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United States Department of Health & Human Services

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August 9, 2006

FY 2007 Departmental Objectives

One Department. One Mission. One HHS.

1. Accelerate Personalized Healthcare

  • Accelerate the development of safer, more effective therapies at a lower cost to the healthcare system.
  • Implement regulatory/oversight process innovations.
  • Encourage and support new economic models, such as public/private partnerships, to identify new tests that will reduce the time, cost and failure rate of clinical trials.
  • Guide the development of standardized health information technology platforms that will integrate basic research, regulatory therapeutic approval processes, disease prevention methods, and healthcare delivery.
  • Support the shift from reaction to prevention in healthcare.
  • Support innovations to reduce adverse medical events and trial and error treatment selection.

2. Recruit, Develop, Retain, and Strategically Manage a World-Class HHS Workforce

  • Meet the OMB/OPM mandated �Green� Standards for Success and Proud-To-Be 4 goals.
  • Fully deploy and effectively manage the HHS Performance Management Appraisal Program which creates a results-oriented, performance-based workforce at all levels.
  • Support the HHS Human Capital effort by participation in Departmental Programs that will strengthen our workforce, such as Increasing Diversity, Succession Planning, Talent Management, Recruitment, and Leadership and Knowledge Management.

3. Modernize Medicaid

  • Modernize Medicaid through States embracing increased benefit flexibility State Plan options as authorized by the Deficit Reduction Act.
  • Implement the Long-Term Care Partnership State plan option provisions in the Deficit Reduction Act.
  • Increase the number of people who have the option to self-direct services through the new self-directed personal care State plan option, the new HCBS State plan option, and HCBS waivers.
  • Increase the number of individuals transitioned from institutions to communities.

4. Continue our Leadership Role and Success in Competitive Sourcing

  • Meet the OMB mandated �Green� Standards for Success and Proud-To-Be 4 Goals.
  • Submit a complete FAIR Act inventory and Reason Code A justifications.
  • Submit complete FY 2008 Competitive Sourcing Plans in accordance with the OMB approved HHS �Green� Plan.
  • As may be necessary, encourage affected employees to contribute to the mission of the Department in new ways and in new positions in such a way that transitions are completed within one year.

5. Turn Adversity to Advantage for the New Orleans Health System

  • Provide support and assistance to the Louisiana Health Care Redesign Collaborative as it develops a practical blueprint for an evidence-based, quality-driven health care system for Greater New Orleans.
  • Encourage, assist and support the Collaborative in its commitment to the Guiding Principles, and the work of the Collaborative in expedited preparation of an appropriate, comprehensive, system-wide Medicaid Waiver and Medicare Demonstration proposal for the Greater New Orleans area that will guide the rebuilding of its health care system.
  • Leverage the power, resources and authority of other HHS Operating Divisions and other Federal agencies to accomplish the redesign efforts of the Collaborative as efficiently and effectively as possible.
  • Monitor the expenditure of funds allocated through the Deficit Reduction Act for the rebuilding process.

6. Improve Financial Performance

  • Meet the OMB mandated �Green� Standards for Success and Proud-To-Be 4 Goals.
  • Implement the Unified Financial Management System for the Program Support Center which completes another step in meeting FFMIA requirements.
  • Improve the quality of the PAR by recognizing professional standards.
  • Implement the new A-123 standards.

7. Promote Health Information Technology

  • Inform health care professionals: provide access to and increase equitable adoption of electronic health records.
  • Interconnect health care: establish and promote widespread adoption of standards, stimulate a sustainable electronic health information exchange, and support consumer privacy and risk protections.
  • Personalize health management: expand consumer use of personal health information, promote availability of secure messaging between patients and providers, and promote care based on culture and traits.
  • Improve population health: enable automated public health and safety monitoring and management, ensure efficient collection of quality information, transform clinical research into clinical care, and foster availability and use of health information during disasters and crises.

8. Expand Electronic Government

  • Meet the OMB mandated �Green� Standards for Success and Proud-To-Be 4 Goals.
  • Implement the HHS E-mail Consolidation goal.
  • Secure applications, data and systems to protect information entrusted to HHS, especially personally identifiable information.
  • Prepare IT systems and processes for response to disasters, both to help respond to disasters and to ensure HHS business processes continue in the event of a disruption.

9. Continue to Improve Medicare

  • Plan issues: Provide clear differentiation to beneficiaries, assure accountability of plans for performance requirements, comply with formulary guidance, and ensure effective data.
  • Pharmacy issues: Address payment issues and quality improvement/medication therapy management.
  • State issues: Improve computer data systems compatibility, provide outreach, and ensure payments to the States that meet NASMD-based terms under the Section 402 demonstration project.
  • Electronic technology: monitor e-prescribing standards pilot, develop final e-prescribing standards regulation, and finalize Stark and AKS e-prescribing exceptions regulation.
  • Messaging: ensure the public understands the success of Medicare Part D, and anticipate and effectively respond to problems on future messaging.

10. Improve Budget and Performance Integration

  • Meet the OMB mandated �Green� Standards for Success and Proud-To-Be 4 Goals.
  • Improve program performance and efficiency using PART reviews and other tools.
  • Submit timely performance budget justifications to the Department, OMB and Congress that clearly link the accomplishment of performance goals with the level of funding requested.

11. Harness the Power of Transparent Healthcare

  • Make additional information available to the public regarding the price and quality of services that Medicare pays for.
  • Energize employers in targeted local markets and large national employers.
  • Determine how to respond to business community requests for Medicare claims data and determine legal parameters for disclosing Medicare claims data.
  • Implement Medicare Savings Account demonstration project.
  • Move toward a pay-for-performance method of reimbursement for providers.
  • Educate consumers on value-based decision making.
  • Integrate health IT standards and the Transparent healthcare initiative by ensuring health IT standards facilitate availability of price and quality information.
  • Facilitate the expansion of pilot Health Information Exchanges to include additional qualifying communities.

12. Implement the Real Property Asset Management Program and Strategically Manage our Real Property

  • Meet the OMB and HHS mandated �Green� Standards for Success and Proud-To-Be 4 Goals for FY 2007.
  • Comply with HHS Construction Delivery and Program Requirements.
  • Meet the OMB and HHS socioeconomic objectives for Historic Preservation.
  • Support and demonstrate success in Departmental initiatives in environmental management and occupational safety and health.

13. Emphasize Prevention and Healthy Living

  • Establish scientifically-based physical activity guidelines for healthy Americans.
  • Encourage formulation and marketing of healthful foods, and follow-up on recommendations from the �Calories Count� and �Keystone� Reports.
  • Increase use of Medicare preventive screenings, leverage preventive power of the drug benefit, track missed opportunities in prevention for racial and ethnic minorities, reach out to States to increase use of preventive services, and increase dissemination of evidence-based clinical recommendations to providers.
  • Produce an internet-based contest for 14-24 year olds, renew, expand the adoption of the �We Can� program, and inventory other �healthy choices� initiatives for relevant objectives and deliverables.

14. Broaden Health Insurance and Long-Term Care Coverage

  • Meet the OMB mandated �Green� Standards for Success for the PMA initiative: Broadening Health Insurance Coverage through State Initiatives.
  • Increase the percentage of adults and children who have access to quality health care services through private health insurance.
  • Increase the awareness of the need for long-term care planning and expand the options available to consumers, including community based care.

15. Prepare for an Influenza Pandemic

  • Improve international capacity to participate in global disease surveillance and response efforts.
  • Enhance the effectiveness of domestic surveillance before and during a pandemic influenza.
  • Develop strategies for the use of non-pharmaceutical public health interventions during a pandemic.
  • Coordinate with State, local, and tribal partners to develop surge capacity for the deployment of medical resources during an outbreak.
  • Facilitate the development, production, distribution, utilization and monitoring of pre-pandemic and pandemic vaccines.
  • Facilitate the development and use of antivirals during a pandemic.
  • Deploy a national communications strategy to provide accurate, timely, consistent, and comprehensive information about preparing for and responding to influenza and pandemic influenza to the public, the news media, health care providers, and other partners and stakeholders.
  • Provide technical assistance and guidance to State, local, and tribal public health and other leadership in their efforts to prepare for and respond to an influenza pandemic.

16. Promote Quality, Relevance & Performance of Research and Development Activities

  • Meet the OMB mandated �Green� Standards for Success for the PMA initiative: R&D Investment Criteria.
  • Achieve a �Moderately Effective� or better for at least 75 percent of PARTed scientific programs.
  • Develop GPRA goals that are consistent with the OMB R&D Investment Criteria.
  • Continue to incorporate R&D criteria of quality, relevance and performance into the peer-review process.

17. Enhance Emergency Response and Renew the Commissioned Corps

  • Prepare individuals and families to prevent and address the health effects of a disaster.
  • Prepare non-health care businesses to prevent and address the health effects of a disaster.
  • Prepare health care provider businesses (hospitals, nursing homes, home health agencies, etc.) to prevent and address the health effects of a disaster.
  • Prepare faith-based and community organizations to prevent and address the health effects of a disaster.
  • Strengthen response capacity under ESF #8.
  • Expand capacity of the Commissioned Corps to meet the public health needs of the 21st century.
  • Improve HHS emergency preparedness and response capability.

18. Improve the Service of Management Functions and Administrative Operations for the Support of the Department�s Mission

  • Participate in initiatives to strengthen our acquisition workforce and acquisition operations, including Acquisition Integration and Modernization (AIM), Strategic Sourcing, and Balanced Scorecard.
  • Implement the HHS Department-wide HSPD-12 plan in accordance with the established schedule.
  • Participate in Departmental initiatives to transform and improve business operations, including consolidation initiatives, implementing best practices, and leveraging the capabilities and resources for the benefit of the Department; meet objective measures established for such initiatives.
  • Consolidate the CIO role for designated OPDIVs.
  • Meet small business procurement goals, as established by the Small Business Administration.
  • Consolidate grants systems.
  • Achieve the participation goals established by

19. Emphasize Faith Based and Community Solutions

  • Meet the OMB mandated �Green� Standards for Success and Best Practices Referenced in Standards.
  • Support community-based approaches to reduce health disparities that affect racial, ethnic, and underserved populations.
  • Expand choices for individuals in federal programs by increasing participation of faith-based and community groups.
  • Inform and educate federal grantees, including state and local officials who administer funds, about the requirements of the Equal Treatment and Charitable Choice regulations.

20. Eliminate Improper Payments

  • Meet the OMB mandated �Green� Standards for Success and Proud-To-Be 4 Goals.
  • Improve estimating tools for Improper Payments; continue to meet error rate goals.

Last revised: September 8, 2006


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