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Would an Invasion of Iraq Be a "Just War"?
December 17, 2002 | A Religion and Peacemaking Workshop
audio video transcript [Audio, Video & Summary Available]


The Northern Ireland Peace Process: Problems and Prospects
December 12, 2002 | Current Issues Briefing
audio [Audio Available] transcript [Event Summary]


Eye of the Hurricane: Liberia and Instability in West Africa
December 9, 2002 | Current Issues Briefing
audio [Audio Available] transcript [Event Summary]


Marshland Arabs of Iraq: Hussein's Lesser Known Victims
November 14, 2002 | Current Issues Briefing
audio [Audio Available] transcript [Event Summary]


Conducting Dialogues for Peace
November 12, 2002 | Live Internet Symposium
transcript [Summary Available]


Iraq After Hussein: A Road Map for Transition
November 8, 2002 | Current Issues Briefing
audio [Audio Available] transcript [Event Summary]


Food Security in Afghanistan
November 5, 2002 | Current Issues Briefing
audio [Audio Available] transcript [Event Summary]


Lethal Communal Riots: Lessons from India and Beyond
October 31, 2002 | Current Issues Briefing
audio [Audio Available] transcript [Event Summary]


The United Nations and Its Security Agenda
October 25, 2002 | Current Issues Briefing
audio [Audio Available] transcript [Event Summary]


Afghanistan: Prospects for Free & Independent Media
September 24, 2002 | Current Issues Briefing
audio video [Audio and Video Available]


9/11 a Year On: America's Challenges in a Changed World
September 5, 2002 | Institute Conference
audio video photo [Audio, Video, and Photo Gallery Available]


Perspectives and Prospects: 2001-2002 Jennings Randolph Senior Fellow Project Report
September 3, 2002 | USIP Presents
audio [Audio Available]


Zimbabwe, the Mugabe Government, and the Politics of Torture
June 25, 2002 | Current Issues Briefing
audio [Audio Available] transcript [Event Summary]


National Peace Essay Contest DC Awards Week
June 22-27, 2002 | Special institute Program
photo [Photo Gallery Available]


Islam and Democracy
June 18, 2002 | Current Issues Briefing
video [Video Available] transcript [Event Summary]


Women and Islam
June 17, 2002 | Institute Roundtable
photo [Audio Available]


State Building in Kosovo
June 12, 2002 | USIP Presents
photo [Video Available]


The Great North Korean Famine
June 12, 2002 | USIP Presents
photo [Video Available]


Globalization and the Arab-Israeli Conflict
June 4, 2002 | Middle East Roundtable


Negotiating with Terrorists: Lessons from Northern Ireland, Sri Lanka,and Israel-Palestine
May 29, 2002 | Current Issues Briefing
photo [Video Available]


Kosovo the Road Ahead
May 24, 2002 | USIP Presents
photo [Audio Available]


Afghanistan: A Regional Perspective
May 21, 2002 | Current Issues Briefing
photo [Video Available]


Nigeria's Federal Democracy: Will it Survive?
May 20, 2002 | Current Issues Briefing
photo [Audio Available]


Afghanistan: Prospects for Justice
May 7, 2002 | Current Issues Briefing
photo [Video Available]


Dialogue Sustained: The Multilevel Peace Process and the Dartmouth Conference
May 6, 2002 | Book Launch


Islamic Extremists: How do They Mobilize Support?
April 17, 2002 | Current Issues Briefing
photo [Audio Available]


Crisis in the Middle East: The Israeli View
April 10, 2002 | Current Issues Briefing
photo [Video Available]


Crisis in the Middle East: Spinning Out of Control?
April 4, 2002 | Current Issues Briefing
photo [Video Available]


The War Against Terrorism In The Philippines
April 2, 2002 | Current Issues Briefing
photo [Audio Available]


Perspectives and Prospects: 2000-2001 Jennings Randolph Senior Fellow Project Reports
March 20, 2002 | USIP Presents
photo [Audio Available]


Health and Security
March 14, 2002 | Current Issues Briefing
photo [Video Available]


Intervention: Can We Get It Right?
February 14, 2002 | USIP Presents
photo [Audio Available]


Burundi: The Peace Process & Security in the Region with President Buyoya
February 8, 2002 | Current Issues Briefing
transcript [Event Summary] video [Video Available]


Macedonian Spring: Can the Peace Hold?
February 6, 2002 | Current Issues Briefing
transcript [Event Summary]


Afghanistan: Women in Government and Society
January 29, 2002 | Current Issues Briefing
transcript [Event Summary] video [Video Available]


A Balancing Act: The Role of the Fourth Estate in New Democracies
January 28, 2002 | Virtual Diplomacy Workshop
photo [Video Available]


Nonviolent Struggles Against Repressive Regimes: The Role of the International Community
January 14, 2002 | Institute Public Meeting
photo [Video Available]


Afghanistan: Prospects for Peace and Reconstruction
January 15, 2002 | Current Issues Briefing
transcript [Event Summary] video [Video Available]


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