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I. Overview
II. Rec. and Responses
III. Implementation Planning
IV. Safety Issues Management
V. Correspondence Management
VI. Other Communications
VII. Site Interfaces
VIII. Annual Report
IX. Interface Training
1. Contractor Requirements Doc.
2. Response to Rec. Guidelines
3. Format Content Guide for IP's
4. Briefing Request Format
5. Board Information Request Format
6. Information Request
    Response Format
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to the DNFSB


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DOE M 140.1-1B Interface with the DNFSB   

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a. The Board issues recommendations to the Secretary on issues or circumstances it determines need to be resolved to ensure adequate protection of the public health and safety. The Secretary must respond to each Board recommendation within 45 days of its publication in the Federal Register.

b. The Secretary may accept or reject a Board recommendation in whole or in part. Figure 1 provides an overview of the Board recommendation process (see Chapter I, subparagraph 2a).


a. When a Board recommendation is received, the Departmental Representative must coordinate with the affected Secretarial Officers to designate the cognizant Secretarial Officer. If necessary, the Deputy Secretary must resolve any disagreements regarding designation of the cognizant Secretarial Officer. The cognizant Secretarial Officer must oversee the development of the Department's response. If the recommendation is accepted, the cognizant Secretarial Office also must oversee development of the associated implementation plan and resolution of the applicable safety issues, through to the ultimate closure of the recommendation.

b. The cognizant Secretarial Officer must designate a Responsible Manager, typically a Deputy Assistant Secretary or Operations/Area Office Manager or equivalent, to manage development and implementation of an adequate response and, if necessary, an implementation plan for resolving the Board recommendation. The Responsible Manager should possess sufficient stature and authority to obtain the necessary commitments of action from the various organizations involved. An Operations/Area Office Manager should be considered for recommendations that are limited to a single site; a Deputy Assistant Secretary is more appropriate for recommendations with implications for multiple sites and organizations. This Responsible Manager may, in turn, identify a technical lead to assist in coordinating response development and implementation planning. The selection of an appropriate Responsible Manager and an experienced technical lead with the necessary technical, communications, and management skills is key to the Department's success. The continuous commitment of the Responsible Manager and technical lead throughout the life of a recommendation has also proven to be important for effective Departmental interface with the Board.

Figure 1 Recommendation Process Overview

c. The Responsible Manager must establish a response team to support the development and implementation of the Department's response. Secretarial Offices and Operations/Area Offices expected to be major stakeholders in the implementation plan should provide members for this team. The points of contact should assist the Responsible Manager in obtaining appropriate team participation from their respective organizations, including field representatives, as appropriate. Team participants must have the authority to speak for their management. The Responsible Manager should solicit early involvement of the Office of the General Counsel (and NNSA General Counsel, when an NNSA element is involved) to support the response team in addressing legal issues or procedural requirements. The Departmental Representative's office must designate an Issue Lead to support the Responsible Manager as a member of the response team.

d. The response team should promptly begin development of the Department's response and the associated implementation plan, if one is expected to be necessary. To promote timeliness and responsiveness, affected Departmental elements should follow the process presented in Attachment 2 and summarized in Figure 2.

e. The response team must, as a minimum, consider the following topics:

(1) significant safety issues associated with the recommendation,

(2) underlying causes and implications of these issues,

(3) existing programs and activities that can be built upon,

(4) strategic input from affected Departmental elements,

(5) public comments forwarded from the Board,

(6) costs and benefits associated with implementation, and

(7) the impact on ongoing Departmental programs and activities.

f. The response team should seek discussions with one or more Board members to fully understand the Board's views regarding the underlying safety issues and potential resolution approaches.

g. Prior to obtaining concurrence on the Secretary's response letter, the Responsible Manager should estimate the associated costs and contribution to safety and brief Departmental senior management concerning this information.


a. If the Secretary accepts the recommendation, the Responsible Manager must prepare the Department's response letter which (see Chapter I, subparagraph 2b)

Figure 2 Department Response Process Overview

(1) demonstrates an understanding of what is being recommended,

(2) commits the Department to take action to meet the recommendation within the context of the Department's acceptance,

(3) identifies the Responsible Manager by name, and

(4) identifies specific actions the Department intends to undertake so the Board can determine if the material terms of the recommendation will be met.

b. Unconditional acceptance of Board recommendations must be carefully considered by the response team. If a response letter is sent which simply states that the Secretary agrees with or accepts a recommendation, the Board will interpret this action as an unconditional acceptance of the Board's recommendation and the Board's interpretation thereof. The Board will ordinarily consider unacceptable any subsequent contradiction or retrenchment from the response's unconditional acceptance (see Chapter I, subparagraph 2b).

4. REQUESTING A RESPONSE EXTENSION. If requested by the Secretary, the Board may grant additional time, not to exceed 45 days, for the Department to respond to the Board's recommendation. Requests for additional time should be reserved for exceptional circumstances (e.g., when a complex technical analysis is required prior to finalizing the Department's response). The Responsible Manager must initiate a request for additional time when it is clear that an adequate response cannot be completed within the initial 45 days. Regardless of when the request is submitted, the extension begins after the initial 45 days has expired. The Issue Lead should support the Responsible Manager by coordinating this request.


a. The Secretary may reject a recommendation, in whole or in part. Prior to formally rejecting all or part of a Board recommendation, the cognizant Secretarial Officer and the Responsible Manager should brief one or more members of the Board on the Department's concerns. In rejecting all or part of a recommendation, the response letter must identify substantive differences that the Department has with the recommendation. The Board may accept a Departmental response which rejects portions of a recommendation if, based on the Board's judgment, sound reasons are given for rejecting the recommendation and alternative means of protecting the public health and safety are specified (see Chapter I, subparagraph 2b).

b. If the Secretary rejects a recommendation in whole or in part, the Board may reaffirm or revise the original recommendation and notify the Secretary. The Secretary must provide a final decision to the Board within 30 days of notification of the Board's reaffirmation or revision.

c. The cognizant Secretarial Officer must ensure that this final decision is reached and a final response to the Board is prepared for the Secretary's approval. This final response prepared by the cognizant Secretarial Officer must identify the parts of the recommendation that are accepted and rejected, and describe the reasons for the decision. The cognizant Secretarial Officer, the Responsible Manager, the Departmental Representative, and response team members should perform the same roles in developing this final response as they performed in developing the initial response. The Department must publish the final decision in the Federal Register and also transmit it to the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and to the Senate Committees on Armed Services and Appropriations (see Chapter I, subparagraph 2a).


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