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NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-F/SPO-40 June 1999

Proceedings of the Fifth National NMFS Stock Assessment Workshop
Providing Scientific Advice to Implement the Precautionary Approach Under the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act

February 24-26, 1998, Key Largo, Florida

Prepared by the National Marine Fisheries Service

Victor R. Restrepo (Editor)
University of Miami
NMFS Office of Science and Technology

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Bohnsack Incorporating No-Take marine Reserves into Precautionary Management and Stock Assessment
Cadrin A Precautionary Approach to Fishery Control Rules Based on Surplus Production Modeling
DiNardo, Wetherall The Application of Precautionary Principles to the Northwestern Hawaiian Island Lobster Fishery: Life in the Trenches
Ford, Waples Using the Precautionary Approach to Control Deleterious Effects of Artificial Propagation on Natural Populations
Fowler Nature's Monte Carlo Experiments in Sustainability
Fox The Role of Science In Applying the Precautionary Approach to the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act
Gabriel, Mace A Review of Biological Reference Points in the Context of the Precautionary Approach
Gavaris Dealing With Bias in Estimating Uncertainty and Risk
Ianelli Alternative Ways to Evaluate Uncertainty and Risk in Data-Poor and Hypothesis-Rich Situations
Kope Proposed Changes to the Fishery Management Plan for Pacific Salmon
MacCall Use of Decision Tables to Develop a Precautionary Approach to Problems in Behavior, Life History and Recruitment Variability
Mace, Gabriel Evolution, Scope and Current Applications of the Precautionary Approach in Fisheries
Matlock The Need for Guidance on The Precautionary Approach and The Proposed national Standard Guidelines
Murawski, et al Impacts of Demographic Variation in Spawning Success on Reference Points for Fishery Management
Overholtz Use of Stock-Recruit Data in Estimating Biological Reference Points
Parkes CCAMLR's Application of the Precautionary Approach
Powers Requirements for Recovering Fish Stocks
Rago, et al Depletion Estimators of Survey Catchability: Theory and Field Experiments
Rosenberg How Can Managers Use Precautionary Management Advice?
Serchuk, et al A Conceptual Framework for the Implementation of the Precautionary Approach to Fisheries Management with the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO)
Spencer, Collie patterns of Population Variability in Marine Fish Stocks, with Application to Precautionary Rebuilding Projections of the Georges Bank Haddock
Taylor Incorporating Uncertainty into Management Models for Marine Mammals
Thompson Optimizing Harvest Control Rules In the Presence of Natural Variability and Parameter Uncertainty
Ward The Implications of Incorporating Uncertainty into Fisheries Management for Policy Makers
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