanistan
October 23, 2007 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


Law and (dis)Order? The Challenges of Reforming the Afghan National Police
October 11, 2007 | Public Event


Burma's Saffron Revolution - Next Steps
October 11, 2007 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


In the Footsteps of Gandhi: Creating a Culture of Inter-Religious Peace in Sri Lanka
October 17, 2007 | Public Event


Bridging Modernity and Tradition: Rule of Law and the Search for Justice in Afghanistan
September 28, 2007 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


The Deteriorating Situation in the Southern Philippines
September 26, 2007 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


Hearts and Minds? Afghan Opinion on the Taliban, the Government and the International Forces
July 18, 2007 | Public Event
transcript [Summary Available]


Violence in the Terai and the Madhesi Movement: Prospects for Peace in Nepal
July 17, 2007 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


Maoist Crisis in Nepal: Diplomatic Approaches for Resolution
June 26, 2007 | Senior Fellow Project Report
audio [Audio Available]


Developing Civil Society in Afghanistan: Status and Prospects
June 21, 2007 | Public Event


Education Reform and Conflict Prevention- Perspectives from Pakistan
June 8, 2007 | Public Event


Remembering War, Commemorating Colonialism: War and Peace Museums in Japan, China, Taiwan, and South Korea
June 5, 2007 | Senior Fellow Project Report
audio transcript [Audio and Summary Available]


Managing Crisis and Sustaining Peace Between China and the United States
May 24, 2007 | Senior Fellow Project Report
audio transcript [Audio and Summary Available]


Afghanistan's Drug Problem: Costs, Consequences and Counter-Narcotics Strategies
May 15, 2007 | Public Event


The Cultural Knowledge Gap and Its Consequences for National Security
May 10, 2007 | Senior Fellow Project Report
audio [Audio Available]


Political Parties in South Asia: The Challenge of Change
April 4, 2007 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


Confronting the Legacy of the Past: Promoting Justice and Reconciliation in East Asia
March 30, 2007 | Public Event
audio transcript[Audio and Summaries Available]


Pakistan's Tribal Areas: Appeasing the Militants
March 28, 2007 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


The Situation in Afghanistan: A Discussion with UN Special Representative of the Secretary General for Afghanistan Tom Koenigs
March 21, 2007 | Public Event
audio transcript [Audio and Summary Available]


Film Screening and Discussion: "They Call Me Muslim"
March 15, 2007 | Public Event


The Development of the Afghan Ministries of Defense and Interior
March 8, 2007 | Public Event


Combating Terrorism in Democratic States
March 5, 2007 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


A Dime a Day: The Possibilities and Limits of Private Schooling in Pakistan with Tahib Andrabi
February 27, 2007 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


Twenty-First-Century Peace Operations
February 23, 2007 | Public Event
video [Video Available]


Defining Conflict and Its Effects on Health: A Case Study on Afghanistan
February 8, 2007 | Johns Hopkins University/U.S. Institute of Peace Task Force on Public Health Symposium Series


Promoting Peace and Tolerance through Madrasa Reform
February 5, 2007 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


The Future of Democracy in Bangladesh: Analysis of Recent Developments
January 31, 2007 | Public Event


The Utility of Force in Peace Operations: When and How?
January 25, 2007 | Public Event



Five Years After the Fall of the Taliban: Afghanistan Beyond the Bonn Agreement
December 6, 2006 | A public meeting of the Afghanistan Working Group
This is the fourth session of a four-part series leading to the fifth anniversary of the fall of the Taliban.


Religious Education in Indonesia: Implications for Interreligious and Interethnic Relations
November 21, 2006 | Public Event


Three Perspectives on Moro Self-Determination in the Philippines
November 17, 2006 | Public Event


Understanding Conflict and Its Relationship to Public Health: Case Study on North Korea
November 16, 2006 | Johns Hopkins University/U.S. Institute of Peace Task Force on Public Health Symposium Series


Five Years After the Fall of the Taliban: Afghanistan and the War on Terrorism
November 8, 2006 | A public meeting of the Afghanistan Working Group
This is the third session of a four-part series leading to the fifth anniversary of the fall of the Taliban.


Combating Serious Crimes in Postconflict Societies
October 26, 2006 | Public Event


Five Years After the U.S. Intervention: Pamela Constable on Afghanistan's Progress
October 25, 2006 | A public meeting of the Afghanistan Working Group
This is the second session of a four-part series leading to the fifth anniversary of the fall of the Taliban.


Five Years After the U.S. Intervention: What Can the U.S. Do to Help Afghanistan?
October 19, 2006 | A public meeting of the Afghanistan Working Group
This is the first session of a four-part series leading to the fifth anniversary of the fall of the Taliban.


Plans and Prospects for Peace in Kashmir with Farooq Kathwari
October 16, 2006 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


Islamist Networks: The Case of Tablighi Jamaat
August 8, 2006 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


Security in Afghanistan: Are We Losing the Peace?
June 27, 2006 | Afghanistan Working Group
audio [Audio Available]


Rebuilding East Timor...Again
June 22, 2006 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


Peace and Development in Mindanao: Kicking the Can Down the Road...
June 13, 2006 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


Theatre of the Absurd? The Philippines Twenty Years After Marcos
June 8, 2006 | Public Event
PDF [Transcript Available]


Democracy at the Crossroads: Opportunities and Challenges for Lasting Peace in Nepal
June 1, 2006 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


The Crisis in Balochistan
May 25, 2006 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


India-Pakistan Negotiations: Is Past Still Prologue?
May 11, 2006 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


Security Strategies Toward Central Asia
May 11, 2006 | Senior Fellow Project Report
audio transcript [Audio and Project Report Summary Available]


A Framework for South Asian Peace and Security
April 27, 2006 | Senior Fellow Project Report
audio transcript [Audio and Project Report Summary Available]


The U.S.-India Civil Nuclear Cooperation Initiative: Implications for South Asian Security and Export Control Regimes
April 21, 2006 | Public Event


Religious Education in Pakistan: A Trip Report
March 20, 2006 | Roundtable
transcript audio [Trip Report and Audio Available]


The International Community and Afghanistan: Can Support Be Sustained?
February 9, 2006 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


Elections in Nepal: The Pathway to Democracy?
February 8, 2006 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


Hungry for Peace: International Security, Humanitarian Assistance, and Social Change in North Korea
February 7, 2006 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


The New Afghanistan's Parliament: Challenges and Opportunities
February 3, 2006 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


Afghanistan and Its Neighbors: Trade, Trafficking and Terrorism
January 24, 2006 | Afghanistan Working Group Session
audio [Audio Available]



U.S. Experience with Provincial Reconstruction Teams in Afghanistan
October 26, 2005 | Public Forum
audio [Audio Available]


The Future of Reconstruction in Afghanistan and Iraq
October 18, 2005 | Featuring Andrew Natsios, Administrator, U.S. Agency for International Development
audio [Audio Available]


The Beijing Accord and the Future of the Six Party Talks
September 28, 2005 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


Building Back After Natural Disaster: Lessons from the Asian Tsunami
September 23, 2005 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


A Preview of Elections in Afghanistan: Challenges and Opportunities
September 12, 2005 | Afghanistan Working Group
audio [Audio Available]


Nepal: Rule of Law and Human Rights Challenges
July 11, 2005 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


Religious Education, Modernization and Conflict: Indonesia, Pakistan, and the Philippines
June 24, 2005 | Grant Program Presentation
audio [Audio Available]


The Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) and Security in Southeast Asia
June 9, 2005 | Senior Fellow Project Report
transcript audio [Summary & Audio Available]


Islam, Ethnicity, and Nationalism: Terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir
June 3, 2005 | Senior Fellow Project Report
transcript audio [Summary & Audio Available]


Autonomy and Peace: Lessons from the Southern Philippines
May 19, 2005 | Senior Fellow Project Report
transcript audio [Summary & Audio Available]


Religious Extremism and Governance in South Asia: Internal and External Pressures
May 15, 2003 | Public Event
audio audio [Audio & Summary Available]


Bangladesh: Human Rights and the Rule of Law in Crisis
April 28, 2005 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


Challenges within Islam in Indonesia
April 20, 2005 | Grant Program Roundtable
audio [Audio Available]


Security, Governance and Reconstruction: What Have We Learned in Iraq and Afghanistan?
April 14, 2005 | Public Event
audio video [Audio & Video Available]


Ten Years of KEDO: What Have We Learned?
March 10, 2005 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


Crunchtime for the Mindanao Peace Process?
February 8, 2005 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]



Securing Peace in Mindanao: Resolving the Roots of Conflict
September 28, 2004 | A Special Event Co-sponsored by the Asia Society, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, and the United States Institute of Peace


Cross-Border Human Flows in Northeast Asia
June 24, 2004 | Public Meeting
audio [Audio Available]


Limited War Under the Nuclear Shadow in South Asia: The Kashmir Crises of 1999 and 2001-2002
June 23, 2004 | Public Meeting
audio [Audio Available]


Managing the Great Asian Transformation: Challenges and Opportunities in U.S.-China Relations
June 3, 2004 | Remarks by Institute President Richard H. Solomon to the U.S.-China Business Council
transcript [Transcript Available]


The Kashmir Problem and Its Resolution
April 27, 2004 | A Senior Fellow Project Report by Wajahat Habibullah
transcript audio [Summary & Audio Available]


The Lone Ranger: America and Post-Conflict Stability Operations
February 25, 2004 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


Is Afghanistan Ready for Elections?
February 18, 2004 | Public Event
video audio [Video & Audio Available]


A New Afghanistan: Challenges of Governance and the Rule of Law
January 22, 2004 | Public Event
video audio [Video & Audio Available]



A Special Address by Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf
June 25, 2003 | Institute Public Meeting
transcript audio video [Remarks, Audio and Video Available]


Beyond the Radar Screen: Afghanistan's Civil War and the Rise of International Terrorism
June 12, 2003 | Senior Fellow Project Report
transcript audio [Summary and Audio Available]


Countering Internal Conflicts: The Indian Experience
June 5, 2003 | A Senior Fellow Project Report by Dipankar Banerjee
transcript audio [Summary and Audio Available]


The U.S.-ROK Alliance at Fifty: Continuity, Change, and Implications for the Future
May 16, 2003 | Public Conference
transcript audio [Summary and Audio Available]


Religious Extremism and Governance in South Asia: Internal and External Pressures
May 15, 2003 | Public Event
transcript audio video [Summary, Video and Audio Available]


Crises on the Korean Peninsula
January 13, 2003 | Public Event
transcript audio video [Summary, Video and Audio Available]



Food Security in Afghanistan
November 5, 2002 | Public Event


Lethal Communal Riots: Lessons from India and Beyond
October 31, 2002 | Public Event


Afghanistan: Prospects for Free & Independent Media
September 24, 2002 | Public Event


9/11 a Year On: America's Challenges in a Changed World
September 5, 2002 | Institute Conference


Perspectives and Prospects: 2001-2002 Jennings Randolph Senior Fellow Project Report
September 3, 2002 | "Hunger for Peace: International Security, Humanitarian Assistance and Social Change in the DPRK" and "The War Against Terrorism and the Philippines: A Report from Mindanao"


The Great North Korean Famine
June 12, 2002


Negotiating with Terrorists: Lessons from Northern Ireland,Sri Lanka, and Israel-Palestine
May 29, 2002 | Public Event


Afghanistan: A Regional Perspective
May 21, 2002 | Public Event


Afghanistan: Prospects for Justice
May 7, 2002 | Public Event


The War Against Terrorism In The Philippines
April 2, 2002 | Public Event


Afghanistan Women in Government and Society
January 29, 2002 | Public Event


Afghanistan :Prospects for Peace and Reconstruction
January 15, 2002 | Public Event



Afghanistan: The Humanitarian Response
November 20, 2001 | Public Event


Mongolia, the United States, & The Global Coalition Against Terrorism
November 14, 2001 | Public Event


Afghanistan: Players, Politics, & Prospects
November 1, 2001 | Public Event


North Korea: Past Progress and Next Steps Perspectives on ROK President Kim Dae-Jung's Visit to Washington
March 6, 2001 | Public Event


Passing the Baton: Challenges of Statecraft for the New Administration
January 17, 2001 | USIP Presents



Mitigating the South China Sea Disputes
December 12, 2000 | Cooperative Monitoring & Conflict Prevention in the Age of Global Transparency - Virtual Diplomacy Workshop


The President's Trip to South Asia & Prospects for Conflict Resolution
March 9, 2000 | Public Event


North Korean Negotiating Behavior
February 18, 2000 | Public Event


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