December 24, 2003


The Honorable John T. Conway


Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board

625 Indiana Avenue, NW

Washington, D.C. 20004-2941


Dear Mr. Chairman:


Commitment in the Department’s Implementation Plan for Software Quality Assurance (SQA) in response to Board Recommendation 2002-1 has been completed.  Commitment requires the Department conduct a survey of design codes currently in use to determine if any should be included as part of the toolbox codes. A copy of the design code survey report is attached and is being posted on the Department’s Central Registry web site at http://tis.eh.doe.gov/techstds/toolsframe.html. As with other SQA deliverables, the attached report is being finalized through a peer-review process, which is being conducted over the next several months.


This activity has been helpful in identifying and characterizing the design codes that are in use at multiple sites or by multiple organizations. No additional codes were identified for inclusion in the DOE toolbox based on this activity; the design codes identified in the report are proprietary and are being maintained externally. Some have also been through a software quality assurance program. This activity has helped define the path forward for sharing design information, notices, and upgrades on these key design codes.


Questions concerning this commitment may be directed to Chip Lagdon at (301) 903-4218 or me at (301) 903-8008.




Frank Russo

Deputy Assistant Secretary

  for Corporate Performance Assessment




cc: Beverly A. Cook, EH-1

Mark B. Whitaker, DR-I


Note:  To obtain a copy of the attachment contact Chip Lagdon at (301) 903-4218.