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State Afterschool Profile
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State Profile | Missouri

The Afterschool Investments project has developed profiles for each state to provide a snapshot of the "state of afterschool," as well as an opportunity to compare afterschool activities across the country. This profile provides key data and descriptions of the afterschool landscape, which includes a range of out-of-school time programming that can occur before and after school, on weekends, and during summer months. It is designed to serve as a resource for policymakers, administrators, and providers.

Quick Facts


Total population: 5,842,713

Number of children ages 5-12:

Percent of population: 10.4%

Percent of students eligible for free and reduced-price lunch:


Percent of K-12 students in Title I "Schoolwide" schools:


For more demographic information, visit

Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF)

• CCDF Administrative Overview

Administering agency:

Missouri Department of Social Services

Total FFY06 federal and state CCDF funds:


FFY06 total federal share:


FFY06 state MOE plus match:


FFY06 School Age & Resource and Referral Targeted Funds:


FFY06 Tribal CCDF Allocation:


FFY05 Total Quality Expenditures:


Percent of children receiving CCDF subsidies who are ages


• Settings

Pie chart of Missouri Settings, see table below for data

Where CCDF-Subsidy school age-children are served:

In a center based setting 48%
By group homes 2%
By family homes 47%
In home 3%

• Uses of CCDF Targeted Funds and Quality Dollars for Afterschool

"Resource and referral and school-age" targeted funds:
Through a Memorandum of Agreement with the Department of Social Services, the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education may provide grants to public school districts that encourage before- and after-school programs to be accredited.

Other quality activities:
Data not available.

• Provider Reimbursement Rates

Label assigned by state for school-age rate category:


Maximum rate for center-based school-age category:


Notes: Rates vary by area. Rate areas for school-age are divided into six groups of counties and "Rest of State." Rates are given for St. Louis County.

Standardized monthly center-based school-age rate:  


Are separate subsidy rates offered for part-time and full-time care?


Tiered Reimbursement Rate System:
There is a rate differential for program providers serving a disproportionate share of families using subsidies. Licensed providers whose child enrollment is consistently at a minimum of 50% receive a rate differential of 30% above the standard school-age rate. There is also a rate differential for accreditation. If a provider is accredited by any of the seven approved accreditation bodies, they receive a 20% rate differential above the standard school-age rate.

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and Child Care

FFY05 state TANF transfer to CCDF:


FFY05 TANF direct spending on child care:


Program Licensing and Accreditation Policies

Are there separate licensing standards governing the care of school-age children? No

Are there specialized requirements for center-based care for school-age children?


Ratio of children to adults in school-age centers:


Number of National AfterSchool Association (NAA) accredited programs:


21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC)

FY06 state formula grant amount:


Most recent competition:

July 2004

Applications funded:


Total first year grant awards:

Fiscal agent type: 81.3% school district
18.8% other
Licensing required? No

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Statewide Initiatives

  • Missouri Afterschool State Network (MASN). The Missouri AfterSchool Network (MASN) was developed as a statewide joint venture with the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) and University of Missouri 4-H Center for Youth Development to support high-quality afterschool programs across the state. They have received funding from the C.S. Mott Foundation since 2002 to support network activities. In addition to the 4-H Center for Youth Development, which provides funding, office space, and resources, MASN’s partners include other state agencies and regional/state afterschool organizations. MASN recently received a Mott Foundation Innovations grant to build on existing relationships with partner agencies. To make sure that all products of the grant will serve all afterschool programs in rural or urban areas, MASN has teamed up with two afterschool training and youth development intermediaries in Missouri: YouthNet of Greater Kansas City and St. Louis for Kids.

    Other key recent MASN accomplishments include:

    • A strong governance Board that controls and administers all network activities;
    • Core Competencies for Youth Development Professionals for Missouri and Kansas collaborating with Kansas Enrichment Network (KEN) and the Opportunities in a Professional Education Network (OPEN);
    • "The Road to Quality" afterschool quality standards for all afterschool programs (public or private) to utilize throughout the year; three lanes represent (a) Missouri Quality Standards, (b) State Licensure, and/or (c) National or State Accreditation. The standards were implemented throughout the state by the six Afterschool Regional Educators of MASN;
    • An afterschool curriculum that is aligned with State standards;
    • A Self Evaluation Tool for any afterschool program to determine where they are and which steps to take to improve quality in their programs;
    • Missouri Afterschool Resource Center with Afterschool Regional Educators to provide face to face training and assistance statewide.
  • Gubernatorial and Legislative support. In 2002, when Missouri was one of the original states to receive a Mott Grant to start a Network, the Missouri AfterSchool Network (MASN) was engaged in discussions with key legislators and the Governor’s office. Through the efforts of the current Governor, the Commissioner of the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) and key legislators, MASN receives $75,000 of General Revenue funds through DESE. These funds come annually to MASN and will help address sustainability. In 2006, Missouri was also awarded a National Governor’s Association Grant to host a Governor’s Summit on afterschool to demonstrate the importance of afterschool and build a stronger coalition throughout the state. Missouri’s Governor held six additional summits around the state and used State funds to cover all expenses above the grant award. MASN will continue to strengthen the ties with the Governor’s office, key legislators, DESE, the private sector, other state agencies and organizations.

    For fiscal year 2007–2008, the Governor placed $1 million dollars for Afterschool Grants in the budget. These funds will be equally divided between a grant for grades K-12 in the area of mathematics, science, technology, and/or engineering and a grant for grades K-8 in the area of Health Initiatives. This is the first use of General Funds for afterschool in many years. The Governor has expressed his approval for MASN to pursue additional funding next year to meet sustainability goals.

  • CCDF Quality Dollars for Afterschool. Since 1996, Missouri’s Department of Social Services (DSS) and Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) have collaborated to provide $1.4 million of CCDF quality set-aside funds for the School-Age Community Grant/Contract Program (SAC). This program provides grants/contracts for before and afterschool programs in public schools.

    Through a Memorandum of Agreement, DSS and DESE may provide grants to public school districts that encourage before and afterschool programs to be accredited.

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Notable Local Initiatives

  • Missouri School Age Community Coalition (MOSAC2). The Missouri School Age Community Coalition (MOSAC2) was developed in 1993 out of the need for an organized network to support afterschool professionals. MOSAC2 hosts an annual Afterschool Professional Development Institute and Conference for Afterschool Professionals and has worked with other states to develop, implement, and grant a Youth Development Credential.

  • Kansas City Before & After School Child Care/Local Investment Commission (LINC). The Kansas City School District provided a before- and afterschool program for 12 years. Facing decreasing desegregation dollars and extensive budget cuts, the school district realized that it could not provide the services, known as Extended Day, beyond the 1998-99 school year without community support. An advisory task force composed of individuals from every sector, including parents, community leaders, funders, providers, and other organizations was formed to identify a solution to save the Extended Day program. The community-driven before- and after-school model the task force developed includes a central coordinating organization to oversee and manage Extended Day. In 1999, the Local Investment Commission (LINC) accepted responsibility for this role and began coordinating before- and after-school child care programs at 45 Kansas City schools. In 2002, over 6,800 students were enrolled in the program, as well as over 2,800 in summer programs, at 18 schools. Administrative and financial responsibilities are now shared by multiple parties with LINC serving as the lead agency. Anchor funding includes child care subsidies, sliding scale parent fees, reimbursements from the Bureau of Nutrition Programs, and Title I support for academic enrichment activities.

  • St. Louis for Kids. During 1997-98, St. Louis 2004 met with citizens in region-wide forums and actively engaged more than 1,500 volunteers who developed plans to improve the region. The public ranked accessible, high-quality, non-school hour programs for kids as one of their top priorities. Following the regional forums, St. Louis 2004 convened a citizens’ work group consisting of educators, youth development providers, social service workers, parents, and others. The work group developed the vision and long-term goals of "Safe Places for Kids." The board of the Regional Violence Prevention Initiative voted to adopt the vision of "Safe Places" as its sole mission. St. Louis for Kids works in partnership with neighborhood leaders and providers to develop high-quality, non-school hour programs and the organizational capacity to deliver them. Activities include encouraging program development, linking qualified providers to neighborhoods that want programs, locating funding sources, providing information on "best practices," facilitating program provider collaboratives, linking programs to technical assistance, and making grants to support program expansion.

  • YouthNet of Greater Kansas City. YouthNet is a nonprofit organization that works to improve the life opportunities of Kansas City young people by promoting quality youth development programs that occur in the afterschool hours. YouthNet has a long history of working with afterschool providers. They have two well-developed Youth Development Certificate programs (12 hours and 30 hours) focusing on professionals working in teen programs. They support many local programs as they address professional development and training issues. YouthNet also develops competencies for afterschool programs by engaging young people, parents, youth-serving agencies, funders and other stakeholders to establish and implement a common set of standards of quality performance for youth programs.

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Statewide Organizations

National AfterSchool Association Affiliate:

Missouri School Age Community Coalition (MOSAC2)
P.O. Box 410070
Kansas City, MO 64141-0070
Phone: 816- 410-8410

Statewide Child Care Resource & Referral Network:

Missouri Childcare Resource and Referral Network
4236 Lindell Boulevard.
St. Louis, MO 63108
Phone: 314-535-1459
Fax: 314-754-0330

Statewide Afterschool Network:

Missouri State Afterschool Network
University of Missouri 4-H Center for Youth Development
825 Clark Hall
Columbia, MO 65211
Phone: 800-210-2469

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Additional Resources

State Child Care Administrators:

State TANF Contacts:

21st Century Community Learning Centers Contacts:

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Notes and Sources


Total population: Annual Estimates of the Population for the United States and States, and for Puerto Rico: April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2006, U.S. Census Bureau.

Number of children ages 5-12: Estimates of the Resident Population by Single-Year of Age and Sex for the United States and States: July 1, 2006, U.S. Census Bureau.

Percent of students eligible for free and reduced-price lunch rate: Numbers and Types of Public Elementary and Secondary Schools from the Common Core of Data: School Year 2005-06. U.S. Department of Education. Washington, DC: National Center for Education Statistics.

Percent of K-12 students in Title I "schoolwide" schools: Numbers and Types of Public Elementary and Secondary Schools from the Common Core of Data: School Year 2005-06. U.S. Department of Education. Washington, DC: National Center for Education Statistics. The federal Title I program provides funding to local school districts and schools with high percentages of poor children to help ensure that all children meet challenging state academic content and student academic achievement standards. Schools enrolling at least 40 percent of students from poor families are eligible to use Title I funds for schoolwide programs that serve all children in the school.

Child Care and Development Fund

The Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) is the largest federal funding source for child care. States receive a funding allocation determined by formula and have broad flexibility to design programs that provide child care subsidies for low-income children under the age of 13 and to enhance the quality of child care for all children. Federal CCDF funding consists of mandatory, matching, and discretionary funds. Federal law requires that states spend at least 4 percent of their CCDF funds as well as additional targeted funds on activities to improve the quality and availability of child care. CCDF administrative data in this and the following sections is from the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Child Care Bureau, as reported by States, unless otherwise noted.

FFY06 state MOE plus match: In order to receive Federal matching funds, a state must expend Maintenance of Effort funds. Note that this does not capture actual expenditures, only the minimum required to draw down all available federal funds.

FFY06 Tribal CCDF Allocation: Federal CCDF Funds are awarded directly to Federally-recognized Indian Tribes.

FFY05 total quality expenditures: This data includes FY05 and prior year funds expended for quality from each of the CCDF funding streams (mandatory, matching, and discretionary) and expenditures under targeted funds for infant and toddler, school-age care and resource and referral. This figure provides information obtained from state financial reports submitted for FY05.

Uses of CCDF Targeted Funds and Quality Dollars for Afterschool: Portions of CCDF discretionary funds are targeted specifically for resource and referral and school-age child care activities as well as for quality expansion. (These funds are in addition to the required 4 percent minimum quality expenditure.)

Maximum rate for school-age category: Rate listed applies to center-based care; where rates vary by region or county, the rate for the most populated urban area is given.

Standardized monthly school-age rate: Monthly rate for a child, age 8, in care after school during the school year at a center in the most costly district for four hours per day, 20 days per month. Calculated (in the lowest tier of a tiered system) using information from the FY2006-2007. State CCDF Plan, including rate structures, as submitted to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Administration for Children and Families.

Separate subsidy rates for part-time vs. full time and Tiered Reimbursement Rate Systems: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Child Care Bureau. Report of State Plans FY2006-2007.

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and Child Care

In addition to spending TANF funds directly on child care, a state may transfer up to 30 percent of its TANF grant to CCDF. Expenditures represent TANF funds spent in FY05 that were awarded in FY05 and prior years. Data from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families.

Program Licensing and Accreditation Policies

States with separate school-age licensing standards and states with specialized requirements for child care centers serving school-age children: National Association for Regulatory Administration, 2005 Child Care Licensing Study, available at

Ratio of children to adults in school-age setting: Data from the National Child Care Information Center (NCCIC), available at:

Number of NAA-accredited programs: Data from the National AfterSchool Association, March 2007, available at:

21st Century Community Learning Centers

The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 converted the 21st Century Community Learning Centers’ authority to a state formula grant. In past years, the U.S. Department of Education made competitive awards directly to school districts. Under the reauthorized law, funds flow to states based on their share of Title I, Part A funds. States use their allocations to make competitive awards to eligible entities. Data from the U.S. Department of Education 21st Century Community Learning Centers Office and the 21st CCLC Profile and Performance Information Collection System.

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The Child Care Bureau awarded a technical assistance contract to The Finance Project and their partner, the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices, for the Afterschool Investments project. The goals of the Afterschool Investments project include:

  • Identifying ways that state and communities are using Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) subsidy and quality dollars to support out-of-school time programs, and sharing these practices and approaches with other states;
  • Identifying administrative and implementation issues related to CCDF investments in out-of-school time programs, and providing information and context (about barriers, problems, opportunities) as well as practical tools that will help CCDF administrators make decisions; and
  • Identifying other major programs and sectors that are potential partners for CCDF in supporting out-of-school time programs and providing models, strategies, and tools for coordination with other programs and sectors.

Contact Us:



The Finance Project
1401 New York Avenue, NW
Suite 800
Washington, DC 20005
Phone: 202-587-1000

National Governors Association
Center for Best Practices

444 North Capitol Street, NW
Washington, DC 20001
Phone: 202-624-5300

The Afterschool Investments project’s State Profiles are designed to provide a comprehensive overview of noteworthy State and local initiatives across the country. Inclusion of an initiative in the Profiles does not represent an endorsement of a particular policy or practice.

Administration for Children and Families Administration for Children and Families Child Care Bureau
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