May 6, 2005


The Honorable A. J. Eggenberger

Acting Chairman

Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board

625 Indiana Avenue, NW

Suite 700

Washington, DC 20004-2901


Dear Dr. Eggenberger:


The Department of Energy acknowledges receipt of the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board’s Recommendation 2005-1, Nuclear Material Packaging, issued on March 10, 2005.


In response to Recommendations 94-1, 97-1, and 2000-1, the Department has made significant progress towards stabilizing and safely storing its nuclear materials, primarily plutonium metal and oxide materials and Uranium-233.  For example, all of the commitments included in the Implementation Plan for Recommendation 97-1, Safe Storage of Uraniun-233, and over two-thirds of the commitments in the Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2000-1, Stabilization and Storage of Nuclear Materials, have been completed.  Your Recommendation 2005-1 addresses storage requirements for other categories of nuclear materials that are beyond the scope of the Implementation Plans for Recommendations 94-1, 97-1, and 2000-1.


The Department accepts Recommendation 2005-1, and will develop an Implementation Plan to identify and issue additional nuclear material packaging and storage requirements.  The Plan will address the following activities:





I have assigned Mr. Richard Stark, Director, Office of Facilities Operations Support, as the Department's responsible manager for developing the Implementation Plan.  He can be reached on (301) 903-4407.


Samuel W. Bodman