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U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP)



Seeds of Peace & Messages of Hope
December 19, 1997 | Current Issues Briefing


The Challenges of Justice after Genocide
December 16, 1997 | Current Issues Briefing


Crisis & Opportunity: U.S. Policy in the Horn, East and Central Africa
December 4, 1997 | Current Issues Briefing


Implementing Dayton in Brcko
November 24, 1997 | Special Institute Forum


The Crisis in Iraq
November 20, 1997 | Special Institute Forum


U.S.-China Relations
October 23, 1997 | Current Issues Briefing


Democratization in Serbia and Prospects for Peace in the Balkans
April 4, 1997 | Current Issues Briefing


Virtual Diplomacy: The Global Communications Revolution and International Conflict Management
April 1-2, 1997 | Virtual Diplomacy Conference



Measuring Peace
October 29, 1996 | Current Issues Briefing


Peace in Chechnya?
September 18, 1996 | Current Issues Briefing


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