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Matlab Snack Bar

Welcome to the Matlab Snack Bar

photo of coffee mug We offer a selection of nutritious Matlab® M-files for Version-5+, some of which may be just the treats you have been seeking. These items were prepared from natural ingredients -- no Mex-files to build or toolboxes to buy. They have been tested extensively in our own software and data-processing kitchens.

Our aim is to provide convenient syntax and functionality that is not available in the basic Matlab distribution. In a few cases, existing Matlab "features" are corrected, circumvented, or augmented, as the case may be.

The M-files are written in a style that preserves their pedagogical value. In addition, many of them provide a self-demonstration when the corresponding function-name is executed with no argument or with 'demo' as a single argument. See "help ..." for each function.

Some of the offerings, mainly class-oriented libraries, have been encoded into self-expanding P-files. When executed as Matlab functions at the Matlab prompt, these will populate one or more folders with several M-files. A dialog is invoked automatically to help select the area.

So, have a seat, roll up your sleeves, and enjoy your meal. (Massachusetts State Law: Employees must first wash hands.)

New items are marked by: *** New ***

Downloading M-Files and P-Files

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